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"The Abortion Assessment Project-India: The Key Findings and Recommendations" - 0 views

    Duggal, Ravi and Vimala Ramachandran. 2004. "The Abortion Assessment Project-India: Key Findings and Recommendations."Reproductive Health Matters. 12(24): 122-129. This article was published in the issue titled, "Abortion Law, Policy and Practice in Transition" and I found it very helpful in understanding the significance of abortion in India. This is a paper based on one of the largest studies on abortion ever undertaken in India. It includes; the state of the current facilities, the affects of the legalization of medical abortion, how abortion procedures has been integrated into community health centers, and about the increased investment in public facilities, among other things. This article also gives suggestions in attempts to create a safer environment for women to make their own educated decisions.

"Skewed Sex Ration of Births in India may be the Result of Sex-Selective Abortion" - 0 views

    Doskoch, P. 2006. "Skewed Sex Ratio of Births in India may be the Result of Sex-Selective Abortion." International Family Planning Perspectives (32)2: 102-3. This short article provides an introduction to the affects of sex-selective abortion. She includes basic statistics in support of the imbalance of male to female birth rates in India, using sex-selective abortion as a justification for such results. I found it necessary to use statistics to better understand the depth and significance that sex-selective abortion and infanticide have in India.

"Infanticide by Male Lions Hypothesis: A Fallacy Influencing Research int Human Behavior - 1 views

    Sorry, I must have hit the enter key before finishing. There is supposed to be a " after Behavior and a paragraph explanation. Dagg, Anne Innis. 1998. "Infanticide by Male Lions Hypothesis: A Fallacy Influencing Research into Human Behavior." American Anthropologist 100.4: 940-50. ------. 2000. "The Infanticide Hypothesis: A Response to the Response." American Anthropologist 102.4: 831-4. I thought it would be interesting and helpful to look at a cross-species examination of infanticide as Silverstein did. In these two articles, Ann Innis Dagg disproves the idea that males are biologically programmed to commit acts of infanticide and then mate with the deceased infant's mother in order to pass on his genes instead of the other male's. Her research further helps me understand how infanticide is a culturally constructed practice that needs to be examined further in that manner.
1More Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: All Roads Lead to America (97802... - 0 views

    This book looks at the policy and legal challenges that make dealing with human trafficking hard, as well looking at the strategies that are used to get people into the US world of sex trafficking. The author focuses on revealing the routes that are being used to get these women and children illegally into the United States.
1More Human Trafficking, Human Misery: The Global Trade in Human Beings (Global C... - 0 views

    In this book the author looks at the criminals and organizations that are responsible for exploiting the victims. She looks at the different groups of victims that are being exploited.

HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS AS WOMEN'S RIGHTS Setting limits to violence against women - 0 views

    Public awareness of the specific kind of violence being inflicted upon women and girls was still lacking until into the eighties. Cruelty such as genital mutilation, dowry murder, the trade in women, forced prostitution, abortion of female foetuses etc. were all accepted as cultural peculiarities.

"Every fifth woman is we care? Marketing Domestic Violence - 0 views

shared by Laura Montes on 22 Apr 10 - Cached
    This is an article from a book that analyses the Fifth woman initiative and how marketing the correct way can reach the audience and have its positive (or negative if done incorreclty) effects.

Sex Trafficking of Women in the United States: International and Domestic Trends - 0 views

    (couldn't bookmark the PDF version so I had to find a summary) This article is based on interviews with women that have sexually exploited within the US. They looked at the networks that were instrumental in gathering the women, the methods used to control the women, and the social consequences for sex trafficking.

Initiative fifth woman - 0 views

    The first nationwide campaign on the violence against women Fifth Women has had deep impact on the public opinion. The message "Every fifth woman is abused" has become to a fact often repeated in media and news. The women NGOs that launched in the year 2001/2002 the campaign on violence against the women "The Fifth Woman" founded the umbrella NGO "Initiative Fifth Woman".

International Trafficking in Women to the United States: A Contemporary Manifestation o... - 0 views

    This article talks about ways to help end trafficking within the US by focusing on targeting the source countries and creating stronger penalties for people who are trafficking humans. Author also talks about reasons for why human trafficking within the US will probably increase in the coming years.

Sisterhood and Solidarity? Women's Organizations in the Expanded European Union - 0 views

    "although accession offered women's movements political opportunities to put pressure on their governments, the adaptation to EU regulations is characterized by top-down reforms and the unequal compliance of national governments." The European Union is unique in that it brings many different countries with different cultures together under some overarching policies. Women's organizations have been dealing with the difficulties of making all the member state's governments commit to women's issues being on their agenda. Also, they have been working towards violence against women initiatives and trying to get the different governments to support them.

