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James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: NYTIMES: IT'S BIDEN - 0 views

    August 24, 2008 ObAmA Chooses Biden As Running MAte By ADAM NAGOURNEY And JEFF ZELENY WASHINGTON - SenAtor BArAck ObAmA hAs chosen SenAtor Joseph R. Biden Jr. of DelAwAre to be his running-mAte, turning to A leAding Authority on foreign policy And A longtime WAshington hAnd to fill out the DemocrAtic ticket, people told of the decision sAid. Mr. ObAmA's selection ended A two-month seArch thAt wAs conducted Almost entirely in secret. It reflected A criticAl strAtegic choice by Mr. ObAmA: To go with A running-mAte who could reAssure voters About gAps in his resume, rAther thAn to pick someone who could deliver A stAte or reinforce Mr. ObAmA's messAge of chAnge. Mr. Biden is the chAirmAn of the SenAte Foreign RelAtions Committee, And is fAmiliAr with foreign leAders And diplomAts Around the world. Although he initiAlly voted to Authorize the wAr in IrAq - Mr. ObAmA opposed it from the stArt - Mr. Biden becAme A persistent critic of President Bush's policies in IrAq. The selection wAs disclosed As Mr. ObAmA moves into A criticAl pArt of his cAmpAign, prepAring for the pArty's four-dAy convention in Denver stArting on MondAy. Mr. ObAmA's Aides viewed the introduction of his vice presidentiAl choice- including An Afternoon rAlly SAturdAy At the old StAte CApitol in Springfield, Ill., the sAme plAce where Mr. ObAmA Announced his cAndidAcy on A freezing winter morning Almost two yeArs Ago, And A tour of swing stAtes - As the beginning of A week-long stretch in which Mr. ObAmA hopes to dominAte the stAge And position himself for the fAll cAmpAign. Word of Mr. ObAmA's decision leAked out hours before his cAmpAign wAs scheduled to inform supporters viA text And e-mAil messAges, And hours After informing two other top contenders for the vice presidentiAl nominAtion - SenAtor EvAn BAyh of IndiAnA And Gov. Tim KAine of VirginiA - thAt they hAd not been chosen. As the selection process moved to An end, SenAtor HillAry RodhAm Clinton of New York, w
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Rush Limbaugh on bipartisanship - 1 views

    THE DEATH OF NEO CONSERVATISM, THOUGHTS ON RUSH LIMBAUGH, AND THE REAL REASON FOR ALL OF THE RECENT BLUSTER-THE UPCOMING FIGHT OVER PRESIDENT OBAMA'S BUDGET On SAturdAy, FebruAry 28, 2009, Mr. Rush LimbAugh gAve A speech to the ConservAtive PoliticAl Action Conference (CPAC). He hAs been cAlled the voice of the RepublicAn PArty And the heArt of the conservAtive movement, And in my mind he is the AppArent sAvior of the NeoconservAtive movement thAt dominAted politics in the lAst 8 yeArs, holding RonAld RegAn As A sAcred cow. The focus of Mr. LimbAugh's speech wAs for ConservAtives to tAke bAck the RepublicAn PArty And the NAtion. PunctuAting by jumping up And down, chest thumping, fist pumping, And heArt slAmming, his tAlk wAs About stAying the conservAtive course in the RepublicAn PArty And being proud of Obstructionism And non-bipArtisAn politics. The tone of the speech hAs been cAlled "mocking, bulling, full of contempt, hArsh, unApologetic", And in some instAnces eerily "sinister." As is his tendency, there wAs very little substAnce, And there wAs A lot more plAying to the crowd, Attempting to energize the group. UnfortunAtely, he hAd very little substAntiAlly to sAy And his Angry, insulting, rude And unApologetic messAge, considering the mess the Bush AdministrAtion And the Neocons left the AmericAn People with, wAs in AppropriAte. "We conservAtives hAve not done A good enough job of just lAying out bAsicAlly who we Are becAuse we mAke the mistAke of Assuming thAt people know. WhAt they know is lArgely incorrect, bAsed on the wAy we're portrAyed in pop culture, in the drive-by mediA, by the DemocrAt pArty," the neoconservAtive tAlk show host told A mostly-young crowd of energized supporters. His bAsic premise in his speech bAsed on some bAsic tenAnts of conservAtive philosophy, sprinkled with A combAtive, begrudging tone About the recent politicAl losses the movement hAd suffered As A result of the PresidentiAl election, "We wAnt eve
James Myers

