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Aman DC

who is epic arts? - 0 views

  • Epic Arts is an arts charity established in 2001. We organise and run visual art, drama, dance and music projects for people with disabilities in the UK, Cambodia and other international locations. Our projects celebrate the creative potential of those with whom we work, by offering new skills and giving each participant an outlet for their creative expression. Epic Arts works with the philosophy that Every Person Counts (EPiC).
    • Antonio D
      Gives A Good Desciption Of What This Organization Does
    • Kavya D
      Gives information on site and what it does.
    All about Epic Arts
  • ...1 more comment...
    This Is The Site For Epic Arts
    This is the homepage for the organization Epic Arts.
    A good site for people who are learning about support and education
Zoe P

Krousar Thmey - 0 views

    • Chloe W
      List of needs here... how shall we raise money?
  • First Cambodian Foundation assisting deprived children, Krousar Thmey provides deprived Cambodian children with material, educational and social support in harmony with their environment and respectful of their traditions and beliefs. Our purpose is to help children develop and blossom into responsible adults. Krousar Thmey takes great care that its aid neither creates disharmony between a child and his relatives and friends, nor creates privileged or dependent children.
  • First Cambodian Foundation assisting deprived children, Krousar Thmey provides deprived Cambodian children with material, educational and social support in harmony with their environment and respectful of their traditions and beliefs. Our purpose is to help children develop and blossom into responsible adults. Krousar Thmey takes great care that its aid neither creates disharmony between a child and his relatives and friends, nor creates privileged or dependent children.
    homepage of Krousar Thmey
  • ...2 more comments...
    Krousar Thmey, first Cambodian Foundation assisting deprived children.
    First Cambodian Foundation assisting deprived children, Krousar Thmey provides deprived Cambodian children with material, educational and social support in harmony with their environment and respectful of their traditions and beliefs. Our purpose is to help children develop and blossom into responsible adults. Krousar Thmey takes great care that its aid neither creates disharmony between a child and his relatives and friends, nor creates privileged or dependent children.
    Great Exhibition Help. Learn more about organisations.
    Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all.
Zoe P

epic arts cambodia - 0 views

  • "In art there is no disability" Le Vu Long, Choreographer - Together Higher, Vietnam
    • Yen Yu C
      i agree
    All about Epic Arts- Cambodia
    In Cambodia, Epic Arts provides a range of professional dance, drama, music and art programs to people of all abilities and disabilities in order to promote empowerment, integration and acceptance. This is vital is a country where an estimated 1 in 10 people have some form of disability.
    In Cambodia, Epic Arts provides a range of professional dance, drama, music and art programs to people of all abilities and disabilities in order to promote empowerment, integration and acceptance. This is vital is a country where an estimated 1 in 10 people have some form of disability.
Katie Day

Rube Goldberg Challenge! « IST Grade 2 - Welcome! - 0 views

    A Grade 2 investigation into simple machines
Katie Day

Maps of War ::: Visual History of War, Religion, and Government - 0 views

    Great interactive maps -- that play a timeline of change - see also their library of links to other maps of war/history on the web
Katie Day

What Are You Like? Self-revealing artworks by people in the public eye - 0 views

    "Contributors were asked to illustrate eight favourite things from a list of twelve - their favourite animal, book, clothes, comfort, food, pastime, place, possession, music, shoes, weather and their pet aversion. " Definitely look through the gallery....
Niharika R

Make A Wish Foundation - 0 views

shared by Niharika R on 15 Apr 10 - Cached
    A great website... please look!
    "Welcome to, the online home of the nation's largest wish-granting organization. Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation® has given hope, strength and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions. From our humble beginnings with one boy's wish to be a police officer, we've evolved into an organization that grants a child's wish in the U.S. every 40 minutes."
Gurupranav G

Poverty in Asia - 0 views

  • Poverty in Asia,caste and progress. In this FAO Poverty In Asia map, Darker is Poorer but some light areas are just 'no data' - see our Poor in a Rich World page.A majority of the worlds poorest people today are in Asia - partly because it holds a majority of the world's population. Of course some Asian countries like Japan and South Korea are not as poor as others like India and Cambodia, with Asian poverty being concentrated in South Asia.  Asian poverty1. Poverty in some Asian countries is largely due to the pressure of population growth on scarce resources and inadequate governments allowing strongly negative caste discrimination. 2. Education, medicine, clean water and sanitation are often inadequate also3. In some Asian countries land ownership being problematic also encourages poverty. 4. Asia till recently attracted less foreign investment than Latin America, but more of it has been stable longer-term European investment. Some of Asia has shown good progress on poverty in recent years, like China and South Korea. (in China noteably helped partly by controls on population growth)  But Asia, holding the largest populations, still has many extreme poor. The current world recession is also causing family remittances from overseas workers or migrant workers to fall. As more migrant workers lose jobs in Western Europe and the USA, remittances to their poor families in Central Asia are being hit hard. And the likely prospect for aid in the short term is a sharp fall.
    • Gurupranav G
      Great piece of info on poverty in asia
  • # The new green selected food crops have been helping in reducing poverty in Asia, but the newer genetically modified food crops and their monopoly providers seem to have been unhelpful to date ? See South Asia Land Management  - SACEP pdf 1.5 mb # For one small charity trying to do some good extreme-poverty work in India today, see SEED at or for another similar good small extreme-poverty charity working in Cambodia, see the Sao Sara Foundation at Good small charities like these often lack the money they need to do as much as they would like. # For facts about individual countries, see NationMaster
    • Gurupranav G
      An addition to the info you see at the top. Quite valuable maybe you should take a good look at it.
    Poverty in Asia on Japan, South Korea, China, India and Cambodia, and poverty in South Asia
    A majority of the worlds poorest people today are in Asia - partly because it holds a majority of the world's population. Of course some Asian countries like Japan and South Korea are not as poor as others like India and Cambodia, with Asian poverty being concentrated in South Asia.
Niharika R

