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Ritsuki Y

Reticulated Python - 0 views

  • The Reticulated Python is located in Southeast Asia in countries including but not limited to Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
  • The Reticulated Python's diet consist of birds, mammals of different sizes including deer and pigs and on very rare occasions possibly humans.  Pythons will typically wait in hiding for prey to move close by before striking.  The Reticulated Python is not venomous; like other members of the Boa family it will use its large muscular body to constrict and suffocate its prey.  HabitatThe Reticulated Python can usually be found near water, including ponds and rivers, in warm and humid tropical rainforests of southeast Asia.  They may also have a tendency to live near human activity.     SizeThe average length of an adult Reticulated Python can range from 15 - 25 feet making it the longest snake and reptile in the world.  It is possible for Reticulated Pythons to grow over 30 feet in length.  The adult weight can be over 300 pounds.ReproductionUnlike other members of the Boa Family who bear live young, Pythons will lay eggs.  The female Reticulated Python can have between 25 - 100 eggs at a time.  The mother will coil around the eggs and create muscular vibrations to raise the temperature of the eggs several degrees.
    • Satvik S
      thisis amazing
    • Ritsuki Y
      wow this is in singapore also I can use this for projects
Ajay V

Earth Floor: Biomes - 0 views

shared by Ajay V on 23 Sep 09 - Cached
Antara V

YouTube - Animal Abuse china - 0 views

shared by Antara V on 11 Sep 09 - Cached
    SOOOOOO SAD!!!!! i wish i did not watch this!
    I HATE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A VERY SAD VIDEO! I DON'T BLAME JUST CHINA! PEOPLE PLEASE STOP!!!
    So sad
Antara V

YouTube - Rare scavenging wild cat -Jaguar - BBC Animals - 0 views

shared by Antara V on 11 Sep 09 - Cached
    A very nice video on scavengers. I didn't know that a jaguar was a scavenger!! It probably is......
Antara V

Scavenger: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article - 0 views

    This is a great websites for Scavengers....
    A website for scavenger. Animals that eat the left overs of carnivores.
Kengo M

INTERDEPENDENCE - Mojave Desert - Glossary of Terms and Definitions - 0 views

  • NTERDEPENDENCE - In all environments, various plants and animals depend on each other either directly or indirectly for survival.
    • Kengo M
      To learn what Interdependence is go here
    To learn what Interdependence is go here
Kengo M

Deserts, Characteristics of Deserts | - 0 views

  • These ecosystems are either barren or with scanty vegetation consisting of mainly thorny bushes. Deserts are classified as warm (hot) and cold (temperate) deserts. The hot deserts are the Sahara in Northern Africa, Kalahari in Southern Africa, Thar in India, Atacama in South America, deserts of Mexico and Australia.The deserts of Iran and Turkey, Gobi desert of Mongolia, some deserts of Argentina are recognised as temperate or cold deserts. Characteristics of Desertsi) Most deserts receive some rain every year but not uniform. ii) Light green covering of annuals is seen just after rains.iii) Have scanty vegetation, clear skies, hot days and extremely cold nights. iv) Soil is rocky and encrusted with sand or salt.v) Long periods without precipitation and extreme temperature (50 - 60oC) conditions (arid lands) impose considerable restraints on the flora and fauna which inhabit there. vi) Sandy storms are very frequent.vii) Occur generally in rain shadow areas. Flora1) Includes succulents such as Cacti and Euphorbias, which can store water in their tissues. 2) Trees with long spreading roots such as Acacia, Prosopis, Phoenix (dates) are found.3) Ephemerals (short lived) such as Boerhaavia repens are seen only during rainy season. FaunaMost desert animals are nocturnal and avoid the heat of the day by burrowing into the cooler soil. Animals include ants, locusts, lizards, Gila monster, coral snake, rattle snake, burrowing owls, Gambel's quail, kangaroo rats, rabbits, camel, skunk, badger foxes, jackals and desert cats. In general, the organisms having specialised structural and physiological and behavioural adaptations to withstand the extreme temperatures only can survive in a desert.
    • Kengo M
      Characteristics of desert flora fauna
    This is some getting started information
Kengo M

Barrel Cactus - Ferocactus wislizeni - 0 views

    • Kengo M
      Can use this for power point
    About cactus
Morgan V

Jaguar Animal, One Of The Largest Cats In The World - 0 views

  • The jaguar lives in biodiversity-rich regions of Central and South America. It prefers forest habitats and areas close to water sources (such as wetlands, rivers, lakes etc) as it loves water and is a great swimmer. For example, the Amazon River Basin and the wetland area of Pantanal in Brazil are home to important populations of jaguars (1).
    • Morgan V
      they like to be close to water?
  • The jaguar is a nocturnal animal – it hunts for prey mostly during the dark hours of the day. (3) Though we have heard of some recent evidence of the jaguar’s daytime hunting as well. (4) The jaguar is a very adaptable animal.
  • jaguars … hunt by stealth, ambushing their prey from dense cover. Long canine teeth and powerful jaw muscles enable them to kill large animals swiftly, often with a single bite to the nape.
    • Morgan V
      how they hunt
Ajay V

