16 Education Podcasts to Check Out In 2017 | EdSurge News - 1 views
From Collecting Dots to Connecting Dots: Using Mind Maps to Improve Memory and Learning... - 0 views
Build your mind maps over time, such as before class, during class, and after class: this makes use of distributed practice.
12 Tools That Made The Biggest Difference In My Teaching | TeachThought - 2 views
How-To Use GarageBand in the Reading Classroom - Class Tech Tips - 2 views
Common Sense Media Census Measures Plugged-In Parents | Common Sense Media - 1 views
Everybody knows tweens and teens rack up lots of screen time. But what about parents?
the report reveals the tension between what we do and what we want our kids to do
when parents are aware of their kids' online activities, they're less likely to worry
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Parents are screen addicts, too-but that's not the whole story - 2 views
Reading photographs - 1 views
Photographs have tremendous power to communicate information. But they also have tremendous power to communicate misinformation, especially if we’re not careful how we read them. Reading photographs presents a unique set of challenges. Students can learn to use questions to decode, evaluate, and respond to photographic images.
What happened just before this moment, or just after it?
The photograph of a crowd of jubilant Iraqis toppling the statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on April 9, 2003, is one of the most common images of the recent war in Iraq. A closeup shot shows a crowd of primarily Iraqis toppling the statue. A wide shot of the same scene would have revealed that the crowd in the square was made up of primarily US forces and journalists.
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How Should Reading Be Taught in a Digital Era? - Education Week - 1 views
"With the many enhancements to mobile devices, multimedia websites, e-books, interactive graphics, and social media, there's no question that the nature of reading has changed during the past decade. But has the way reading is taught in elementary schools changed as well? And what should teachers be doing to get students ready for the realities of modern reading?"
Literacy Beyond Reading & Writing - Heart of a Teacher - 1 views
"Do our students know that "literacy" moves beyond reading and writing? Most importantly, how do we begin to break our traditional understanding of literacy to include wider meaning and contexts? It has to start in the classroom. For many of our traditional classrooms, reading and writing are the core values that are focused on when it comes to literacy. We need to show students that "Literacy" moves beyond reading and writing and can encompass: cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, digital literacy and much more."
Screen Time for Kids: 6 Experts Share Tips - Safe Smart Social - 1 views
Common Core in Action: 10 Visual Literacy Strategies | Edutopia - 1 views
Teens, Technology and Friendships | Pew Research Center - 0 views
Are You A Visual Thinker? - YouTube - 0 views
Sphero Olympics - DigiTech Coach - 0 views
Ms. Pana Says - Ms. Pana Says - 0 views
iPad Conference 2016 | itisallaboutart - 0 views
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