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Keri-Lee Beasley

30 Free Creative Commons Photos for Education - 1 views

    Great photos for use for educational presentations, inc iPad pics and close ups of dictionary definitions for educational words, e.g. Teach, learning etc etc.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Open, CC-licensed photo course draws up to 35,000 students - Boing Boing - 0 views

    "The BBC's picture editor Phil Coomes has a long, excellent feature on the open education photography classes offered by Jonathan Worth and Matt Johnston through Coventry University. The course is open to anyone in the world, via webcast, and runs with up to 35,000 students. The class focuses not just on technique, but on the role of photographers in the 21st century, when everyone has a cameraphone, and when controlling copies of photos on the net is an impossibility."
Louise Phinney

Photos of Children From Around the World With Their Most Prized Possessions | Feature Shoot - 4 views

    Shot over a period of 18 months, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti's project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their prized possesions-their toys. Galimberti explores the universality of being a kid amidst the diversity of the countless corners of the world; saying, "at their age, they are pretty all much the same; they just want to play."
Keri-Lee Beasley

App Store - Photo Transfer App - 0 views

    App for sharing photos/videos from iPad/iPod to computers or other devices...
Keri-Lee Beasley

How to Print Instagram Photos - 3 views

    13 Ways to print Instagram photos - some really neat ideas here...
Keri-Lee Beasley

21 Ways to Teach With Photos - 1 views

    Great ideas to use visual language with photos in the classroom
Katie Day

Now that the oil well is capped... - The Big Picture - - 0 views

    Between April 20 and July 15, 2010, a generally accepted estimate of nearly 5 million barrels (200 million gallons) of crude oil emerged from the wellhead drilled into the seafloor by BP from the now-destroyed Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. Now that the flow of oil has been stopped, the impact of all the spilled oil and natural gas is still being measured. The current moratorium on deep water remains in place as reports from varying scientific groups are at odds about the extent of the remaining oil, and some fishing restrictions have already been lifted. As BP finalizes its work in killing the well, here is a collection of photos from around the Gulf of Mexico over the past couple of months, as all of those affected enter the next phase of this event. (42 photos total)
Louise Phinney

Picfull - Free One Click Photo Editing - 1 views

    another photo editing tool
Katie Day

iPhone & Dropbox as a portable visualiser - 0 views

    Take photos with your iPod or iPhone -- and upload to your Dropbox account.  If you then have your Dropbox account to automatically set to sync with your laptop, then in the classroom you can take photos of kids' work you want to highlight to the whole class and quickly have it ready to be displayed on your IWB/projector screen (assuming your laptop is plugged into your projector/IWB).
Mary van der Heijden

Asset Bank | Home Page - 1 views

    13,000 photos from all over the world - great resources
Louise Phinney - 0 views

shared by Louise Phinney on 11 Oct 11 - Cached
    turns any photo into a high res photo so you can zoom into pieces
Louise Phinney

Mustachified - add mustache, beard, hats, glasses to your pictures and photos - 0 views

    Add a mustache to a photo - MOvember is coming!
Katie Day

The peacemakers - slideshow of photos & quotes of famous peacemakers - 1 views

    Slideshow of beautiful black & white photos of people like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Chief Seattle, Anne Frank, etc. wtih quotes of theirs re peace
David Caleb

New Yorker's mysterious photo quest ends in Paris | The Lookout - Yahoo! News Canada - 1 views

    Cool story about someone finding someone else's roll of film and the journey that ensued
Keri-Lee Beasley

Statigram - Instagram webviewer - 1 views

    A way of viewing your Instagram photos online
Mary van der Heijden

Pics4Learning | Free photos for education - 1 views

    Pics4Learning is a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and images for classrooms, multimedia projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other project in an educational setting.
Keri-Lee Beasley

The Daily Shoot | Assignments - 2 views

    Here are the Daily Shoot ideas of what to take a photo of each day.
Jeffrey Plaman

Girl Stretching | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 2 views

    Nice set of images in this photostream of kids for presentations.
Louise Phinney

centromalaguzzi's collections on Flickr - 0 views

    Photos of the children in action in Reggio Emelia
Louise Phinney

Year in Focus - Free Photo eBook from Getty Images for your iPad | iGo With My iPad - 1 views

    Could be a nice ebook for our middle and high school students
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