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Jacqueline Nivard

Building Globalization: Transnational Architecture Production in China - - 0 views

    Xuefei Ren's work on the high-end of the building boom in China brings together the sociology of globalization with the study of architecture and the built environment. Building Globalization treats architectural production as crucial to the material and symbolic ways in which global cities are made. Based on Ren's doctoral research at the University of Chicago, the book draws on fieldwork conducted in Beijing and Shanghai between 2004 and 2008, covering the bull years leading up to the Beijing Olympics. China is now taken to exemplify the geo-demographic shift that has seen developing countries lead current processes of urbanisation. However the Chinese government's attitude towards quanqiuhua chengshi (global cities) and its support for rapid urban growth from the mid-late 1990s represented a striking reversal of official policy which had been to limit the growth of large cities and promote instead the development of small-medium centres (p.11). The re-scaling of state power to metropolitan level in the interests of enhancing urban competitiveness has been an international trend in recent decades. In China this has proved particularly effective in driving urban growth, given state ownership of land and government control over household registration, urban planning and development decisions. Metropolitan governments in China have the kind of ownership and discretionary powers of which the most boosterist western city mayors can only dream. Ren argues convincingly that the processes shaping these cities are increasingly transnational; in particular, the forces that make buildings 'operate beyond national boundaries, as seen in the circulation of investment capital, the movements of built-environment professionals, and the diffusion of new technologies' (p.6). However, while Chinese economic growth may have destabilized a global balance of power dominated by the triad of the USA, the European Union and Japan, Ren's analysis suggests that older core-peripher
Monique Abud

Modernism in architecture and urbanism: West and East - 0 views

    Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 18th to 19th October 2012 The conference will comprise the academic strand - as part of the international 'Masterplanning The Future' conference. About the Academic Conference Strand: One hundred years have passed since Le Corbusier's Voyage to the Orient. Although he didn't venture into the Far East, his influence - and that of Modernism - is recognizable across the world. This conference will explore Modernism's significance in architecture and urbanism from Europe to India and the Far East. It will explore its lasting, or its fading, influences on China; and China's influence on it. But is also looks at Modernism from the Americas to Africa to Asia; we want to get as many stories of the changing face - and the new face - of "the modern" as possible. architecture, and indeed the world, has changed massively over the last century, so this conference will explore what contemporary ideas can be drawn from different historical periods and different social circumstances. With the rapidly urbanizing conditions of India and China, what can Modernism tell us about the global urban condition? Indeed, is there such a thing? How has Modernism fared? How are architectural ideas portrayed today and what are the connections with the past? This conference is an international forum within China, bringing together researchers and experts from across the world. In this way, the exchange of ideas and experiences will stimulate a better understanding of modern and vernacular architecture, contemporary and traditional urbanism; and regionalist and universalist design ideals. Themes: Papers are welcomed to address a range of topics, which include (but are not exclusive to) the following: Modernism from the West to the East and across the world.; Modernism and the role of manifestos; Chandigarh: then and now; Metabolism; Asian development; Em
Monique Abud


    Siu Yu Lau, Stephen Gonzalez Martinez Paula In: ACE©, AÑO 7 núm.20, OCTUBRE 2012 China is going through one of the most dramatic social and cultural transformations in its history. In this speed change scenario, the never - questioned conventions in the western architecture have been betrayed. Invention, reinterpretation sometimes even revolution, never represent a step further as they did in the XXI century theoretical thinking. To engage architectural thoughts with the booming economy could contribute to the definition of a contemporary Chinese architecture, far from the generic city, in a society that has evolved from pre-modernism to post-industrialism in a short period of time. Through the analysis of Hong Kong, and a series of case studies, a conclusion to this scenario is sought.
Jacqueline Nivard

Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture - 0 views

    The Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture embodies an open attitude, the spirit of innovation and the courage of constant exploration that all inherited from the history of establishing Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The biennials so far (starting in 2005) have built a communication platform for international art scenes in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
Jacqueline Nivard

Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China - 1 views

    A 108-meter high Eiffel Tower rises above Champs Elysées Square in Hangzhou. A Chengdu residential complex for 200,000 recreates Dorchester, England. An ersatz Queen's Guard patrols Shanghai's Thames Town, where pubs and statues of Winston Churchill abound. Gleaming replicas of the White House dot Chinese cities from Fuyang to Shenzhen. These examples are but a sampling of China's most popular and startling architectural movement: the construction of monumental themed communities that replicate towns and cities in the West.
Jacqueline Nivard

