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Ian Burton

The Great Big (30+) List of iPhone Apps for Writers | FreelanceFolder - 0 views

    The Great Big (30+) List of iPhone Apps for Writers Posted September 20, 2011 in Tools/Resources An iPhone is not just a device for making phone calls, texting, or listening to music. It isn't just for all that and social networking on the go. With the right apps, an iPhone is a lean, mean writing machine.
Tiffany Joyce

Mindomo - Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Software - 1 views

    Great on-line (free!) tool for brainstorming articles, projects, assignments, etc.
Doug Pratt

Writers Guild of America East: Home - 1 views

shared by Doug Pratt on 28 Mar 12 - No Cached
    The Writers Guild of America, East, (WGAE) is a labor union of thousands of professionals who are the primary creators of what is seen or heard on television and film in the U.S., as well as the writers of a growing portion of original digital media content.
Fiona Ferguson

The Writer's Technology Companion - 2 views

    Lots of technology ideas for writing! This is another site which is a resource within a resource for writers. It has alot to read and has many suggestions for technology that will help make a writer's life easier.
Fiona Ferguson

Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus - 2 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    This is a great dictionary site for creative, "visual" people. This site allows you to diagram words and their associations to other words. It's a fun way to brainstorm! See formal description below: Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary - Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. Enter words into the search box to look them up or double-click a node to expand the tree.
Fiona Ferguson

Grammar Girl :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™ - 2 views

    I posted this tool because it is a great way to look up not only correct grammar, but many other things related to writing. My favorite part of this site is it's quick education videos - they are very informative.
Fiona Ferguson

encyclopedic entries and articles - 2 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    This is a great reference site for looking up just about anything related to words and writing. It includes a Thesaurus and a Translator.
Fiona Ferguson - 1 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    I posted this because it is a great writer's site. The site itself includes even more links for writer's: see site description: This is a full purpose writers site with resources on markets, agents, writers groups, writer conferences and forums for discussing the writing life and workshops where writers can have their works critiqued
Fiona Ferguson

10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About - 2011 Update | Emerging Ed... - 2 views

    This is an interesting site which gives an overview on technology in education. Thought you might find it interesting too. It contains lot of links and articles regarding technology tools.
Fiona Ferguson

Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab - 1 views

    This website has saved me so many times!!!
    That's funny!!! I was just going to post this website!!! You beat me to it! Well you know what they say about great minds!!! :)
    Yes! I use it ALL the time and thought it would be great for "our library"! The site is a great way to check on how to do things correctly or to remind yourself if you are doing something right. It is a great resource to use again and again for researching formatting,etc.
Fiona Ferguson

Storyist - 1 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 02 Mar 12 - Cached
    I posted this as a tool to help fellow writers organize and plan their writing. Storyist is a great way to begin planting the seeds of a novel, short story or screenplay. Sometimes getting your ideas organized is the hardest part of writing. This software can help. Do you have a story to tell? Storyist helps you track your plot, characters, and locations and keeps all of your writing organized and accessible so you can focus on your story.
Fiona Ferguson

Final Draft® Best Screenwriting and Screenplay Software - 1 views

    A cool software tool for classmates interested in screenwriting. Will anyone be joining me this year for the UMass course in screenwriting?? Scribner has a great introductory tool which is free for 30 days of actual use. You can then transfer your work right into Final Draft.
Fiona Ferguson

Online Education Resources: 150 Resources to Help You Write Better - 3 views

    This site has tons of online resources for writing. It includes lot of other links to writing sites and is a great jumping-off place if you are looking for information. Check it out!
Fiona Ferguson | The Online Writing Community - 1 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 24 Feb 12 - Cached
    I shared this because it's a writer's community forum. Not only does it provide alot of information for writers, but it is a place to share work, thoughts and ideas. Share your poetry, short stories and novels. Join writing groups. Enter writing contests. Search publishers, literary agents and literary magazines.
Fiona Ferguson

CreateSpace: Self Publishing and Free Distribution for Books, CD, DVD - 0 views

    I shared this because it is a site that informs about self-publishing for writers and musicians. If you want to try to put your work "out there" by yourself, this is a good way to get started.
Ian Burton

Robert Niles' Journalism Help - 0 views

shared by Ian Burton on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
    Helps with finding stats and facts...
Ian Burton

Paradigm Online Writing Assistant - 1 views

shared by Ian Burton on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
Tamara Sturm

Study Photojournalism Techniques - Feature Story - JPG - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - No Cached
    Today, both fashion and glamour photographers are employing more photojournalistic styles, producing images that stand strong and often make statements. Ive been fortunate enough to have almost thirty years of photojournalism experience that often kicks in when Im photographing glamour models.
Tamara Sturm


    Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles. Each journalistic form and style uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. There are five principal types of journalism: investigative, news, reviews, columns and feature writing.
Tamara Sturm

40 Awesome Android Apps for Writers | Journalism Journeyman - 0 views

    So you purchased an Android rather than an iPhone. Be proud of your purchase, because Android apps for writers and journalists are numerous and growing. The following list of 40 awesome Android apps for writers contains writing and reference tools, inspiration and event five great poetry apps for those folks who celebrate April with their words.
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