Taiga - Google Books - 0 views

shared by Ajay V on 23 Sep 09 - Cached
Avinash X

Rainforest Canopy-Introduction - 0 views

  • The billions of leaves of the canopy, acting as miniature solar panels, provide the source of power for the forest by converting sunlight to energy through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert atmospheric carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and simple sugars. Since the rate of photosynthesis of canopy trees is so high, these plants have a higher yield of fruits, seeds, flowers, and leaves which attract and support a wide diversity of animal life. Besides attracting a broad array of wildlife, the canopy plays an important role in regulating regional and global climate because it is the principal site of the interchange of heat, water vapor, and atmospheric gases. In addition to collecting solar energy and regulating the climate, the canopy shields the understory from harsh and intense sunlight, drying winds, and heavy rainfall, and retains the moisture of the forest below. Thus the forest interior is a far less volatile environment than the upper parts of the canopy ceiling. The interior region is protected from the extremes of the canopy: temperature fluctuations, damaging solar radiation, and strong winds. Light levels are diffuse and subdued, the humidity is higher and more constant, and there is very little direct sunlight in the lower canopy.
    • Avinash X
      leaves and their role in the ecosystem
  • The overstory is characterized by scattered emergent trees that tower above the rest of the canopy, the tops of some species exceeding 210 feet (65 m). Below the overstory trees, the canopy stretches for vast distances, seemingly unbroken when observed from an airplane. However, despite overlapping tree branches, canopy trees rarely interlock or even touch. Instead they are separated from one another by a few feet. Why the branches of these trees do not touch is still a mystery, but it is thought that it might serve as protection from infestations from tree-eating caterpillars and tree diseases like leaf blight. To survive, canopy dwellers must have the ability to negotiate these gaps by climbing, leaping, gliding, or flying.
    • Avinash X
    All about the canopy
Shardul B

Rainforest insects - 0 views

  • Most of the animal species found in the rainforest are insects. About one quarter of all animal species that have been named and described by scientists are beetles. Nearly 500,000 kinds of beetles are known to exist.
    • Shardul B
      insects are mostly found in Rainforests
Shardul B

Why do rainforests have so many kinds of plants and animals? - 0 views

  • Europe has 321 butterfly species, while a park in the rainforest of Peru (Manu National Park) has 1300 species.
    • Shardul B
      Lots of Biodiversity
  • the United States has 81 species of frogs, while Madagascar which is smaller than Texas, may have 300 species.
    • Shardul B
      biodiversity in USA
  • Europe has 321 butterfly species, while a park in the rainforest of Peru (Manu National Park) has 1300 species.
Devangshi S

Jaguar,Cat Family Animal Jaguar,Wild Jaguar Cat Family Animal - 0 views

  • Jaguar Jaguars (Panthera onca) are the largest felid species in the New World and the only member of the genus Panthera, the roaring cats, that occurs in the Americas. They are the third largest cat species, being outsized only by lions (P. leo) and tigers (P. trigris). Although not the largest felid, jaguars have the strongest jaw in relation to head size of any of the cats, a fact that should be remembered whenever planning to capture and immobilize these animals. The body weight of jaguars is 90 - 120 kg for males and 60 - 90 kg for females, with a large variation in body size. Jaguars live in a wide variety of tropical habitats, ranging from montane forest and wet savannah to tropical rain forest and deciduous tropical forest. The largest documented jaguars occur in wet savannahs while jaguars that live in more forested regions tend to be smaller in size
    • Devangshi S
      characteristics of a jaguar.
  • Physical appearance: Jaguars are the largest cat in the western hemisphere. In comparison with the leopard, the jaguar is generally larger and much stockier, with a broad heavy head, much shorter legs and tail (a good visual description might be a leopard on steroids). The background of the jaguar's coat is a tawny-yellow, like many of the Asiatic leopards, and lightened to whitish on the throat and belly. The jaguar is marked with small isolated spots on the head and neck with dark open ring structures, rosettes,on the sides and flank that generally contain one to four dark spots inside the rings. Interestingly, the rosettes of the leopard and the jaguar are almost identical with the exception of the jaguar having spots "inside" the rosettes where the leopard has none. Along the middle of the jaguar's back, a row of black spots may merge into a solid line. According to one Indian myth, the jaguar acquired its spotted coat by daubing mud on its body with its paws.
Jean Luc L

Eurasian Steppe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    very interesting,,,,I like that one.
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