Raefer Wallis: Green architecture that regenerates - 0 views

    Architect Raefer Wallis is a pioneer in green building in China, and his passion is figuring out scalable solutions to environmental regeneration. [Note: We want you to see these talks exactly as they happened! The archive footage might be a little rougher than the usual talk.]
Monique Abud

China Stories - City Architecture - 0 views

    China Stories - City Architecture Diaporama de 7 photos prises à Chongqing et Pékin
Monique Abud

Transformations urbaines en Chine - 0 views

    Architectures / Mutations, n° de mars 2012. Chine, métamorphose des villes. Dans une culture globalisée et numérisée, comment valoriser les ressources attachées au lieu ? Quelles proximités redéfinir, pour quels habitats ? Quelles nouvelles formes donner aux enveloppes qui abritent les activités humaines ? Comment organiser la densité urbaine qu'appelle le développement des villes ? Éthique : quelles relations entre les personnes qui habitent la ville et ceux qui la programment et la financent ? Fondée il y a dix ans sur le site historique des Beaux-Arts, l'école nationale supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Malaquais ouvre ici la discipline à l'expérience de situations urbaines nouvelles, au travers de projets menés en Chine avec des écoles d'Architecture chinoises.
Monique Abud

1st annual UKNA roundtable: Urban heritage policies - 0 views

    Sunday, 4 November, 2012 to Tuesday, 6 November, 2012 Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Berlage Zalen Julianalaan 134 Delft 2628 BL Netherlands The Delft Roundtable will be the first of four major, annual events bringing together all partner institutes of the Urban Knowledge Network Asia (UKNA).
Monique Abud

Promenons-nous dans les villes... - 0 views

    Cliquer sur le lien en bas de la page pour télécharger le PDF de l'article. Bruno J. Hubert, architecte et enseignement à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais (ENSAPM), et Jérémie Descamps ont collaboré de 2004 à aujourd'hui, mettant en place des conventions d'échanges universitaires avec les universités chinoises, avec l'aide de l'Observatoire de la Chine contemporaine de la Cité de l'architecure et du patrimoine. Chaque année, un workshop universitaire a permis à des étudiants français et chinois de travailler ensemble, sur des sites représentant et problématisant la Chine urbaine et ses mouvements. Sept parties de l'article revisitent sept sites étudiés et retracent leurs mutations ; à Pékin - Pingguo Sequ, Wangjing, Maliandao, Gaobedian, Wanfotang ; à Hanzhou- Qiantangjiang et Zhijiang. "Promenons-nous dans les villes..." Contribution de Jérémie Descamps pour Bruno J. Hubert, Architectures / Mutations, Transformations urbaines en Chine, Publication de l'Ecole nationale supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Malaquais et de la Cité de l'Architecture et du patrimoine, 2012
Jacqueline Nivard

Architectures-mutations [Texte imprimé] : transformations urbaines en Chine / [sous la direction de] Bruno J. Hubert ; [traduit par Gregory Connelly, Wei Xiaoli, Lu Yue, et al.] - 0 views

    Contient les réflexions et études des étudiants de l'ENSA Paris-Malaquais l'occasion des échanges universitaires avec la Chine, 2004-2011. - Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : urban transformations in China. - Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Jian zhu yi : Zhong guo cheng shi bian hua. - Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : 建筑易 : 中国城市变化
Monique Abud

Problems and solutions in the protection of historical urban areas - 1 views

    [ScienceDirect, via Biblio-SHS] Auteur : Wang Jinghui (China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, 5 Chegongzhuang Road, Beijing 100044, China) Paru dans : Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012, Pages 40-43 Abstract Historical urban areas are the memory of a city, and the overall landscape they constitute displays the typical scene of a city in a certain historical period. Thus, they are of value for protection. The current study gives an overview on the origin and protection of historical urban areas in the world. Moreover, the study also focuses on the principles, methods, and current problems in the protection of historical urban areas under the guidance of related laws and regulations in China. Finally, some effective measures to protect historical urban areas are suggested.
Monique Abud