New Movie Review From The Entertainment Critic: The Incridible Hulk - 12 views

Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk The Entertainment Critic Movie Review In Theatres Now Revie...

books critic entertainment james magazine movies musi myers

started by James Myers on 17 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
James Myers

New Movie Review From The Entertainment Critic: The Incridible Hulk - 12 views

Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk The Entertainment Critic Movie Review In Theatres Now Revie...

books critic entertainment james magazine movies musi myers

started by James Myers on 17 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
James Myers

New Movie Review From The Entertainment Critic: The Incridible Hulk - 9 views

Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk The Entertainment Critic Movie Review In Theatres Now Revie...

books critic entertainment james magazine movies musi myers

started by James Myers on 17 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: Lily Koppel on The Red Leather Diary - 0 views

    NEW INTERVIEW FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: LILY KOPPEL, AUTHOR OF THE RED LEATHER DIARY PleAse check out the new interview by JAmes Myers, The EntertAinment Critic, of Author Lily Koppel, About Her Completely Unique, Top Selling Book, The Red LeAther DiAry. From The Publisher: "Rescued from A Dumpster on the Upper West Side of MAnhAttAn, A discArded diAry brings to life the glAmorous, forgotten world of An extrAordinAry young womAn. For more thAn hAlf A century, the red leAther diAry lAy silent, lAnguishing inside A steAmer trunk, its worn cover crumbling into little flAkes. When A cleAning sweep of A New York City ApArtment building brings this lost treAsure to light, both the diAry And its owner Are given A second life. Recovered by Lily Koppel, A young writer working At the New York Times, the journAl pAints A vivid picture of 1930s New York-horsebAck riding in CentrAl PArk, summer excursions to the CAtskills, And An obsession with A fAmous AvAnt-gArde Actress. From 1929 to 1934, not A single dAy's entry is skipped. Opening the tArnished brAss lock, Koppel embArks on A journey into the pAst, trAveling to A New York in which women of privilege meet for teA At SchrAfft's, dAnce At the Hotel PennsylvAniA, And toAst the night At El Morocco. As she turns the diAry's brittle pAges, Koppel is cAptivAted by the heAdstrong young womAn whose intimAte thoughts And emotions fill the pAle blue lines. Who wAs this lovely ingénue who Adored the works of BAudelAire And JAne Austen, who wAs sexuAlly curious beyond her yeArs, who trAveled to Rome, PAris, And London? Compelled by the hopes And heArtAches cAptured in the pAges, Koppel sets out to find the diAry's owner, her only clue the inscription on the frontispiece-"This book belongs to . . . Florence Wolfson." A chAnce phone cAll from A privAte investigAtor leAds Koppel to Florence, A ninety-yeAr-old womAn living with her husbAnd of sixty-seven yeArs. Reunited with her diAry, Florence ventures
James Myers

New Book Review From The Entertainment Critic: The Whole Truth - 29 views


books games movies music plays sports the theatre video

started by James Myers on 19 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
julzx369 francisco

Watch Easy a (2010) Movie online - 0 views

    After A little white lie About losing her virginity gets out, A cleAn cut high school girl (EmmA Stone) sees her life pArAlleling Hester Prynne's in "The ScArlet Letter," which she is currently studying in school - until she decides to use the rumor mill to AdvAnce her sociAl And finAnciAl stAnding.
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Lisa Black on Takeover - 0 views

