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Fiona Ferguson

Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab - 1 views

    This website has saved me so many times!!!
    That's funny!!! I was just going to post this website!!! You beat me to it! Well you know what they say about great minds!!! :)
    Yes! I use it ALL the time and thought it would be great for "our library"! The site is a great way to check on how to do things correctly or to remind yourself if you are doing something right. It is a great resource to use again and again for researching formatting,etc.
Fiona Ferguson

Storyist - 1 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 02 Mar 12 - Cached
    I posted this as a tool to help fellow writers organize and plan their writing. Storyist is a great way to begin planting the seeds of a novel, short story or screenplay. Sometimes getting your ideas organized is the hardest part of writing. This software can help. Do you have a story to tell? Storyist helps you track your plot, characters, and locations and keeps all of your writing organized and accessible so you can focus on your story.
Doug Pratt

AP Stylebook Online [2012] - 1 views

shared by Doug Pratt on 07 Mar 12 - Cached
    If you're writing for a newspaper, the majority of them are fussy about following the AP stylebook. It makes sense from their perspective. They have a deadline and don't want to worry about details. Like this example from my hardcopy version of The AP Stylebook "Initials … T.S. Eliot (No space between T. and S. to prevent them from being placed on two lines of type." (P 363) I bet the online version is easier to search and the auto updates would be nice.
Ryan Morin " Top 10 posts for 2011 - 0 views

    This is an interesting blog on all topics related to journalism, specifically the changing face of it amidst the influx of new technologies. This "best of" type of list is a good place to start, reviewing his most prominent blogs from last year.
Ryan Morin

LinkedIn to Entertainment Journalism - 0 views

    This is the LinkedIn network for professionals and wannabe professionals in the field of Entertainment Journalism, for anyone like me who is interested in reviews and critique of the arts.
Ian Burton

The Great Big (30+) List of iPhone Apps for Writers | FreelanceFolder - 0 views

    The Great Big (30+) List of iPhone Apps for Writers Posted September 20, 2011 in Tools/Resources An iPhone is not just a device for making phone calls, texting, or listening to music. It isn't just for all that and social networking on the go. With the right apps, an iPhone is a lean, mean writing machine.
Douglas Sharp

What is Effective Communication? - 0 views

    This link provides wonderful insight on effective communication including an excellent definition of communication. "Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts and feelings between people through speaking, writing or body language." Douglas
Heather Williams

The Travel Writer's Life | Freelance Travel Writing Resources - 0 views

    This has quickly became one of my favorite travel writing resources. It is a social networking, inspirational, and instructional site all in one. You can also sign up for email updates based on your interests.
Doug Pratt

Writing Group for Honest, Quality Feedback - Review Fuse - 0 views

shared by Doug Pratt on 26 Mar 12 - Cached
    An interesting approach to online writing groups.It could be just what you're looking for if you have trouble finding alocal group.
Ian Burton

Robert Niles' Journalism Help - 0 views

shared by Ian Burton on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
    Helps with finding stats and facts...
Tamara Sturm

Study Photojournalism Techniques - Feature Story - JPG - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - No Cached
    Today, both fashion and glamour photographers are employing more photojournalistic styles, producing images that stand strong and often make statements. Ive been fortunate enough to have almost thirty years of photojournalism experience that often kicks in when Im photographing glamour models.
Tamara Sturm


    Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles. Each journalistic form and style uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. There are five principal types of journalism: investigative, news, reviews, columns and feature writing.
Tamara Sturm

40 Awesome Android Apps for Writers | Journalism Journeyman - 0 views

    So you purchased an Android rather than an iPhone. Be proud of your purchase, because Android apps for writers and journalists are numerous and growing. The following list of 40 awesome Android apps for writers contains writing and reference tools, inspiration and event five great poetry apps for those folks who celebrate April with their words.
Doug Pratt

Five Tech Ideas for Explanatory Journalism | MIT Center for Civic Media - 0 views

    A scholarly article on the way technology is moving journalism.
Doug Pratt

Is Google helping journalists, or co-opting them? - 0 views

    A look at the battle for control of cyberspace by the existing power houses.
Heather Williams

Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo - 0 views

    Squidoo. The popular (free) site for creating single webpages on your interests and recommendations. Even earn money for charity or yourself. As I'm finding that blogging on my wordpress blog can be daunting at times, this is way to write about anything and have fun and complete freedom. I'm having a blast just getting my random thoughts out there in short spurts. Plus it gives you great practice and can segway into a great blog post for your Wordpress or Blogger blog.
Ryan Morin

vRecorder - 0 views

    The vRecorder reminded me of all the movies wherein someone had a secret recording device in their pocket to frame the bad guy. This is a tool I imagined existed, but now seeing it in action, its usefullness to the journalist (specifically taping phone interviews and framing bad guys) is limitless.
Douglas Sharp

sketchyTech: Writer's Block: Three OS X apps to help you concentrate - 0 views

    If you suffer or deal with ADD or the common inability to focus while writing; this app may be for you...I know I could use it!
Heather Williams

MatadorU | Travel Writing and Travel Photography - 0 views

shared by Heather Williams on 02 May 12 - Cached
    This is the most comprehensive travel writing program I have found online. It's very affordable ($350) for a 12 week intensive course with a great community of fellow students and alumni. I plan to complete this program very soon. They also have travel photography and travel film making courses.
Heather Williams

Content marketing software for WordPress | Copyblogger - 0 views

    A systematic, simple way to understand and implement effective online marketing. A clear tutorial approach to the "Copyblogger method" of creating a profitable online business or marketing your offline business online. An organized reference guide to the "best of the best". I have found numerous articles on successfully marketing your writing and ways to use social networking as well. One of my favoritie articles is a Mad Men spin on blogging.
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