By putting a Certified Domain Validation Seal offered by GoDaddy, web owners can reassure their website visitors and customers that they are a trustworthy and credible website and not in any way involved in any kind of phishing, pharming or other such similar scams.
When a user registers a domain, most of the personal information like name, phone number, address and email address can be accessible and exposed to just about anyone.
The DomainAlert Pro service offered by GoDaddy allows the user to monitor any domain name changes, review the list of expiring domains as well as backorder domain names so the customer may purchase it as soon as it becomes available.
For many organizations, Java is still the programming language of choice. It is dynamic, powerful, and highly scalable and can do a variety of things that not all the popular scripting languages can do.
The Super Reseller plan is priced at $229 per year and just like all the other reseller plans, this too does not require any deposits, renewals or revenue sharing.
Whether you are a small organization or a multi-million dollar business, a sound email service with good Spam filters and forwarding options is a must-have.
If your website visitors are not mainly from the United States but from the other side of the world, it is beneficial to get hosting that is closer to your visitor's home location.
The Deluxe plan is priced at $6.99 per month. Other payment options range from 12 months, 24 months to 36 months to cater for wide variety of budgets and preferences.
These feature rich plans require no set up fee, no banner ads or pop-ups, and no contractual obligations. Furthermore, all the plans include the Google webmaster tools.
As an Godaddy API Reseller; the domain owner can add profitability to his website by selling domain name registrations, private registrations as well as unique software and services from their websites.
By subscribing to the fax thru email service offered by Godaddy; members are able to send and receive faxes by using their email account instead of a fax machine.
hello i spoke with the support and they told me i can run icecast/shoutcast on my hosting acc but i cant get them to work :S can soemoen help me please