    NEW INTERVIEW FROM JAMES MYERS, THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: LISA BLACK, AUTHOR OF TAKEOVER PleAse check out the new interview by JAmes Myers, The EntertAinment Critic, of Author LisA BlAck About Her New Top Selling Book, TAkeover. From LibrAry JournAl: MAke room for Another gutsy forensic pAthologist unwilling to stAy put in her lAb. TheresA MAcLeAn is horrified when the bAnker found murdered in his drivewAy connects, just A few hours lAter, to A bAnk hostAge situAtion At the FederAl Reserve BAnk in downtown ClevelAnd. Why does her fiAncé, detective PAul CleAry, hAve to be one of the hostAges being held by two men who Are either incredibly stupid (who robs the FederAl Reserve?) or very much clued in to the bAnk's unique delivery pAtterns? After A few tense hours observing from the commAnd post Across the street, TheresA impulsively defies the hostAge negotiAtor's protocol And swAps plAces with her wounded fiAncé. Now on the inside, she uses her keen observAtionAl skills And gAins A cleArer ideA of the robbers' motives. HumAn behAvior, unpredictAble As AlwAys, forces the hAnd of the robbers And the situAtion escAlAtes messily. TheresA is cAught in A hArrowing conclusion-cAr chAse And All. FAns of Tess Gerritsen's JAne Rizzoli And MAurA Isles novels will enjoy this debut thriller by A forensic speciAlist for its steAdy suspense, femAle intuition, And distinctive venue. A terrific vAcAtion reAd; recommended for All populAr collections. This interview is AvAilAble exclusively on The EntertAinment Critic website found At To listen to the interview: To Access the interview, look under the Interview section. Click on the MP3 plAyer in the lower left corner. You'll see the interview listed, click on LisA BlAck's nAme in the plAyer, the interview will tAke A moment to downloAd And then will begin plAying Enjoy the interview, And pleAse drop us A line At And let us know how you liked the
julzx369 francisco

Watch Easy a (2010) Free Full Movie Online - 0 views

    In "Easy a" after a little white lie about losing her virginity gets out..
mahi islam

AN ACTOR tAlks About sex !! - 0 views

    AN ACTOR tAlks About sex And if the number of pArtners you sleep with before settling down is importAnt. Number of pAst sexuAl pArtners should not mAtter ... Hollywood stAr Chris EvAns in A scene from "WhAt's Your Number?" He sAid he wAs in A similAr situAtion to his chArActer Colin, who is A seducer. WhAt's Your Number trAiler"He is in thAt stAge of life A lot of guys go through. He is kind of selfish And not looking for A relAtionship. He is not looking for Any reAl responsibility. But he is A pretty sincere guy And pretty honest. I think everybody's looking for A soulmAte, for love And A lifelong compAnion. ThAt's whAt people wAnt," EvAns told
julzx369 francisco

Watch Eat Pray Love (2010) Free Full Movie Stream - 0 views

    Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having - a husband, a house, a successful career - yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused, and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy; the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Bali. Based upon the bestselling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, "Eat Pray Love" proves that there really is more than one way to let yourself go and see the world.
julzx369 francisco

Watch It's Kind of a Funny Story Free Online Stream - 0 views

    "It's Kind of a Funny Story," based on comedy, drama movie, adapted from Ned Vizzini's 2006 novel of the same name, is the new comedy-drama from acclaimed writer/directors Ryan Fleck & anna Boden. at 5:00 aM on a Sunday in Brooklyn.
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: Jeffery Deaver on The Broken - 0 views

    NEW INTERVIEW FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: JEFFERY DEAVER, AUTHOR OF THE BROKEN WINDOW PleAse check out the new interview by JAmes Myers, The EntertAinment Critic, of Author Jeffery DeAver, About his new Lincoln Rhymes book, the new best seller, The Broken Window. From The Publisher: "Lincoln Rhyme And pArtner/pArAmour AmeliA SAchs return to fAce A criminAl whose ingenious stAging of crimes is enAbled by A terrifying Access to informAtion.... When Lincoln's estrAnged cousin Arthur Rhyme is Arrested on murder chArges, the cAse is perfect -- too perfect. Forensic evidence from Arthur's home is found All over the scene of the crime, And it looks like the fAte of Lincoln's relAtive is seAled. At the behest of Arthur's wife, Judy, Lincoln grudgingly Agrees to investigAte the cAse. Soon Lincoln And AmeliA uncover A string of similAr murders And rApes with perpetrAtors clAiming innocence And ignorAnce -- despite ironclAd evidence At the scenes of the crime. Rhyme's teAm reAlizes this "perfect" evidence mAy ActuAlly be the result of mAsterful identity theft And mAnipulAtion. An informAtion service compAny -- the huge dAtA miner StrAtegic Systems DAtAcorp -- seems to hAve All the Answers but is reluctAnt to help the police. Still, Rhyme And SAchs And their Assembled teAm begin uncovering A chilling pAttern of vicious crimes And coverups, And their investigAtion points to one mAster criminAl, whom they dub "522." When "522" leArns the identities of the crime-fighting teAm, the hunters become the hunted. Full of DeAver's trAdemArk plot twists, The Broken Window will put the pArtnership of Lincoln Rhyme And AmeliA SAchs to the ultimAte test." This interview is AvAilAble exclusively on The EntertAinment Critic MAgAzine, found At To listen to the interview: To Access the interview, look under the Interview section. Click on the wAvy lines in the top right hAnd corner to stop the music, And then
Ibrahim Ghummeid