Sex Trafficking Into The United States: A Literature Review -- Schauer and Wheaton 31 (... - 0 views

shared by Meaghan Murphy on 22 Apr 10 - Cached
    This is a lit review of articles on the sexual exploitation of women and children within the US. They look at the economics side of human trafficking and the legal issues surrounding human trafficking.

Native Women's Association of Canada - Welcome - 0 views

    New information from NWAC about the women missing in Canada.

IngentaConnect Finding the man in the soldier-rapist - Some reflections on compr... - 0 views

    This article discusses the actions and motives of solder-rapists. It discusses who should be held accountable and what war time rape means for political structure and gender inequality. This article allows me to further investigate the psychology of soldiers who are commanded to rape and better understand the concept of male domination. It also allows me to draw conclusions about what women suffer through the in-depth stories some of the men in this article have described.

Sudan soldier: 'They told me to kill, to rape children' - - 0 views

    This is a video regarding rape as a weapon of war from the voice of a Sudan soldier. This is extremely helpful because it verifies the rape that is going on in Sudan and allows me to gain the perspective of a soldier. He claims that he didn't want to do it and was forced or he would be killed. This video gives me a little more insight into who is commanding the war rape and how the soldiers actually feel about doing it. Here, structural violence is seen through the eyes of the perpetrator.

Children and Domestic Violence - 1 views

    This analysis examined 118 studies of the psychosocial outcomes of children exposed to interparental violence. Correlational studies showed a significant association between exposure and child problems.

Transitional Housing - 0 views

    "The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is the primary federal funding for homelessness services across the nation. McKinney-Vento funds also support domestic violence programs that are providing transitional housing and emergency shelter to victims. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 2005, 663 projects that identified domestic violence victims as the primary population to be served were awarded nearly $118 million to provide housing and services for this vulnerable group."

Domestic Violence and Homelessness - 0 views

    "The study described in this paper looked at homelessness law in the UK before the passage of the recent Housing Act (1996) in Britain. It does not bear out the supposition that homeless families, including women escaping from domestic violence and their children, were unfairly favoured under the previous legislation. The paper argues that the withdrawal in the new Act of the statutory link between homelessness and a lifeline to permanent housing is an example of the ambivalent and contradictory nature of government policy in relation to families and to the social position of women, and is a potentially disastrous development for many women experiencing domestic violence and for their children."

:: Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar :: FESAL :: National Family Health Survey :: - 0 views

shared by Michelle Seidman on 21 Apr 10 - Cached
    Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar FESAL 2008, accessed April 2010 "Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar," is a site which has a document of statistics from 2008. The information shows rates and incidents of domestic violence in El Salvador. There are percentages that show what kind of violence is experienced and how women react to the violence, in terms of if they tell a friend, family member, or report it. The data also explains the different types of violence that women experience, meaning physical, sexual, and verbal. In detail it also discusses the kind of forms these three types of violence take, such as pushing and kicking for physical violence, humiliation and threatening for verbal abuse, and forced sex for sexual abuse. This information also discusses the differences of domestic abuse between rural and urban areas of El Salvador. This source helps to understand domestic violence in Latin America because it gives actual data and information on the rates of domestic violence in a particular Latin American country. Unlike other sources which do not mention domestic violence at all but only focus on femicide. This site is very helpful because it gives me the type of information that is very hard to find because domestic violence in Latin America is not a widely addressed issue.

O M B U D S N E T - Programa Ombudsman y DDHH - 0 views

    (This is the organization's website that produced my source. Diigo would not allow me to bookmark the actual source because it is a pdf file so I am doing the organization's website instead) Consejo Centroamericana de Procuradores de Derechos Humanos 2006 Situación y análisis del femicidio en la Región Centroamericana. Instituto Interamericanode Derechos Humanos Secretaría Técnica (IIDH)., accesed March 2010 Consejo Centroamericano de Procuradores de Derechos Humanos 2006 Situación y análisis del femicidio en la Región Centroamericana. Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos Secretaría Técnica (IIDH)., accessed March 2010 "Situación y análisis del femicidio en la Región Centroamericana" is a document that presents data and statistics on violence against women in Central America. The study is focused on femicide but there is a small amount of information on domestic violence. This study is important to my paper for two main reasons. First, it does provide some information on the occurrences of domestic violence which is helpful to answering one part of my research question which studies the role of domestic violence targeted against women in Latin America. Secondly, this study provides a lot of information and data on femicide in Central America, including rates and laws. This immense amount of data on femicide in contrast with the little presented on domestic abuse demonstrates what is constituted as a problem in the region and what is considered to be important enough to study. Femicide has been constructed as the main issue targeting women in Latin America which is why this study and many others focus solely on that rather than other forms of violence against women as well. In my paper I am also looking at the constraints to studying domestic violen
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