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Keri-Lee Beasley

More Fun With Math in Pictures - 2 views

    I love Instagram because it prompts me to take and share pictures of things that I might otherwise glance at then forget about. Before cell phones entered my life I rarely took pictures. Last week I took the picture that you see below. Almost as soon as it appeared in my Facebook feed via Instagram, my friend Kelly commented with, "shouldn't they be more concerned about weight than the number of people?" Kelly is a middle school math teacher so this picture was right in her wheelhouse of math prompts.
Katie Day

Monster Exchange Project, English Writing Project - 0 views

    "Monster Exchange is designed to encourage the development of reading and writing skills while integrating Internet technology into the classroom curriculum. Classrooms from a variety of schools worldwide are paired together; the students in each classroom are split into groups, each of which designs an original picture of a monster. The students must then write a description of the monster. The partnered classes then exchange their descriptions via e-mail and the Internet. These students are then challenged to use reading comprehension skills to read the descriptions and translate them into a monster picture. The true challenge involves creating a redrawn picture as close to the original picture as possible without looking at the original and using only the written description of the monster."
Cameron Hunter

Nikon Small World photomicrography competition - in pictures | Art and design | - 1 views

    Some very cool micro photography. Small is beautiful.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Free Pictures - - 2 views

    Search for CC pictures with Wylio, which allows you to choose the size of the image you want, and gives you the attribution all wrapped up in an embed code - very nice.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Where Children Sleep: A Diverse World of Homes - 3 views

    James Mollison  A photography book which shows pictures of where children sleep around the world. Combines a portrait of the child with a picture of their bedroom. Great book for see-think-wonder
Katie Day

How Shakespeare & Social Media Are Fighting Cyber Bullying - 0 views

    "William Shakespeare, the bard behind some of the greatest works in the English language, is coming to a Facebook page near you. Weekly Reader has teamed up with the Ophelia Project and White Plains High School to re-enact one of Shakespeare's plays on Facebook from April 26 to 28. Much Ado About Nothing will be presented on a special page through status updates, posts, pictures and videos. The students helped create separate pages for their characters complete with pictures, in-character bios and likes. The project is meant both as an educational resource and a tool to combat cyber bullying.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Icon Library | PICOL - Pictorial Communication Language - Icons & Pictorgrams - Pixel & Vector - 0 views

    Pictorial Communication Language. Icons & Pictures that explain ideas. Great for simple presentations and for infographics. Similar to the Noun Project
Katie Day

'Waste Land' - Lucy Walker Film on Brazilian Catadores - Review - - 0 views

  • Tião, like the other catadores profiled in the film, is far from an emaciated beggar living out a miserable existence on the way to an early death. But he is humble and has few expectations of earthly glory. Although a social outcast, he organized an association of pickers who live and work in Jardim Gramacho, one of the world’s largest garbage dumps, and likes to think of himself as an environmentalist.
  • The film — co-directed by João Jardim and Karen Harley, and photographed by Dudu Miranda — observes this giant landfill from every perspective.
  • Tião is the most prominently featured of several pickers profiled by the film. Their lives are changed forever when they are chosen to collaborate with the artist Vik Muniz, a São Paulo native who is now based in Brooklyn and is well known for his re-creations of famous artworks using unusual materials. Those pieces include two Mona Lisas — one made of peanut butter, the other of jelly — and a “Last Supper” made of chocolate syrup. For his Sugar Children series, he took snapshots of children on a plantation in St. Kitts and copied the images by layering sugar on black paper and photographing the result. The film observes the creation of his recent monumental series, Pictures of Garbage, for which Mr. Muniz, who grew up poor, returned to Brazil.
    Documentary about trash-pickers in Brazil and about the art of Vik Muniz and his series Pictures of Garbage
Keri-Lee Beasley

The Big Picture - - 0 views

    Site which has amazing pictures every day. Would be great inspiration for using with IWBs for a range of topics & discussions
Katie Day

BLOG: Teach with Picture Books - 0 views

    "Keith Schoch is a veteran professional educator. He shares his thoughts and expertise with colleagues through three blogs: Teaching that Sticks, Teach with Picture Books, and How to Teach a Novel"
Keri-Lee Beasley

Open, CC-licensed photo course draws up to 35,000 students - Boing Boing - 0 views

    "The BBC's picture editor Phil Coomes has a long, excellent feature on the open education photography classes offered by Jonathan Worth and Matt Johnston through Coventry University. The course is open to anyone in the world, via webcast, and runs with up to 35,000 students. The class focuses not just on technique, but on the role of photographers in the 21st century, when everyone has a cameraphone, and when controlling copies of photos on the net is an impossibility."
Louise Phinney

Top 100 Children's Books of All-Time - 1 views

    picture books, great list
Louise Phinney

Inside Look at Modern Study Habits | MindShift - 0 views

    StudyBlue recently surveyed 500 students about what study habits got them through finals. The picture of the modern student that emerged from student responses highlights the importance of digital devices, especially mobile technology.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Pro-literacy ads use their own design to show the need for literacy [5 pictures] - 22 Words - 1 views

    Advertisements for Pro-Literacy
Katie Day

Battle For Singapore for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    "The National Heritage Board of Singapore is proud to present the "Battle for Singapore" application for self-guided trails. Embark on a journey to experience the Battle for Singapore during World War II, learn more about our local war heroes and relive the painful experience of the Prisoners of War (PoWs) and civilians alike during the Japanese Occupation. Through the incorporation of GPS tracking technology, the "Battle for Singapore" application will offer four different trails and provide a companion guide to 32 different historical World War II sites in Singapore. As you progress through each hotspot, you will discover weapons used by the resistance fighters of Force 136 and get promoted in rank at the completion of each trail. Kindly note that this application will require GPS tracking and internet connection for the downloading of content and the transmission of pictures. Please also note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life so remember to turn-off the Location Services function when you have completed each trail."
Mary van der Heijden

What is Working Memory and Why Does it Matter? - 0 views

    Remember the day when someone rattled off a phone number while you just hoped against hope you'd recall the string of digits as you were dialing? That was working memory toiling away. With the advent of cell phones, you may no longer use it this way very often. But working memory still plays a central role in learning and our daily lives.  If working memory is weak, it can trip up just about anyone. But it really works against a child with learning disabilities (LD). You can take steps to help a child with weak working memory, whether or not LD is a part of the picture. Start by understanding what working memory is all about. 
Katie Day

Tree of Life Web Project - 0 views

    The Tree of Life Web Project is a collection of information about biodiversity compiled collaboratively by hundreds of expert and amateur contributors. Its goal is to contain a page with pictures, text, and other information for every species and for each
Katie Day

ImageCodr - HTML code for Flickr images - 0 views

    "With, there is no need to do all this manually, you simply enter in the URL of the picture page (as seen in your browser) you are interested in and will generate the ready to use HTML code. It will also display a brief and easy license summary, so you don't get in legal trouble because you missed something."
Katie Day

TouchstoneWishList - 0 views

    "Books, especially picture books, are the best source of examples when developing curriculum for writing. Many mini lessons can be garnered from text... the authors become Co-Teachers! The books listed below are "Touchstone Texts," and provide clear and masterful examples of different types and styles of writing . "
Mary van der Heijden

Free Technology for Teachers - 2 views

  • Infographic World - 12 Interesting Infographics Infographics can be
    Make a fake Facebook wall for a book character (or anyone else!)
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