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Yuri Artibise

ABC's of Urbanism - 0 views

    My latest SlideShare upload : ABC's of Urbanism
Yuri Artibise

Urban Space: The old skool interactive platform - 0 views

    Urban Space: The old skool interactive platform

Urban Planning Services | Infrastructure Development India | Citiyano De - 0 views

    Citiyano De Solutions Private Limited offers Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development's full range of planning services associated with the preparation of official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, draft plans of subdivision, site plan approvals, minor variances and severances metropolitan and regional developments, infrastructure projects, growth area estate design and implementation.
Jianwei Li

Tiffy***Ting Fen Yang: Aldo Van Eyck the Playgrounds and the city - 0 views

    urban sphere ! playground
Yuri Artibise

YouTube - Textures of Phoenix - 0 views

  • One of my favorite things about living in an urban environment are the multitude of textures than I come across on a daily basis. Often unseen and unnoticed, the textures of a city form the backdrop in front of which we conduct our lives.

Parameters to Hire Best Web Designing Company in Delhi NCR for Your Business - 0 views

    Here you will know the different parameters you must keep in mind while hiring best web designing company in Delhi NCR for your business. Various important parameters on which you consider hiring a web design company are cost, portfolio, willingness to work, time commitment and size.

The Island - A Politician Who Puts Her Beliefs on the Line - - 1 views

  • community hardship.” As for her supersize clothesline, she’s leaving it behind, a victim of downscaling. Her new place lacks a yard; a single line across the cozy terrace will, she said

The Associated Press: Home buying practices adjust to high gas prices - 0 views

  • a survey of 900 Coldwell Banker agents showed a remarkable 96 percent said that rising gas prices were a concern to their clients, and 78 percent said higher fuel costs are increasing their desire for city living.
  • we basically put a dot in the middle of the map where my office is and said, `We are not going to live farther than essentially a 20-minute circle around that,'"
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