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yc c

Typograph - Scale & Rhythm - 2 views

    I've been searching for something like this!
yc c

Integrity - provide a map like overview of your web-site - 8 views

    Using this method images, style-sheets and javascript pages can also be checked to ensure they are correctly loaded. This builds up a useful overview of how your web-site pages link together and where problems lie. Creating a visual representation of this information not only allows quick resolutions of the issues found, but also gives a method to check to overall information architecture of a site.
yc c

Source code beautifier / syntax highlighter - convert code snippets to HTML «... - 5 views

  • converts your code snippets into pretty-printed HTML format, easily embeddable into blog posts and websites.
yc c, What's my IP address? How good is my browser? What can it do? : what br... - 5 views

    browser support and test
yc c

font dragr | A HTML5 web app for testing custom fonts | The CSS Ninja - 2 views

    Drag and drop your truetype (ttf), opentype (otf), scalable vector graphics (svg) or Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts in the left hand side module and it will be added to the list. The last font dropped will change the font-family of this text and the above title. At the moment this functionality of dragging and dropping files from the desktop to the browser is only available in Firefox 3.6. You can expect to see this added to other browsers in the near future.
yc c

MRI :: for web developers - 0 views

shared by yc c on 24 Oct 09 - Cached
    Enter selectors in the text field and click the MRI button
yc c

XRAY :: for web developers - 0 views

shared by yc c on 24 Oct 09 - Cached
    XRAY is a free cross browser tool that lets you see the box model in action for any element, letting you see beneath the skin of any web page.
yc c

The Printliminator - 0 views

    The Printliminator is a bookmarklet with some simple tools you can use to makes websites print better. One click to activate, and then click to remove elements from the page, remove graphics, and apply better print styling. Here is the bookmarklet:
Janos Haits - Modify any website in real-time - 8 views

    "Modify any website in real-time Save your mod and Share it with the world."
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