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Louise Phinney

Connected Principals | Sharing. Learning. Leading. - 1 views

    Interesting blog posts and leadership in a connected school
Keri-Lee Beasley

Why today's school leaders must become digital leaders | edu@scholastic - 2 views

    How are you showing digital leadership?
Jeffrey Plaman

The Film Foundation - 1 views

    Through the ©reativity on Film project, The Film Foundation hopes to create a respect and understanding among young people for the need to protect and preserve our cultural heritage, and enhance their appreciation of art and creation. The Film Foundation uses filmmaking as a point of departure to communicate to young people the important skills they will need to succeed in today's society-such as imagination, collaboration, communication, leadership, and responsibility. The key component of this project is the "Making Movies: A Guide for Young Filmmakers" production manual. Created with the assistance and expertise of 25 professional film artists and educators, this step-by-step production manual includes tips from experts, hands-on exercises, and an 8-week filming schedule-thereby explaining the filmmaking process from story concept to completed film.
Jeffrey Plaman

Why Teacher Coaching Can Fail - Julie Boyd - 2 views

    Coaching is a highly sophisticated form of reflective practice. When done well, it can transform a person's professional, and often personal, life, and provides many benefits to the employer in sustaining high performance and morale. The question is, however, whether it's the coaching itself that produces the results, or if it's down to an enlightened management team, which believes in people's development and so encourages coaching, which in turn produces results. When coaching is done badly, though, it has the power to decimate a person's sense of professional worth for years into the future and to incur substantial cost while returning no benefits, or worse, significant professional damage. Leadership can become cynical about the coaching process.  Money is wasted.  Time and attention are frittered away.  Ineffective coaching is counterproductive and should be stopped as soon as it is recognized.
    If we value coaching, and we do, the question then becomes: "what are the elements of effective coaching that we can train, support, measure, and improve" - especially those that have the highest leverage for shifting those being coached perspectives and practices. The more I come to understand the power of coaching the more I appreciate that the best leaders see their primary role within an organisation as an influencer and coaching as the structure behind the myriad of interactions. I think an enlightened management team would not only be encouraging coaches but utilizing coaching strategies themselves on a regular basis.
David Caleb

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids…and How to Correct Them - 4 views

  • Afterward, one group was told, “You must be smart.
  • The other group was told
  • “You must have worked hard.”
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • second group, most of the kids chose to take the test
  • Ninety percent of the kids who heard “you must be smart” opted not to take it.
  • second test
  • equally as hard as the first one
  • third test was given
  • The first group of students who were told they were smart, did worse.
  • The second group did 30% better.
  • Eight Steps Toward Healthy Leadership
  • Help them take calculated risks. Talk it over with them, but let them do it. Your primary job is to prepare your child for how the world really works. Discuss how they must learn to make choices. They must prepare to both win and lose, not get all they want and to face the consequences of their decisions. Share your own “risky” experiences from your teen years. Interpret them. Because we’re not the only influence on these kids, we must be the best influence. Instead of tangible rewards, how about spending some time together? Be careful you aren’t teaching them that emotions can be healed by a trip to the mall. Choose a positive risk taking option and launch kids into it (i.e. sports, jobs, etc). It may take a push but get them used to trying out new opportunities. Don’t let your guilt get in the way of leading well. Your job is not to make yourself feel good by giving kids what makes them or you feel better when you give it. Don’t reward basics that life requires. If your relationship is based on material rewards, kids will experience neither intrinsic motivation nor unconditional love. Affirm smart risk-taking and hard work wisely. Help them see the advantage of both of these, and that stepping out a comfort zone usually pays off.
    What we should be doing to help our kids become more independent 
    Dave, top article. I don't know what the technical term is, but I'm going to re-Diigo this with some Outdoor Ed tags? First part is expecially relevant
    In fact, is it possible to re-Diigo it? I bet Jeffy Plaman will know...
Jeffrey Plaman

Educational Leadership:For Each to Excel:Preparing Students to Learn Without Us - 0 views

