Juxio [juhk-see-oh]: From juxtaposition, the placement of two or more elements together to create new meaning.
Juxio is a new visual way to communicate. Individuals and businesses use Juxio to combine images, text and more into mashable, visual streams called Juxes to share across social media and in print.
Juxes are created on both our Web and iPhone apps. In the future we will support additional mobile devices. By making Juxio available anywhere at any time, we hope you find more ways to create new meaning.
In an effort to explore these new (and somewhat suspicious) avenues of "fun" and "games" we respectfully present our findings on the subject: five games you can play with your camera and photos.
Apply the games mentioned in this post to education. Discuss!
Digital Storytelling - Part I
Storytelling has been a great part of our school year, which is already winding down. From…
* telling about our and Jose, the travel bear 's adventurous stories live while in Egypt
* outfitting EVERY classroom in our school with their own digital cameras, so teachers and students could create a visual of their daily activities or create a visual of a learning concept
* creating a collective knowledge story across grade level and subject areas demonstrating what students have learned
* Life 'Round Here project, where students assumed the point of view of an object and narrated
* Creating printed books that narrate the daily life in the classroom, special visits and fieldtrips and the physical and academic growth of the students throughout the year.
Kids' Vid is an instructional web site that gives teachers and students the tools necessary to implement video production in the classroom. Video production can be intimidating to the novice. Not to worry. It is nothing more than a method for recording research and expressing creative ideas. Video production, if properly implemented, is more than a new toy for students. It provides the tools and the means for students to create and display serious work in a new, exciting and engaging way that is appropriate for all age groups and abilities. This is a place for serious fun.
You are dealt five random photos for each draw, and your task is to select one each time to add to a selection of images, that taken together as a final set of 5 images- tell a story in pictures.
When you are done, you the option to add a title and explanation, then you can save the story so you can put a link in your resume or send to your Mom (she pay print it out and tape it to the fridge, or she may criticize your creativity, your mileage and mom may vary). Plus we offer the ability to tweet your story!