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Jeff Johnson

I Like Plurk Better Than Twitter, But Should I Even Bother? - 0 views

    Enter Plurk; it's another Twitter clone which takes the Twitter concept and puts it on a timeline. The service has an odd, quirky feel to it; it's much more visual than Twitter, and it's fun to use. It uses colors to emphasize your 'moods', and it introduces the concept of karma, which should be familiar to Reddit users; the more you use the service, the more karma you get. In this case, karma even lets you unlock certain features, which almost feels like a mini game (if you like very boring mini games). Finally, just like Pownce, Plurk lets you divide your friends into "cliques", which is just a fancy word for groups.
Darren Draper

Reflections of a new-ish blogger « Educational Insanity - 0 views

  • I think where I’m going with this is that I worry that the ed. tech. blogosphere is reasonably saturated.  Related to Darren Draper’s post on Twitter Set Theory, I feel like there are some central figures whose spheres overlap considerably and a whole lot of us outsiders trying to penetrate that inner circle.  It’s as if folks like Will Richardson, David Warlick, Wes Fryer, Vicki Davis, Dean Shareski, Stephen Downes, Chris Lehmann…(and, yes, you Scott) are having an awesome cocktail party conversation and I’m standing on the outside staring over their shoulders and listening in, trying to get a word in, but not penetrating that conversation at all.  I know there are LOTS of us on the outside looking in. 
    • Darren Draper
      What can we do to reduce this feeling of exclusivity? Doubtless there are hundreds of great educators out there that feel this way.
    • Darren Draper
      I agree with you, David. There is no accurate measure as to the success of a blog - other than the intrinsic measure that each blogger feels about how things are going.
  • My theory is– don’t worry about getting your voice out there, or comments, or rankings, or even being invited to the right parties (inner circle) — rather focus intently on children, your vision, and leaving education better than you found it. Concentrate on helping those within your sphere of influence to make principled changes in education that is in the best interest of kids.
Janos Haits

TweetFeel Twitter Sentiment - Twitter Search with Feelings about anything popular. - 1 views

    Real-time Twitter search with feelings using insanely complex sentiment analysis. For best results: Search for popular movies, celebrities, tv shows and companies.
Maggie Verster

Ready to Tweet? Twitter for Professional Coaches, Consultants, and Mentors - 4 views

  • Kindness, appreciation, and generosity are very meaningful on Twitter, just as in real life. Come to think of it, Twitter IS real life with real people who think and feel.
    Lovely down to earth look at twitter for beginners. I like this: Kindness, appreciation, and generosity are very meaningful on Twitter, just as in real life. Come to think of it, Twitter IS real life with real people who think and feel.
Vicki Davis

Twitter app update brings improved discover, search and notifications to iOS and Android -- Engadget - 0 views

    The new Twitter iOS app and Android app works on the discover feature and search. Discover is supposed to show you more about what retweets you've gotten,etc. I've found it easier to see this information in hootsuite and for scheduling I use buffer. Twitter is amazing, but I rarely go to the site itself on my phone or computer. I have a feeling this is strategic for Twitter as they look to monetize. Update and check it out.
Janos Haits

Welcome to Trsst - 4 views

    looks and feels like twitter but encrypted and anonymized and decentralized and only you hold the keys
Alice Barr

Twitter for Learning - 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology - 8 views

    "In a recent conversation, I was asked what I thought about twitter as a learning tool. Over the course of the past few years I've moved from saying "I don't get it" - to feeling like it's a good addition to my Learning Tool Set. But I also think that there's a lot more help now around how to make effective use of Twitter as a learning tool. I thought it would be worthwhile to pull together these resources."
Jeff Johnson

Happiness is contagious in social networks ( - 0 views

    If you're feeling great today, you may end up inadvertently spreading the joy to someone you don't even know.
Jeff Johnson

Even Gen X is aTwitter - TIME - 0 views

    If posting on a traditional long-form blog feels too ponderous and sporadic for you, Twitter may be more your speed: it limits your micro-blogposts to just 140 characters, and you can post your dispatches from your iPhone, BlackBerry or any other mobile device capable of text-messaging on-the-go.
Luke Allen

The Twit Cleaner - Clean the garbage from your Tweetstream - 4 views

    "You are signed in as Luke1946 We are running your scan right now. We'll DM you when your report is ready. (We'll make you follow @TheTwitCleaner so we can DM you. Feel free to unfollow after) Rerun your report"
Andrew Long

The reluctant Twitterer's dilemma | Slate Magazine - 0 views

    The third article at Slate on Twitter. This one by Farhad Manjoo is targetted at those not so keen on Twitter and feel anxious about it.
Andrew DeVigal

Design Your Own Twitter Background! - 0 views

    "Now you can personalize your Twitter background like never before. The tool below will help you create free Twitter backgrounds that have the same look and feel as those done by professional graphic designers."
Anne Bubnic

All You Need To Know About Twitter - 0 views

    To the Internet hipsters who discovered Twitter in 2006, Oprah's inaugural tweet - FEELING REALLY 21st CENTURY, she typed - was the end of the era, the shark jump. But that's like saying the Beatles were over after they appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show." Twittermania has only begun. In the days after Oprah's show, Twitter's traffic growth is accelerating. The ratings service HitWise now ranks as America's No. 38 Web site. It's about to rocket past CNN and Wells Fargo.
alfred westerveld

Microblogging Resources - 266 views

Hi, Great group this is. And you are right that we should stay on topic.... Alfred Lucy Gray wrote: > Hi All - > > Let's try and keep sharing of resources in this group to things that are relat...

jaiku microblog twitter

Gianto Widianto

It's Time To Start Thinking Of Twitter As A Search Engine - 0 views

  • I told him what I thought of Twitter as a micro-blogging service: it’s a collection of emotional grunts. But it’s wonderful nonetheless. And enough people are hooked on it that Twitter has reached critical mass. If something big is going on in the world, you can get information about it from Twitter. Twitter also gathers other information, like people’s experiences with products and services as they interact with them. A couple of months ago, for example, I was stuck in the airport and received extremely poor service from Lufthansa. I twittered my displeasure, which made me feel better - at least I was doing something besides wait in an endless line. I’ve also Twittered complaints about the W Hotel (no Internet, cold room) and Comcast (the usual Internet gripes).
Isabelle Jones

100 Tips, Apps, and Resources for Teachers on Twitter | Online College Degree - 0 views

  • this list of 100 tips, apps, and resources is worth browsing. Find out how to get started with Twitter, ways to use it in an educational setting, and tools to help you use it better with these resources
    Busy teachers may feel that taking the time to learn how to use Twitter isn't worth the return for the students benefit, so that's why this list of 100 tips, apps, and resources is worth browsing.
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