    "By pairing personalized learning and technology, a teacher can help students learn what they need to learn through the topics that interest them most."
Katie Day

2012 American School of Bombay | Scott McLeod (@mcleod) - 1 views

    "What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social MediaThis page contains resources from the ASB Unplugged 2012 Leadership Institute in Mumbai, India. These materials are made available under a Creative Commons 3.0 attribution-share alike license, which means that you are both allowed and encouraged to use them! Please contact Drs. Scott McLeod or Jayson Richardson if you have any other questions about these resources."
Keri-Lee Beasley

2012 American School of Bombay | Scott McLeod (@mcleod) - 1 views

    This is a great source of things from Scott Mcleod on leadership.
    Scott McLeod's links from ASBunplugged
Louise Phinney

Education Rethink: Classroom Leadership: From Compliant Kids to Ethical Thinkers - 0 views

    Lots to think about in this article about our students and our relationships with them
Keri-Lee Beasley

How to Get a Job at Google - - 1 views

  • intellectual humility
  • “They, instead, commit the fundamental attribution error, which is if something good happens, it’s because I’m a genius. If something bad happens, it’s because someone’s an idiot or I didn’t get the resources or the market moved.
  • . Your degree is not a proxy for your ability to do any job. The world only cares about — and pays off on — what you can do with what you know (and it doesn’t care how you learned it).
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • leadership, humility, collaboration, adaptability and loving to learn and re-learn. This will be true no matter where you go to work.
    Very interesting article from NYTimes about what google looks for in its hiring.  I like the notion of "Intellectual Humility," and there are also some mindset info you might connect with too.
Katie Day

Paper Tigers - What happens to all the Asian-American overachievers when the test-taking ends? - 1 views

  • while I don’t believe our roots necessarily define us, I do believe there are racially inflected assumptions wired into our neural circuitry that we use to sort through the sea of faces we confront
  • Earlier this year, the publication of Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother incited a collective airing out of many varieties of race-based hysteria. But absent from the millions of words written in response to the book was any serious consideration of whether Asian-Americans were in fact taking over this country. If it is true that they are collectively dominating in elite high schools and universities, is it also true that Asian-Americans are dominating in the real world?
  • Now he understands better what he ought to have done back when he was a Stuyvesant freshman: “Worked half as hard and been twenty times more successful.”
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Who can seriously claim that a Harvard University that was 72 percent Asian would deliver the same grooming for elite status its students had gone there to receive?
  • The researcher was talking about what some refer to as the “Bamboo Ceiling”—an invisible barrier that maintains a pyramidal racial structure throughout corporate America, with lots of Asians at junior levels, quite a few in middle management, and virtually none in the higher reaches of leadership. The failure of Asian-Americans to become leaders in the white-collar workplace does not qualify as one of the burning social issues of our time. But it is a part of the bitter undercurrent of Asian-American life that so many Asian graduates of elite universities find that meritocracy as they have understood it comes to an abrupt end after graduation
  • It’s racist to think that any given Asian individual is unlikely to be creative or risk-taking. It’s simple cultural observation to say that a group whose education has historically focused on rote memorization and “pumping the iron of math” is, on aggregate, unlikely to yield many people inclined to challenge authority or break with inherited ways of doing things.
  • Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics. LEAP has parsed the complicated social dynamics responsible for the dearth of Asian-American leaders and has designed training programs that flatter Asian people even as it teaches them to change their behavior to suit white-American expectations. Asians who enter a LEAP program are constantly assured that they will be able to “keep your values, while acquiring new skills,” along the way to becoming “culturally competent leaders.”
  • The law professor and writer Tim Wu grew up in Canada with a white mother and a Taiwanese father, which allows him an interesting perspective on how whites and Asians perceive each other. After graduating from law school, he took a series of clerkships, and he remembers the subtle ways in which hierarchies were developed among the other young lawyers. “There is this automatic assumption in any legal environment that Asians will have a particular talent for bitter labor,” he says, and then goes on to define the word coolie,a Chinese term for “bitter labor.” “There was this weird self-selection where the Asians would migrate toward the most brutal part of the labor.” By contrast, the white lawyers he encountered had a knack for portraying themselves as above all that. “White people have this instinct that is really important: to give off the impression that they’re only going to do the really important work. You’re a quarterback. It’s a kind of arrogance that Asians are trained not to have. Someone told me not long after I moved to New York that in order to succeed, you have to understand which rules you’re supposed to break. If you break the wrong rules, you’re finished. And so the easiest thing to do is follow all the rules. But then you consign yourself to a lower status. The real trick is understanding what rules are not meant for you.” This idea of a kind of rule-governed rule-breaking—where the rule book was unwritten but passed along in an innate cultural sense—is perhaps the best explanation I have heard of how the Bamboo Ceiling functions in practice. LEAP appears to be very good at helping Asian workers who are already culturally competent become more self-aware of how their culture and appearance impose barriers to advancement.
  • If the Bamboo Ceiling is ever going to break, it’s probably going to have less to do with any form of behavior assimilation than with the emergence of risk-­takers whose success obviates the need for Asians to meet someone else’s behavioral standard. People like Steve Chen, who was one of the creators of YouTube, or Kai and Charles Huang, who created Guitar Hero. Or Tony Hsieh, the founder of, the online shoe retailer that he sold to Amazon for about a billion dollars in 2009.
  • though the debate she sparked about Asian-American life has been of questionable value, we will need more people with the same kind of defiance, willing to push themselves into the spotlight and to make some noise, to beat people up, to seduce women, to make mistakes, to become entrepreneurs, to stop doggedly pursuing official paper emblems attesting to their worthiness, to stop thinking those scraps of paper will secure anyone’s happiness, and to dare to be interesting.
    fascinating article (May 8, 2011) in New York magazine by Wesley Yang
Adrienne Michetti

