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Contents contributed and discussions participated by russelljames21


The Cathford Group Credit Inc Tokyo Loan Review Tips: Penger ledelse tips for brudepar - 1 views

started by russelljames21 on 12 May 15 no follow-up yet
  • russelljames21

    Forskning viser at pengesaker er ofte sitert som en av de viktigste årsakene til ekteskapelig konflikt

    Man kan være en spender og den andre, en saver. Uenighet pengene ledelse og forbruksmønstre kan gjøre finans som en av de mest utfordrende og trolig intense emner for par å diskutere.

    For å håndtere ekteskap og penger sammen, må par forstå hverandres meninger om økonomi. De bør kommunisere regelmessig på hvordan pengene skal brukes.

    Par må også huske at de er partnere på samme lag, så for å løse økonomiske problemer de må godta å samarbeide og respektere hverandres ideer om hvordan å gå videre sammen.

    Det er en prosess med oppdagelse, både individuelt og kollektivt, som tillater dem å leve i harmoni og lykke.

    The Cathford Group anbefaler følgende tips for en vellykket pengestyring på ektepar.

    Skriv ned målene

    Problemer oppstår mellom par når de ikke snakker med hverandre om individuelle eller felles mål og planer for å nå dem. The Catford Group foreslår at par må arbeide sammen for å prioritere økonomiske mål og deretter identifisere de nødvendige skritt for å komme dit.

    De kan bli enige om mål som inkluderte bor til et budsjett hver måned og vurdere dem regelmessig.

    Par bør også grundig diskutere sine langsiktige finansielle mål med hverandre, som å ha en pensjonsordning.

    Utforme et budsjett

    For å oppnå felles finansielle målene for ektepar, må de skape en gjensidig behagelig budsjett, og de må sørge for at de er innenfor dette budsjettet hver måned.

    Par må virkelig forstå forskjellen mellom "behov" og "ønsker". De bør prioritere sine grunnleggende behov som mat, vann, klær og husly, men også sanitær, utdanning og helse; de bør begrense seg på hvor mye de har lov til å bruke hver måned for å unngå gjeld.

    Budsjettering krever disiplin, og det kan være et arbeid som pågår for par. Det kan innebære å gjøre justeringer og enda noen ofre særlig i løpet av de første månedene. Men de trenger ikke å bekymre deg fordi dette scenariet er vanlig på brudepar.

    Håndtere gjelden sammen

    Gjeld kan være skadelig for noen, men det er en stor trussel for gifte par fordi de begge er ansvarlig for å betale pengene tilbake.

    Hvis en partner går inn i forholdet med gjeld, må ektefeller snakke om det sammen og finne ut hva som er de beste måtene å betale for det.

    Par må godta å snakke ofte om økonomi og diskutere eventuelle gjeld sammen for å unngå ytterligere problemer på veien.

    Ikke glem å lagre

    Par bør vurdere argumenter for å skape en felles sparekontoen hvis de ønsker å utvikle en sterk økonomisk fremtid med hverandre. Uforutsigbare omstendigheter som kan skje, og kostnadene er noen ganger vanskelig å forutsi, så har en reserve fond er alltid et smart trekk for ektepar.

    De må planlegge sammen om hvordan du kan spare penger som en del av sin økonomistyring mål. Begynner å spare tidlig vil gagne par i fremtiden.


The Cathford Group Credit Inc. Tokyo Loan Review Tips Japan hints at resuming yen loans - 1 views

started by russelljames21 on 24 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
  • russelljames21
    ISLAMABAD: The positive economic reviews in the International Monetary Fund's loan programme for Pakistan were encouraging for Japan to resume its yen loans, said Japanese Minister of State Katsunobu Kato on Thursday.

    During a meeting with Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in Tokyo, the state minister assured Pakistan that Japan would continue to provide assistance for the settlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs), eradication of polio, flood mitigation and the fight against terrorism.

    "We have pledged to work with and support Pakistan in the areas of economy, security, democracy and rule of law," he said while appreciating the efforts put in by Pakistan for the development of economy and improvement of security. Earlier, speaking at a luncheon hosted by Japan Pakistan Parliamentary Friendship League President Seishiro Eto and former Japanese foreign minister Koichiro Gemba, Dar invited Japanese companies to take full benefit of the Special Economic Zone being established for them in Sindh.

    He also discussed enhancement of trade volume between the two countries during a meeting with Japan External Trade Organisation Chairman Hiroyuki Ishiguro.

    "Prospects of investment in Pakistan are bright due to the government's effective policies. Infrastructure development and terrorism pose major challenges but necessary steps have been taken to address them," he said.

    Dar also spoke about the expanding halal food industry and urged Japanese investors to explore the sector in Pakistan. Globally, the halal food market is estimated at $3 trillion.

    "This sector in Pakistan is a gateway to 470 million Muslims and holds great potential for the global halal Industry," he said. "It is the right time to encourage international alliances by facilitating entrepreneurs and highlighting Pakistan as an emerging market for halal products and services."

    Dar said with the help of Japanese technology and investment and Pakistan's resources, joint ventures could be established for producing goods with Pakistan's halal certifications. Industries could be set up anywhere in the country, though proximity to the transport hubs, especially in designated areas such as the Japanese Special Economic Zone, would be beneficial.

