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Jeff Johnson

Finally One Example of Collaborative Journalism (Conversation Agent) - 0 views

    How will this start changing the game? Josh Korr of Publishing 2.0 reports that about a week ago, four journalists from Washington state began reporting a major local story in collaboration with each other on Twitter. Writes Korr:Those four journalists weren't in the same newsroom. In fact, they all work for different media companies. And here's the best part: Some of them have never even met in person.Could journalists have discovered the same thing we have also been exploring collectively online? That collaboration strengthens a network and draws more readers, not less. I also agree with Korr that news organizations need to start investing in smart journalists who get the power of cooperation. To summarize what these fine professionals did: Acted in real time and focused on the reporting of the events - in line with the Twitter culture of immediacy as well as a sense of urgency for their readers at the respective mastheads Collaborated with each other to cover the story as it was unfolding instead of worrying about the credit - imagine the first cross-news organization team that wins a Pulitzer, now wouldn't that be news? Provided higher quality news than just one person doing the reporting. There was some skepticism in the comments to Korr's post. Maybe this is not the first time journalists network for a news story. This collaboration so open on Twitter seems quite novel to me.I know some of my readers are journalists or are studying journalism. What possibilities do you see...
Andrew Long

National Post reporter has total Twitter melt down | MediaStyle - 0 views

    Whoa, an interesting interaction between a reported and a publicist documented on Twitter. One of them comes out okay (c/o Twitterati).
Luke Allen

The Twit Cleaner - Clean the garbage from your Tweetstream - 4 views

    "You are signed in as Luke1946 We are running your scan right now. We'll DM you when your report is ready. (We'll make you follow @TheTwitCleaner so we can DM you. Feel free to unfollow after) Rerun your report"
Jeff Johnson

Report: MySpace sinking fast, but Facebook soars | - 0 views

    In a new report, Nielsen reveals that Facebook users spent an extraordinary 13.9 billion minutes on the site - in the month of April alone. Lagging far behind, at 5 billion user minutes, is MySpace, the network launched in 2003, and purchased by News Corp. in 2005. For years, MySpace was the go-to networking site, but it recently lost significant ground to Facebook and Twitter.
Vicki Davis

Pearson & NoTosh Report: Supporting Teacher CPD with Social Media | NoTosh - 1 views

    This report "Tweeting for Teachers" says social media should be part of teacher PD. as much as I agree with that, if you just unblock social media, it doesn't mean teachers WILL use it for PD. Teach them how. Plus, expect pushback from teachers who don't want to mix personal and business. Although Facebook won't allow 2 profiles for a person, Twitter will and some teachers may want to take that route.
A. T. Wyatt

Sysomos | In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World - 0 views

    Original report on twitter users. Lots of stats.
David Rees

Reporting Spammers - 2 views

FYI, You can report spammers in Diigo by going to their user account and clicking "report spammer". Lucy, Perhaps you could add a couple more organizers so more of us have the ability to kick off s...


started by David Rees on 21 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

PeepNote: simply the best contact and relationship manager for Twitter. - 4 views

    Tag and filter your peeps to organize them; add notes and full contact details; export custom lists to Twitter and vCard; receive a weekly report of your Twitter activity...everything you need to stay organized.
Phil Slade

Followers Secret Monitor V 1.01 Beta - 3 views

    Want to know who unfollowed you? Get a detailed report in the application.
Janos Haits

Twibitz - Twitter Profile Reports - 0 views

    Twibitz analyzes a Twitter user based on their profile and history to give you a snapshot of their "tweet style".
Rachid Rasheed

The Twitalyzer for Tracking Influence and Measuring Success in Twitter - 0 views

    The Twitalyzer is a unique tool to evaluate the activity of any Twitter user and report on relative influence, signal-to-noise ratio, generosity, velocity, clout, and other useful measures of success in social media.
Gianto Widianto

Tips on Facebook, crowd sourcing and Twitter for journalists « Save the Media - 0 views

  • Crowd sourcing: If you have no idea what crowd sourcing is or how it could work for journalists, you must read this post on Beat Blogging. The post gives simple examples where journalists are asking readers for story ideas or for their opinions. For example, the post showcases a Sacramento Bee reporter using his blog to crowd source opinions on what it’s like to be back after being furloughed because of California state budget constraints. We used to just call this good reporting.
  • Tweeting news: If you’re skeptical of the value of Twitter to news organizations, read this post. It explains how the news of the fatal plane crash this week in Buffalo spread through Twitter with frequent updates. Twitter gives a blow by blow witness description of the crash that you couldn’t get from a traditional news source until much later. Why wouldn’t newspapers want to be able to break news in this immediate way?
Andrew Long

Politicians twitter while the country burns | Times Online - 0 views

    An article by reporter Rachel Sylvester that follows the predictable Twitter-dissing angle (i.e., trivial, food, kids, ...)
recriweb prinkipo

La Mutation des Microformats - 0 views

    [Notules, Chroniques vagabondes] Comment expliquer le succès phénoménal de Twitter ? "La semaine dernière, en évoquant Europeana, nous avons parlé des portails à très grande échelle. Aujourd'hui, je voudrais discuter l'évolution actuelle des Microformats, surtout celle représentée par le service Twitter. Twitter, c'est l'équivalent d'un SMS sur le web. Les attentats de Bombay ont démontré encore une fois l'utilité et l'importance de la plateforme (des blogueurs ont été les premiers à reporter les attentats et à les suivre en direct): Twitter une communication quasi-instantannée, une multiplicité de voix et de perspectives et une large diversité de contenu. Tel qu'il semble évoluer en ce moment, le service est en train de modifier la culture du réseau en légitimant une pratique ancrée dans la liberté de la contrainte: bavardage et superflu sont éliminés au profit de l'exactitude et de la promptitude" (...)
Fred Delventhal

Twitspam - 0 views

    Report twitter spammers
Kim Woodbridge

BBC NEWS | | Twitter and the China earthquake - 0 views

    Earthquake in China reported on Twitter before traditional media outlets
Fred Delventhal

WiiiZZZ - 0 views

    Shows and plays songs that people report to Twitter that they are listening to.

Commuter Feed - 0 views

    Send a message to Twitter about ocal traffic conditions, and use the service to find out what others are reporting.
Espreson Media

How to benefit from Twitter and be with growing trend of it? - 0 views

    Twittersphere is growing. In 2008 Forrester Research estimated that, Twitter had 4-5 million users and Nielsen Online showed on its report, Twitter ranked No.1
Janos Haits

How Far Did Your Tweet Travel? | TweetReach - 0 views

    You search for a url, Twitter name, phrase or hashtag. TweetReach analyzes the tweets that match your search.TweetReach reports the reach and exposure data for those tweets.
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