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shell zaldivar

7 Top Content Tips for Bloggers - Part 5: Synergy | Blog For Profit - 0 views

  • What does your market need to know in order to grow, prosper, and survive?
    Each of your blog posts must contribute to your overall social marketing strategy. Each must contribute to creating a unique, memorable brand that attracts your ideal prospects and retains clients by setting your firm apart from the competition.
shell zaldivar

7 Top Content Tips for Bloggers - Part 7: Revisits & Updates | Blog For Profit - 0 views

    Never consider a blog post finished: no blog post should ever be considered the final word on the topic. A great deal of the content-generating power of blogging comes from the ease with which you can build on, and improve, previous blog posts. Here are three of the most important ways you can save yourself time while offering a valuable service to your readers and prospects
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Blog Content, Pt. 1 - Planning | The WebChik with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    What are you going to write about?Most blogs fail to achieve their potential because posts are often infrequently updated, lack relevance, and take too much time to prepare.
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content, Pt. 2 - Purposeful | WEBCHIK - with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    • shell zaldivar
      Set examples.... on of the most common problems among VA or any blogger for tha matter is adding content. ...think about your target market and their need. go to outsourcing sites and do a site search for problems, issues, etc. - if you are a support for an affiliate marketer, go to their forum. go to your target market's forum. not yours.
    Unless you're a Hollywood celebrity blogger or a political analyst, the best way you can establish an on-going relationship with your market is by providing useful information on a consistent basis.
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content, Pt. 3 - Engaging | The WebChik with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    Your blog must attract & maintain your market's attention. Engagement is the third pillar of successful blog content; your blog posts must engage your readers attention and keep them reading.
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content, Pt. 4 - Readable | The WebChik with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    Blog content success requires easy reading. Readability plays a major role in the success of your blog content. Your prospects are in a hurry; anything that gets in the way of easy reading slows readers down and sabotages your message.
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content, Pt. 5 - Anticipation | The WebChik with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    How to get your market to look forward to your posts. Anticipation is the highest stage of level of marketing effectiveness. Here are four ways to encourage your market to look forward to your upcoming blog posts.
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content, Pt. 6: Efficient | The WebChik with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    If it isn't easy, it won't get done! Efficiency is the 6th of the 7 Pillars of Blog Content for a very simple reason: the likelihood of a task's completion goes down as complexity increases.
shell zaldivar

7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content, Pt. 7: Trackable | The WebChik with Jody Jelas - 0 views

    Blog content must be constantly tracked so it can be improved. Tracking the popularity of individual blog posts reinforces one of the major themes in this series on the 7 Pillars of Successful Blog Content; it's not about you and what you want to write. Instead, success is all about your market, and providing content that your market wants to read.
shell zaldivar

How to Create a Content Plan for Blog Writing - 0 views

    In this post, we will learn how to create a content plan that helps us blog about topics important to our ideal audience. We will identify the topics, we will integrate them into our blog content plan, and then we will write about them.
shell zaldivar

How to Develop a Niche Blog Content Plan - 0 views

    To help generate steady traffic and attract loyal readers, you need to have a content schedule. This could mean blogging five or seven days a week or it could mean just posting on the same two days of the week. Your readers want to know when to expect new stuff from you. So, why is it good for your niche blog to have a content plan and how should you develop it?
shell zaldivar

Guest Post - Managing Content w/ a Dashboard Pt. 2 - Blogging | The Mindjet Blog - 0 views

    In this segment of my series, I'd like to describe how you can create a Writer's Dashboard as a series of linked MindManager maps to help you save time blogging and improve the quality of your posts. Although the following describes how I use MindManager's to plan, create, and track blog post content, you can apply the basic ideas described below to any series of writing or marketing projects, i.e., articles, columns, landing pages, newsletters, podcasts, online videos, etc.
shell zaldivar

7 Top Content Tips for Bloggers - Part 6: Management | Blog For Profit - 0 views

  • Proactive bloggers, however, work from a plan and view each post as an important part of both the personal or corporate brand they’re creating. They view each blog post as part of an on-going program of content development and prospect education. Accordingly, proactive bloggers view each post as a reusable and expandable “nugget of information” that can be used in multiple marketing and product applications.
shell zaldivar

Top 7 Blog Content Tips - Part 1: Proactive | Blog For Profit - 0 views

    Do you have a content plan for your blog? Successful business owners recognize the important of a blog content plan. Without a plan-one that proactively identifies what you're going to blog about and when-you're far less likely to profit from your blog or enjoy the blogging experience.
shell zaldivar

Top 7 Blog Content Tips - Part 2: Schedules & Deadlines | Blog For Profit - 0 views

    The starting point for a successful blog content plan is to create a realistic blogging schedule, one that identifies schedules, deadlines, and content categories. This involves 4 steps:
shell zaldivar

Top 7 Blog Content Tips - Part 3: Post categories | Blog For Profit - 0 views

    A successful blog content plan specifies different categories of information for weekly blog posts scheduled on different days of the week. Your goal is to identify broad categories of information your market wants to know, or you feel your market needs to know.
shell zaldivar

7 Top Content Tips for Bloggers - Part 4: Challenge Yourself! | Blog For Profit - 0 views

  • Step 2: Content maps. Next, I created a mind map for each call. Mind maps provide a visual to follow during each call. The mind map for each call followed the same basic organization, beginning by describing the relevance, or importance, of each topic. This was followed by my describing a 3-step process callers can use to address the topic. I follow the 3-steps with a list of recommendations and tips, followed by resources to learn more. I end each call with questions intended to stimulate caller comments and questions.
  • Author bio Roger C. Parker is the 32 Million Dollar Author, writer’s coach, and e-course developer. Get his free, 14-page, Write Your Way to Success white paper at Published & Profitable.
    I'd like to show you how - - by challenging yourself - - you can create the content you need for weekly blog posts as well as the content you need for your other marketing content and new product development.
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