[Review] Progress in research on Chinese urbanization - 0 views

    DOI : [ScienceDirect, via Biblio-SHS] Auteur : GU Chaolin, WU Liya, Ian Cook Paru dans : Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2012, Pages 101-149 Abstract This paper is a comprehensive study on the progress in research on Chinese urbanization. On the basis of the concept and connotation of Chinese urbanization defined by Chinese scholars, the paper systematically collects the research results on the issues concerning urbanization in China from the different approaches of demography, geography, city planning, economics and history, reviewing the process of research on Chinese urbanization made both domestically and internationally. In this paper, the domestic studies fall into five periods as follows: the initial period of research on urbanization in China (1978-1983); the period with both domestically constructed and borrowed theories on urbanization (1984-1988); the period of research on leading urbanization factors and localization (1989-1997); the period with the research greatly promoted by the government (1998-2004); and the period featuring flourishing studies on the science of urbanization in China (2005 till today). In contrast, the overseas research on Chinese urbanization can be divided into three periods: the period studying the history of urbanization in China (before the 1970s); the systematic research on Chinese urbanization (1970-1999); and the comprehensive research on Chinese urbanization (2000 till today). The paper focuses on the key results of research on Chinese urbanization, including nine issues as follows: the guidelines and road for urban development in China, the features of Chinese urbanization, the mechanism driving the growth of Chinese urbanization, the process of Chinese urbanization, the spatial patterns of Chinese urbanization, the urbanization in rural areas in China, the comparison of urbanization in China and other co
Jacqueline Nivard

Chongqing - 1 views

    Typical Chongqing architecture. Houses are buildt onto cliffs and steep hills
Monique Abud

The 3rd international symposium on low carbon buildings (ISLCB) in China - 0 views

    Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China 27th to 28th October 2012 Ningbo, Zhejiang, China The building sector is one of the highest energy consuming sectors in China accounting for about 30% of total energy usage and also contributes to a significant proportion of pollutant emissions in China. Meanwhile, building construction activities are contributing significantly towards China's economic growth and infrastructure development under the current urbanisation programme. It is estimated that half of the world's buildings being constructed between now and 2020 are expected to be built in China and if nothing is done to control the upward energy trend, building-related energy consumption could double and have a devastating effect on the environment and the economy as a whole. The objective of this international symposium is therefore to provide a forum for academics, government officials, researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent research and demonstration projects related to low carbon buildings in China. The event will feature well known international experts in this field as Keynote speakers. General topic areas * Sustainable Energy Technologies * Energy storage technologies * Energy and Environmental Policy * Modelling and simulation of buildings * Thermal Energy Management systems * Low carbon construction materials * Eco-building design * Integration of renewable energy technologies in refurbished buildings * Life cycle analysis of low carbon buildings * Waste and water management * Energy Management Contract systems * Post occupancy evaluation of low carbon buildings * Green Architecture * Design for low impact healthcare buildings * Improving sustainability (and resilience) of healthcare facility * Sustainable Urbanism * Urban form and Energy use or Low carbon cities * Green and liveable cities Website: http://www.nottingh
Monique Abud

Unlivable Cities - By Isaac Stone Fish | Foreign Policy - 0 views

    In Invisible Cities, the novel by the great Italian writer Italo Calvino, Marco Polo dazzles the emperor of China, Kublai Khan, with 55 stories of cities he has visited, places where "the buildings have spiral staircases encrusted with spiral seashells," a city of "zigzag" where the inhabitants "are spared the boredom of following the same streets every day," and another with the option to "sleep, make tools, cook, accumulate gold, disrobe, reign, sell, question oracles." The trick, it turns out, is that Polo's Venice is so richly textured and dense that all his stories are about just one city. A modern European ruler listening to a visitor from China describe the country's fabled rise would be better served with the opposite approach: As the traveler exits a train station, a woman hawks instant noodles and packaged chicken feet from a dingy metal cart, in front of concrete steps emptying out into a square flanked by ramshackle hotels and massed with peasants sitting on artificial cobblestones and chewing watermelon seeds. The air smells of coal. Then the buildings appear: Boxlike structures, so gray as to appear colorless, line the road. If the city is poor, the Bank of China tower will be made with hideous blue glass; if it's wealthy, our traveler will marvel at monstrous prestige projects of glass and copper. The station bisects Shanghai Road or Peace Avenue, which then leads to Yat-sen Street, named for the Republic of China's first president, eventually intersecting with Ancient Building Avenue. Our traveler does not know whether he is in Changsha, Xiamen, or Hefei -- he is in the city Calvino describes as so unremarkable that "only the name of the airport changes." Or, as China's vice minister of construction, Qiu Baoxing, lamented in 2007, "It's like a thousand cities having the same appearance." Why are Chinese cities so monolithic? The answer lies in the country's fractured history. In the 1930s, China was a failed state: Warlords controlled large swath
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