The American Heritage® Dictionary invites you to create a self-portrait using your words.
The words that tell the world who you are. That make you, you. It's easy to do, whether you decide to link to places like Facebook for words you've already written or write something new specifically for your portrait. Either way, you'll create a unique image that can be shared and saved and will remind everyone that You Are Your Words.
Rather than drawing a comic from scratch, Comicbrush lets you mix stock artwork from our fun collection of comic backgrounds, characters and props with photos of your friends, neighborhood or college.You can add speech balloons, text, your own artwork and more, before publishing your comic to the Web, social networking sites like Flickr, Facebook and MySpace, or a friend's iPhone/Touch.
"First, you upload your content (photos, video, music) into your One True Media account, or add from popular sites such as Facebook, Flickr or Photobucket. Second, use the content you just uploaded to create a video montage. Third, share your creation with others online or with TiVo and/or buy a DVD copy of your Montage."
"First, click on the "Join Us" link on the top of the page. Second, create an account for yourself. It's fast, easy, and safe. Then, start creating your first video montage!"
"Creating a video montage and sharing it online is free. You just set up a free account and get started. "
Take your data and transform it into visual information that can be shared with anyone, anywhere. Your wish is our command!
Widgenie empowers everyone, from bloggers to business people, to quickly visualize data and share it in many different ways. Now you can publish data in the places you already know and love, places like iGoogle, Facebook, Blogger, and even your own website. We combine all the power of an enterprise-level business intelligence platform and provide it in a convenient Web 2.0 widget.
It's simple to get started, all you need is the Internet, a browser and an understanding of your needs. Are you:
* A blogger who wants to make their latest poll data pop right off the page?
* A marketing rep who needs to share sales figures without waiting for IT?
* A Sales manager who wants his team to update their own client data?
* A soccer coach who needs an easier way to display the most recent stats?
If so, then widgenie is the service for you. With just a quick rub of the lamp, all your data can easily be visualized and shared with everyone who needs it. Best of all, you can do it all by yourself! And it's free!