Educational Leadership:Getting Personalization Right:Let's Celebrate Personalization: But Not Too Fast - 0 views

    Still thinking abt this Tomlinson article re: #personalization of learning + have her latest book in front of me
Jeffrey Plaman

Educational Leadership:Giving Students Ownership of Learning:Footprints in the Digital Age - 0 views

  • these shifts demand that we move our concept of learning from a "supply-push" model of "building up an inventory of knowledge in the students' heads" (p. 30) to a "demand-pull" approach that requires students to own their learning processes and pursue learning, based on their needs of the moment, in social and possibly global communities of practice.
    • Jeffrey Plaman
      This is the BIG shift in the way we see our jobs as educators. How much push do you do each day VS how much do students pull if from you? How can we help them want to pull, know where to pull from, etc? How does what we do in class day in and day out change if we believe that THIS is the way we need to be heading?
  • Our teachers have to be colearners in this process, modeling their own use of connections and networks and understanding the practical pedagogical implications of these technologies and online social learning spaces.
    • Jeffrey Plaman
      What are we modeling for our students?
  • makes us findable by others who share our passions or interests
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Get Started!Here are five ideas that will help you begin building your own personal learning network.
    • Jeffrey Plaman
      Great ideas on how to get started
    "In the Web 2.0 world, self-directed learners must be adept at building and sustaining networks."
    "In the Web 2.0 world, self-directed learners must be adept at building and sustaining networks."
Keri-Lee Beasley

Social Media for Administrators - 0 views

  • As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward.  They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how.  The articles are listed below:
    George Couros outlines the Why & How of social media for administrators. Great collection here.
Keri-Lee Beasley

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals -- THE Journal - 1 views

    A good read of things leaders can do to model best practice with tech.
Jeffrey Plaman

Educational Leadership:Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - 1 views

    This reading by @GrantWiggins is excellent: Seven Keys to Effective Feedback. #MYPChat
    This reading by @GrantWiggins is excellent: Seven Keys to Effective Feedback. #MYPChat
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