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yc c

Google Swiffy - 19 views

    Swiffy converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads). Swiffy currently supports a subset of SWF 8 and ActionScript 2.0, and the output works in all Webkit browsers such as Chrome and Mobile Safari
yc c

Free File Converter | Online file conversion - pdf docx odt flac xlsx jpg xls ods csv ppt odp mp3 wpd xlsx txt rtf bmp gif png tga tiff wbmp 3gp ac3 avi flac mov mp3 mp4 mpeg wav wmv rm swf flv aac ac3 m4a mp4 ogg wa - 4 views

    Using FreeFileConvert you can convert your files from one format to another, we support conversion from all popular file types and you can also download your videos from a large number of online portals, some of main video portals that we support are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   Following are the file formats we support, we are adding more formats with time if you are interested in any format which you think we aren't supporting then please let us know.   doc, odt, pdf, rtf, txt, wiki, docx, bzip2, eps, mkv, ppt, odp, swf, ods, csv, xls, xlsx, tar, dpg, asf, html, jpg, bmp, gif, ico, ps, pptx, rar, amr, png, tga, tiff, wbmp, 3gp, aac, mid, iso, pcx, ac3, avi, flac, flv, mov, mp3, 7z, chm, sxw, mp4, mpg, wav, dvd, rm, m4a, zip, cpio, cab, ogg, wav, wma, ra, mpeg, tif, gzip, aiff, gz
yc c

imagedoll Hosting Website - 6 views

    Allowed image types-jpg, zip, tif, bmp, jpeg, gif, png, swf, tiff, avi, wmv, mpg, mpeg, wma, mp3, rar, pdf, wmaNo Registration Required
yc c

Up2Share - Simple, secure file-sharing - 5 views

    Allowed image types-jpg, png, gif, swf, tiff, bmpNo Registration Requiredprovides direct url of the file
yc c

Uploading to Plunder - 5 views

    Allowed image types-jpg, gif, png, swf, jpeg, bmp, psdNo Registration Required
yc c

Free image hosting unlimited bandwidth - IMGboot - 9 views

    No hidden bandwidth limits, image views limits or storage limits. Upload unlimited images and photos and share them with people at MySpace, LiveJournal, Facebook, eBay, blogs, websites, message boards, or simply email them to friends. Your friends don't need an IMGboot account to view your images. Support all web image formats such as jpg, png and gif, less popular image formats like tiff and bmp. For professional users, we also allow swf flash files to be uploaded and hosted by us. Your images are not altered and not branded, you retain the full quality of your originals.
yc c

Media Convert - free and on line - convert and split sound, ringtones, images, docs - MP3 WMV 3GP AMR FLV SWF AMV MOV WMA AVI MPG MP4 DivX MPEG4 iPOD PSP OGG WMA AAC MP4 MPC MMF QCP KAR MIDI REALAUDIO FLAC JPG PSD DOC PDF RTF TXT ODG ODP ODS - 0 views

    # 7Z BZ2 BZA CAB GZ LHA LZH RAR TAR TGZ YZ1 ZIP 3GP (in/out) AMV (out) ASF (in) AVI (in/out) DV (in) FLI (in) FLV (in) MKV (in) MOV (in/out) MP4 (in/out) MPG (in/out) OGM (in) SWF (out) VOB (in) WMV (in) # AVS BMP CIN DCX DIB DPX FITS GIF ICO JFIF JIF JPE JPEG JPG MIFF OTB P7 PALM PAM PBM PCD PCDS PCL PCX PGM PICT PNG PNM PPM PSD RAS SGI SUN TGA TIF TIFF WMF XBM XPM YUV and # Raw text, HTML, XHTML, Microsoft Word, RTF, PDF, PS, Open Office, Star Writer, Pocket Word, Word Perfect # CSV, dBase, Microsoft Excel, Pocket Excel, Lotus 123, Quattro Pro, Star Calc, Open Office spreadsheet # MathML, Star Math, Open Office math # Microsoft Powerpoint, Star Impress, Open Office presentation
yc c

SimpleOekaki.swf - 6 views

    Hatena's online editor with calligraphy support
yc c

FontBrowser v2.0. - 1 views

    This flash application will allow to quickly preview the fonts active on your system.
yc c

Flash Inspector - 0 views

    debugger that can be used to view LuminicBox logging messages (for Flash code)
yc c

Bart - 0 views

    Make Bart Simpson write what you want.
Tyme 2.0 - 6 views

    Allowed image types-jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, art, raw, psd, psp, swf, icoNo Registration Required
    ( + rehosting )
yc c

Computer Steroids Free Image Hosting - 8 views

    Allowed types: (jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, art, raw, psd, psp, ico) and maximum file upload size is 5 MB.No Registration Required
Janos Haits

Free File Converter | Online file conversion - pdf docx odt flac xlsx jpg xls ods csv ppt odp mp3 wpd xlsx txt rtf bmp lit gif png wps tga tiff wbmp 3gp ac3 avi flac mov mp3 mp4 mpeg wav wmv rm swf flv aac ac3 m4a mp4 rmvb - 11 views

    Using FreeFileConvert you can convert your files from one format to another, we support conversion from all popular file types and you can also download your videos from a large number of online portals, some of the main video portals that we support are:
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