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Watch Latest Movies Online - 0 views

    If you are a movie lover and always wants to watch latest movies from home or from work place don't worry, is providing the latest movies to watch or download for free. It is providing the list of Latest Hollywood Movies 2015 release dates. These New English Movies have released and you can find links to their reviews and release dates here.
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: PETITION TO PRESIDENT OBAMA - 1 views

    This is a petition to the President to support the Public Option. Please read and sign.
James Myers Join the Community - 0 views

    Move On.Org video of people who cannot wait for health care reform
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: NYTIMES: IT'S BIDEN - 0 views

    August 24, 2008 Obama Chooses Biden as Running Mate By ADAM NAGOURNEY and JEFF ZELENY WASHINGTON - Senator Barack Obama has chosen Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware to be his running-mate, turning to a leading authority on foreign policy and a longtime Washington hand to fill out the Democratic ticket, people told of the decision said. Mr. Obama's selection ended a two-month search that was conducted almost entirely in secret. It reflected a critical strategic choice by Mr. Obama: To go with a running-mate who could reassure voters about gaps in his resume, rather than to pick someone who could deliver a state or reinforce Mr. Obama's message of change. Mr. Biden is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and is familiar with foreign leaders and diplomats around the world. Although he initially voted to authorize the war in Iraq - Mr. Obama opposed it from the start - Mr. Biden became a persistent critic of President Bush's policies in Iraq. The selection was disclosed as Mr. Obama moves into a critical part of his campaign, preparing for the party's four-day convention in Denver starting on Monday. Mr. Obama's aides viewed the introduction of his vice presidential choice- including an afternoon rally Saturday at the old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., the same place where Mr. Obama announced his candidacy on a freezing winter morning almost two years ago, and a tour of swing states - as the beginning of a week-long stretch in which Mr. Obama hopes to dominate the stage and position himself for the fall campaign. Word of Mr. Obama's decision leaked out hours before his campaign was scheduled to inform supporters via text and e-mail messages, and hours after informing two other top contenders for the vice presidential nomination - Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana and Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia - that they had not been chosen. As the selection process moved to an end, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, w
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Lis... - 0 views

    NEW INTERVIEW FROM JAMES MYERS, THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: LISA BLACK, AUTHOR OF TAKEOVER Please check out the new interview by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic, of Author Lisa Black about Her New Top Selling Book, Takeover. From Library Journal: Make room for another gutsy forensic pathologist unwilling to stay put in her lab. Theresa MacLean is horrified when the banker found murdered in his driveway connects, just a few hours later, to a bank hostage situation at the Federal Reserve Bank in downtown Cleveland. Why does her fiancé, detective Paul Cleary, have to be one of the hostages being held by two men who are either incredibly stupid (who robs the Federal Reserve?) or very much clued in to the bank's unique delivery patterns? After a few tense hours observing from the command post across the street, Theresa impulsively defies the hostage negotiator's protocol and swaps places with her wounded fiancé. Now on the inside, she uses her keen observational skills and gains a clearer idea of the robbers' motives. Human behavior, unpredictable as always, forces the hand of the robbers and the situation escalates messily. Theresa is caught in a harrowing conclusion-car chase and all. Fans of Tess Gerritsen's Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles novels will enjoy this debut thriller by a forensic specialist for its steady suspense, female intuition, and distinctive venue. A terrific vacation read; recommended for all popular collections. This interview is available exclusively on The Entertainment Critic website found at To listen to the interview: To access the interview, look under the Interview section. Click on the MP3 player in the lower left corner. You'll see the interview listed, click on Lisa Black's name in the player, the interview will take a moment to download and then will begin playing Enjoy the interview, and please drop us a line at and let us know how you liked the
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: Julia Reed - 0 views

    This is a new interview by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic, of Julia Reed about her new book, The House on First Street
James Myers

Book For Sale-The Light Within-James Myers The ECritic - Chicago Books For Sale - Kijij... - 0 views

    the light within: the extraordinary friendship of a doctor and patient brought together by cancer by lois m ramondetta, md and deborah rose sills from the publisher: the luminous true story of a friendship that shed the boundaries of the doctor-patient relationship and became less a confrontation with death than a celebration of the joys of life when young gynecologic oncology
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: Jef... - 0 views

