member since 2011-10-21
member since 2011-10-22
Calli Murray
I am a student at UNI studying to be an elementary teacher! I love spending time with family and friends and hanging out outdoors.
member since 2013-10-07
Lauren Morehead
I am currently a junior at the University of Northern Iowa studying elementary education with a minor in literacy. GO PANTHERS!
member since 2013-09-13
Alana Mairs
I am a sophomore at the University of Northern Iowa. I am an elementary/middle level education major!
member since 2013-10-07
Taryn Fisher
Ed. Tech and Design student Fall 2013. Secondary english teaching major and Coaching minor at UNI
member since 2013-09-26
Emily Getz
20 years young. Junior at the University of Northern Iowa. I love reading, movies, meeting new people and trying new food. I am going to travel the world someday.
member since 2013-09-26
Christine Feldmann
I am a Junior at UNI. Majoring in Math-ed with a Special-ed minor. I am a member of the UNI Panther Marching Band Color Guard.
member since 2013-09-11
Ryan Stiles
I am a Junior Social Sciences education major at the University of Northern Iowa. I am from Nora Springs, IA and love my little town. I love education and different ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. I love all kinds of sports! Go St. Louis Cardinals! Go St. Louis Rams!
member since 2013-10-01
member since 2013-09-27
member since 2013-11-08
Marin Verhulst
I am a Elementary Education major at the University of Northern Iowa, and I am minoring in math.
member since 2013-08-30
member since 2013-02-14
Hayley Dodds
Junior at the University of Northern Iowa. Studying Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education with a minor in Literacy.
member since 2013-09-13
Matt Dailey
My name is Matt Dailey and I am a Student Teacher at the University of Northern Iowa. I am working towards my degree in Social Studies for High School.
member since 2013-09-13
Val Lindaman
Student at the University of Northern Iowa. The dream is to be a teacher that not only teaches lessons, but teaches on life.
member since 2014-11-11
member since 2014-11-13
Trey Uden
Elementary and Middle Level Education Major at the University of Northern Iowa. Go Panthers!
member since 2014-11-17
Group Members
60 members total, 0 receiving alerts immediately, 38 receiving alerts daily, and 5 receiving alerts weekly.