Amnesty international - 0 views

    Amnesty International... working to protect human rights
    Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all.
Katie Day

UNICEF -- UN organization dedicated to children - 0 views

    The United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection.
Aisha P

American Red Cross - 0 views

shared by Aisha P on 15 Apr 10 - Cached
    Since its founding in 1881 by visionary leader Clara Barton, the American Red Cross has been the nation's premier emergency response organization. As part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war, the American Red Cross distinguishes itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the organization has expanded its services, always with the aim of preventing and relieving suffering.
Chloe W

Pennies for Peace - 0 views

    Greg Mortenson's daughter and son helped raise money for Afghanistan with Pennies for Peace.
Aisha P

Epic Arts - 0 views

shared by Aisha P on 15 Apr 10 - Cached
    Our Mission Epic Arts is a grassroots non-profit organization that promotes collaboration and community development through the arts. Since 1997, we have been working to build community partnerships, mobilize local artists, produce cultural events, and develop resources and facilities that ensure accessibility for artists, performers and audiences.
Ajay V

Poor Hygiene - a comprehensive view - Wellsphere - 0 views

    Expert articles, personal stories, blogs, Q&A, news, local resources, pictures, video and a supportive community. Poor Hygiene - Health Knowledge Made Personal.
Ajay V

Hygenic Poverty - 0 views

    Hygienic Poverty all around asia
Chloe W

Singapore SPCA - 0 views

    SPCA... of course!
Ajay V

Poverty in Singapore - 0 views

    Home of the Singapore Democrats
Gurupranav G

Pottery of ancient Greece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Thanks to its relative durability, pottery is a large part of the lovely archaeological record of Ancient Greece, and because there is so much of it (some 100,000 vases are recorded in the Corpus vasorum antiquorum) it has exerted a disproportionately large influence on our understanding of Greek society. Little survives, for example, of ancient Greek painting except for what is found on the earthenware in everyday use, so we must trace the development of Greek art through its vestiges on a derivative art form. Nevertheless the shards of pots discarded or buried in the first millennium BC are still the best guide we have to the customary life and mind of the ancient Greeks. The pottery also has wonderful designs, such as the key symbol. Some were beautifully handcrafted, while others were unique and their patterns could not be described.
    • Gurupranav G
      Awesome ifo on pottery
Satvik S

Capybara Animal Picture - 0 views

  • It is actually a member of the rodent family that belongs in the same species as the guinea pig, agouti, coyphillas and chinchillas and is considered the largest type of rodent throughout the world.
    • Shardul B
      Rodent Species
    • Satvik S
      this is information on the capybara
  • The Capybara are a very heavy set animal with a short head and sports a coat of reddish colored fur with lighter coloring underneath.
    • Satvik S
      good but i need alot more stuff
    • Satvik S
      nice picture
  • ...2 more annotations...
    Adults have been known to be grow to just over four feet long and... Picture of Capybara Animal Picture Photo of a Capybara animal in his habitat at the Biodome de Montreal in the city of Montreal in Quebec, Canada. * Stock Photography Image License * Create a lightbox Stock photo path: Photos: Animal Pictures: Capybara Animal Picture ... about a foot and a half tall. The weight range for a Capybara can reach a little over one hundred and forty pounds with the female animal being the heavier sex
Lucy C

The arts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Lucy C on 22 Feb 10 - Cached
  • A good definition of the arts is given by the Free Dictionary as "imaginative, creative, and nonscientific branches of knowledge considered collectively, esp. as studied academically."[3] The singular term art is defined by the Irish Art Encyclopedia as follows: "Art is created when an artist creates a beautiful object, or produces a stimulating experience that is considered by his audience to have artistic merit."[4] So, one could conclude that art is the process that leads to a product (the artwork or piece of art), which is then examined and analyzed by experts in the field of the arts or simply enjoyed by those who appreciate the arts. The same source states:
    • Thomas C
      Now there's a definition
    • Marius S
    • Lucy C
  • "Gastronomy" is the study of the relationship between culture and food. It is often thought erroneously that the term gastronomy refers exclusively to the art of cooking (see Culinary Arts), but this is only a small part of this discipline; it cannot always be said that a cook is also a gourmet.
    • Thomas C
      I never even knew about Gastronomy, it might be something to look into.
  • The arts encompasses visual arts, literature and the performing arts - music, drama, dance and film, among others.
    • Marius S
      A good introduction to our new topic...
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the visual arts of painting, sculpture and architecture. It is the history of one of the fine arts, others of which are the performing arts and literature.
    • Marius S
      Talks about some of the arts
    Arts, arts, arts, and more arts!
    Arts, arts, arts, and more arts!
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