    NEW INTERVIEW FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: JEFFERY DEAVER, AUTHOR OF THE BROKEN WINDOW Please check out the new interview by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic, of Author Jeffery Deaver, about his new Lincoln Rhymes book, the new best seller, The Broken Window. From The Publisher: "Lincoln Rhyme and partner/paramour Amelia Sachs return to face a criminal whose ingenious staging of crimes is enabled by a terrifying access to information.... When Lincoln's estranged cousin Arthur Rhyme is arrested on murder charges, the case is perfect -- too perfect. Forensic evidence from Arthur's home is found all over the scene of the crime, and it looks like the fate of Lincoln's relative is sealed. At the behest of Arthur's wife, Judy, Lincoln grudgingly agrees to investigate the case. Soon Lincoln and Amelia uncover a string of similar murders and rapes with perpetrators claiming innocence and ignorance -- despite ironclad evidence at the scenes of the crime. Rhyme's team realizes this "perfect" evidence may actually be the result of masterful identity theft and manipulation. An information service company -- the huge data miner Strategic Systems Datacorp -- seems to have all the answers but is reluctant to help the police. Still, Rhyme and Sachs and their assembled team begin uncovering a chilling pattern of vicious crimes and coverups, and their investigation points to one master criminal, whom they dub "522." When "522" learns the identities of the crime-fighting team, the hunters become the hunted. Full of Deaver's trademark plot twists, The Broken Window will put the partnership of Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs to the ultimate test." This interview is available exclusively on The Entertainment Critic Magazine, found at To listen to the interview: To access the interview, look under the Interview section. Click on the wavy lines in the top right hand corner to stop the music, and then
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: Lil... - 0 views

    NEW INTERVIEW FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: LILY KOPPEL, AUTHOR OF THE RED LEATHER DIARY Please check out the new interview by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic, of Author Lily Koppel, About Her Completely Unique, Top Selling Book, The Red Leather Diary. From The Publisher: "Rescued from a Dumpster on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, a discarded diary brings to life the glamorous, forgotten world of an extraordinary young woman. For more than half a century, the red leather diary lay silent, languishing inside a steamer trunk, its worn cover crumbling into little flakes. When a cleaning sweep of a New York City apartment building brings this lost treasure to light, both the diary and its owner are given a second life. Recovered by Lily Koppel, a young writer working at the New York Times, the journal paints a vivid picture of 1930s New York-horseback riding in Central Park, summer excursions to the Catskills, and an obsession with a famous avant-garde actress. From 1929 to 1934, not a single day's entry is skipped. Opening the tarnished brass lock, Koppel embarks on a journey into the past, traveling to a New York in which women of privilege meet for tea at Schrafft's, dance at the Hotel Pennsylvania, and toast the night at El Morocco. As she turns the diary's brittle pages, Koppel is captivated by the headstrong young woman whose intimate thoughts and emotions fill the pale blue lines. Who was this lovely ingénue who adored the works of Baudelaire and Jane Austen, who was sexually curious beyond her years, who traveled to Rome, Paris, and London? Compelled by the hopes and heartaches captured in the pages, Koppel sets out to find the diary's owner, her only clue the inscription on the frontispiece-"This book belongs to . . . Florence Wolfson." A chance phone call from a private investigator leads Koppel to Florence, a ninety-year-old woman living with her husband of sixty-seven years. Reunited with her diary, Florence ventures
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: David Baldacci o... - 0 views

    This is an interview of David Baldacci, Author of The Whole Truth by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Bill Maher with Keith Olbermann and Bernie Sanders - 0 views

    Keith Olbermann on Bill Maher's Show: "They're just salesmen."
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Economy on slippery slope - 0 views

    Discussion of how the US Economy has not bottomed out yet.
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: Olbermann Bush guilty of torture - 0 views

    Special Comment by Keith Olbermann on why prosecuting the Bush Administration for torture is necessary
James Myers

New Interview From The Entertainment Critic: David Baldacci on The Whole Truth - 11 views

NEW INTERVIEW FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT CRITIC: DAVID BALDACCI, AUTHOR OF THE WHOLE TRUTH Please check out the new interview by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic, of Author David Baldacci, About...

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started by James Myers on 19 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
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Latest Video Songs - 0 views

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News About celebrity - 0 views

    The great source for entertainment news, celebrity gossip and pictures. Get the latest fashion trends, TV, music and movie reviews
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Another tough week for the GOP - 0 views

    The Late Night Comics take on the GOP for the week of 3/30/09
James Myers

The Entertainment Critic: RNC's Bill of Rights is full of Holes-FactCheck.Org - 0 views

    This is a political blog concerning the Health Care Reform Bill and the so-called RNC Bill of Rights, From FactCheck.Org., by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Comment on the 'Death Panel' Nonesense and Healt... - 0 views

    This is a political blog concerning the Health Care Reform Bill and the so-called 'Death Panels.', by James Myers, The Entertainment Critic
James Myers

James Myers, The Entertainment Critic: Palins paling prospects - 0 views

    This is a video of Sarah Palin's recent statement of why she resigned and an interview with Richard Wolffe
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