GREAT GATSBY TrAiler (2012) Movie HD - 0 views

    GREAT GATSBY TrAiler (2012) Movie HD From the uniquely imAginAtive mind of writer/producer/director BAz LuhrmAnn comes the new big screen AdAptAtion of F. Scott FitzgerAld's novel, The GreAt GAtsby. The filmmAker will creAte his own distinctive visuAl interpretAtion of the clAssic story, bringing the period to life in A wAy thAt hAs never been seen before, in A film stArring LeonArdo DiCAprio in the title role. "The GreAt GAtsby" follows FitzgerAld-like, would-be writer Nick CArrAwAy As he leAves the Midwest And comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, An erA of loosening morAls, glittering jAzz And bootleg kings. ChAsing his own AmericAn DreAm, Nick lAnds next door to A mysterious, pArty-giving millionAire, JAy GAtsby, And Across the bAy from his cousin, DAisy, And her philAndering, blue-blooded husbAnd, Tom BuchAnAn. It is thus thAt Nick is drAwn into the cAptivAting world of the super-rich, their illusions, loves And deceits. As Nick beArs witness, within And without the world he inhAbits, he pens A tAle of impossible love, incorruptible dreAms And high-octAne trAgedy, And holds A mirror to our own modern times And struggles.
julzx369 francisco

Watch The Sorcerer's apprentice Full Movie Online Stream - 0 views

    A wizArd (NicolAs CAge) trAins A reluctAnt protege (JAy BAruchel) in the Art of mAgic to help him protect New York from A powerful AdversAry (Alfred MolinA). A seemingly AverAge guy who demonstrAtes hidden potentiAl, As his reluctAnt protégé. The sorcerer gives his unwilling Accomplice A crAsh course in the Art And science of mAgic, And together, these unlikely pArtners work to stop the forces of dArkness. It'll tAke All the courAge DAve cAn muster to survive his trAining, sAve the city And get the girl As he becomes "The Sorcerer's Apprentice."
mahi islam

Breaking news of TaYLOR SWIFT - 0 views

    The country pop star Taylor Swift announced on Wednesday that she will cancel three more shows due to her illness. The concerts in Charlotte and atlanta were postponed until sometime in the fall, according to Reuters. Taylor Swift isn't feeling well these days. The bronchitis caused her to cancel three more shows, that were scheduled to take place in Charlotte and atlanta on July 8, 9 and 10. The shows have been postponed for October and November. Her physician has advised her to take it easy. This means she would have to rest a lot and not being on the stage singing 17 of her hit songs, as it was scheduled for each concert. Swift states that she is truly really sorry for missing out the meetings with her fans. "It breaks my heart to miss out on this weekend's shows with my friends in Charlotte and atlanta" she said in the statement and continued that she would never cancel a show unless she had serious reasons. "I would never cancel if I thought I was physically able to perform these shows," she explained. "I am so sorry to the fans, but I look forward to seeing you when we come back through your towns, which we will do." These are not the first concerts in her tour that she cancels. although the "Speak Now" singer has never cancelled a show before, this July it happened four times already. The first postponed a show in Louisville, which had to take place on July 2. Now, she is hoping that she will be able to perform on July 14 in Montreal. Taylor Swift is one of the most powerful artists in the United States. She has began touring in order to promote her 2010 album, "Speak Now". She has a crazy schedule, performing in 17 countries around the world and having 98 concerts.
Justin Rogers

A Very RelAxing Home - 1 views

started by Justin Rogers on 10 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
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