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yc c

Unsafe Colormatch - 1 views

    Why is the colormatch wheel anything but round? The traditional colorwheel has red in the noon position and proceeds counter-clockwise in twelve hue steps. But in color scheming "some colors are more equal than others". The Unsafe Colormatch wheel attempts to reflect this by overlapping the interesting colors and by putting more contrasting colors on top of less contrasting. The big central block is the base color as specified by the user. First hue step relative to the basecolor is in the 11 o'clock position. Next step is at 10 and so on. The blocks for primary and secondary colors (60 degrees apart) are bigger than the tertiary color blocks. Colors best suited for combining into a color scheme overlap with the basecolor. White and black are included so you can see them together with your colors. This way of arranging the colors may help you judge a color scheme at a glance.
yc c

whatdoestheinternetthink?net - 1 views

    positive/negative search results calculated using searchengines
    positive/negative search results calculated using search-engines
yc c

lixlpixel | google position - 6 views

    lixlpixel google position let's you keep an eye on the ranking of your site in the google results, saves the data you can view in a graph you can assign search queries to sites and track the appearance in the top 100 results at google for these keywords.
anuj singh

Check Website Ranking on Search engines - KPMRS - 6 views

    What is KPMRS? KPMRS is a website rank monitoring services on various search engines for multiple keywords. It tracks the website position for keywords or phrases for a specific URL on Google, Yahoo, Bing and provides a comprehensive report on overall performance and position variation over time, in a nice graphical format. Who is it for? KPMRS is a perfect SEO tool developed by SEO professionals for fellow SEO professionals, search engine marketers and website owners. We understand how important it is to know where your website ranks in various search engines. We felt the need, we provided the solution ! Feel free to start using it now.
    KPMRS helps in finding your website ranks on Google, Bing and Alexa with various free features like web site audit, check backlinks and social popularity.
    KPMRS helps in finding your website ranks on Google, Bing and Alexa with various free features like web site audit, check backlinks and social popularity.
yc c

Sprite Cow - Generate CSS for sprite sheets - 7 views

    Sprite Cow helps you get the background-position, width and height of sprites within a spritesheet as a nice bit of copyable css
yc c

amCharts: customizable free flash charts - 1 views

    Ammap is an interactive flash map creation software. Use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map. Photos or illustrations can be used instead of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-learning tools and more. With amMap you can: * customize every detail of your map - sizes, colors, disable features you don't need; * create multi-level structures; * create map charts (heat maps); * load icons or other custom movies or photos on top of your map; * use your own custom maps; * draw lines and add texts; * set values of countries and create map chart; * set start-up zoom level and position; * use it as zoomifyer to display big pictures; * control map with JavaScript (reload data and settings, set and get data and separate params, register clicks); * export map as an image. More facts: * weights only 35 Kb; * works with Flash player 8 and later versions; * loads data from XML; * uses latitude and longitude for storing point position. Check examples to find out how many different views you can achieve with amMap. You can download and use it for free.
    Interactive Flash Pie Charts, Line Charts and Bar/Column Charts. Users can pull out a slice of pie chart by clicking on it. Users can zoom in/out by highlighting a specific area of the line chart. The bar/column can be 100 stacked, mouseover to view more details. All Charts are free to download, the only limitation of free version is that a small link to AmCharts will be displayed in top left corner of your charts.
yc c - Beware of cheap imitations - 0 views

    pamCop determines the origin of unwanted email and reports it to the relevant Internet service providers. By reporting spam, you have a positive impact on the problem. Reporting unsolicited email also helps feed spam filtering systems, including, but not limited to, SpamCop's own service.
yc c

Pro Con Lists - 4 views

    A Pro/Con list can help you make more informed decisions by weighing all the positives and negatives.
yc c

RSSNOTES - 7 views

    Add feed from any site or blog. Pick the desired note color and tag the feed. After a note has been added you can drag and drop it into the position you want. After saving your profile you can share your news as a widget. Add your widget to your personal site, community, blog or wherever you want.
Janos Haits

BranchOut on Facebook - 2 views

    BranchOut is the largest professional network on Facebook. Millions of people use BranchOut to accomplish the following: 1. Create a professional profile - BranchOut profiles only show work history, education, and positive endorsements. If two people want to connect professionally without becoming Facebook friends, BranchOut is the solution. 2. Search 3 million jobs and 20,000 internships - BranchOut's advanced search options allow users to find the job opportunities based on their location, industry, experience, and job title.
Janos Haits - Real Time Air Traffic - Now with Volcano ash cloud - BA Strikes - 6 views

    Plane Finder works by picking up ADS-B plane feeds used by commercial and private planes to transmit their name, position, callsign, status and lots more. Our servers add additional information such as departure airport, destination and photos for presentation on and in our Plane Finder apps.
Janos Haits

Malware Hunter - 4 views

    "Malware Hunter is a specialized Shodan crawler that explores the Internet looking for command & control (C2s) servers for botnets. It does this by pretending to be an infected client that's reporting back to a C2. Since we don't know where the C2s are located the crawler effectively reports back to every IP on the Internet as if the target IP is a C2. If the crawler gets a positive response from the IP then we know that it's a C2."
Jyoti Verma

Top 5 Batsmen with most Ducks in IPL - 0 views

    The circus of T20 cricket is not always associated with slam-bang hitting and graceless slogging. Consistency over a period of time is often rewarded with positive results. Also get on list of Top 5 Batsmen with most Ducks in IPL.
yc c

Illuminations: Dynamic Paper - 6 views

  • Need a pentagonal pyramid that's six inches tall? Or a number line that goes from ‑18 to 32 by 5's? Or a set of pattern blocks where all shapes have one-inch sides? You can create all those things and more with the Dynamic Paper tool. Place the images you want, then export it as a PDF activity sheet for your students or as a JPEG image for use in other applications or on the web. Instructions   This applet allows you to create the following: Nets – two-dimensional outlines of three-dimensional shapes, including regular polyhedra, prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones Graph Paper – coordinate graphs, polar coordinates, logarithmic graph paper Number Lines – including positive and negative coordinates Number Grids – hundreds boards and the like Tessellations – tiling patterns involving triangles, quadrilaterals, and hexagons Shapes – pattern blocks, attribute blocks, and color tiles Spinners – up to 16 sectors, with adjustable sizes
yc c

/* Position Is Everything */ - Modern browser bugs explained in detail! - 4 views

    describe and demonstrate some of the bugs found in web browsers, and to show advanced CSS methods that work across all browsers.

Houston logo - 0 views

    Together with your corporate emblem, the audiences come in a situation to evaluate the type of organization or a company you've. Without pursuing some concepts, you can't maintain a position to inform whether it generates any effect on the audiences or whether your business logo is simple to consider. Keep in mind that the corporate company logo is meant to state one's business' character thus ought to be smartly designed. Houston logo design is essential in producing and creating a company recognized for the market's visible presence.
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