    Replying to a question, the minister said the Pak-China Economic Corridor, while benefitting the entire region including central Asian states, India and Afghanistan, would also help Japan in accessing Gulf nations.

Cathford Group Credit Inc: Considering the personal cost of setting up a company - 1 views

started by russelljames21 on 28 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • russelljames21

    Erin Walls, a specialist business advisor for SMEs at Ward Williams Creative, looks at the important personal considerations that need to be made before going into business.

    There are more UK businesses being launched than ever before, with 526,446 companies established in 2013 compared with 484,224 in 2012. London and the South East have seen the most entrepreneurial activity, with 136,936 new businesses launched in London alone last year. This is great news for the economy, but inevitably not all those businesses will thrive and survive and it is important to consider the potential personal costs of starting up.

    Erin Walls, a specialist business advisor for SMEs at Ward Williams Creative says, 'There is a lot of buzz around start-ups at the moment. You can find lots of tips on start-up finances, but you also need to consider the personal cost of starting up a company of your own.'

    Walls has the following advice:

    * Consider the impact of financial insecurity

    New businesses can take anything from a few months to a few years before they start making revenue and initial seed capital or investment may not last that long, so there is usually a period of a few months at the very least where the founders have little or no income. This can be difficult for those with a family who may need to reduce personal outgoings. Personal pension payments could be frozen for a while and non essential spending could be cut, eg on holidays, gym membership, take-aways, new clothes. Those living in a large house could consider renting this out and living in smaller, cheaper rented accommodation, but would need to check the mortgage provider approves.

    * Be realistic about personal cash flow

    When the finances become stretched it's hard to remain objective. Be realistic when looking at business cash flow, for example if you have five potential jobs over the next six months, don't be totally optimistic and account for them all coming in, equally don't assume you'll win none of them. Be realistic about personal cash flow too. Work out how much you need to earn once up and running, to provide not just for the business, but enough to live on and to provide for any dependants.

    If your proposed business will generate about £35,000 revenue in a year and business costs are about £15,000, then you can only hope to earn £20,000 a year and there will be tax on that. What if costs rise as they always do, can you live and provide on £15,000?

    * Manage everyone's expectations

    It's said that most arguments between couple are about sex or money and many relationships come under strain during the start up process as money and pressure become daily issues. If your partner supports you, how long are they willing for the household to live on a reduced income? If your partner has a variable income or a lack of job stability, then maybe this isn't the best time to start up. What is your partner expecting the situation to be at the end of six months or a year and is it in line with your thinking? It is really important to manage everyone's expectations.

    See more: The Cathford Group Credit Inc

    * Watch your stress levels

    When you work for yourself there is no one above you on the ladder; the buck stops with you, which many people find stressful. Most people who run their own business, even those that are successful, say that they never turn their business mind off, even when at home, or out with friends. Lots of people think running their own business will allow them flexibility to do the hours you want, but in reality most people work more hours in their own business than they would as an employee. Some people find that as the pressure builds they start to become unwell or fall sick more often than usual. This is a sign that the stress it taking its toll and nothing is worth killing yourself over, so it is essential to find a way to de-stress and to keep fit in body and mind.

    * Consider the implications of personal guarantees for business loans

    Sometimes giving a personal guarantee for a business loan is unavoidable when you are in a start-up situation, but before you sign your name on the dotted line you must at the very least consider the implications to your personal life if the business fails and the loan is recalled for immediate repayment by you personally, or if legal proceedings start. What if that happens?

    * Learn to spot the warning signs of business failure

    Be aware of the signs of failure. Obviously you need to be positive and we all hope things will work out, but there are some signs that clearly signpost a big problem:

    * Negative cash flow. If you don't have cash you will be unable to pay debts and the business will become insolvent

    * Lack of pipeline - When you start out, many friends and connections will generally be positive for you and say they will help, or know someone who would want your service or product, but if after a few months no one is following through and you have no work lined up, then that pretty much tells you that the business won't work. If you continue, you will be working at a loss, or on a day to day survival basis and that is hard and stressful and not a nice way to exist.

    Case study: How Richard Hearn adapted his business development

    Richard Hearn of Stoke Newington left a full-time job with a charity in November 2013 to set up a business called GenerationMe, training disaffected young people and brokering work experience placements for them. He set up a pilot scheme with a few employers on board to host placements and connected with an education charity to source young people for placement.

    There were delays along the way, so he began freelancing as a trainer for an apprenticeship provider, but this work was limited and sporadic, so his girlfriend agreed to support him financially for three months, but this crept to four and then five months. There were a lot of potential developments that Richard was confident could lead to an income, but they were not coming off quickly enough. Richard comments, 'My lack of financial contribution to the household began to cause arguments, my partner being more objective about the fact money was not coming in and I took it personally at times.

    'I have swallowed my pride somewhat and had a reality check that my training business will take longer than I thought. I am doing more freelance work to boost my earnings and have reduced the time spent on my training company to one or two days per week. In the meantime I make daily savings by small things like not buying lunches and travelling by bus instead of by tube, as small savings soon add up.'
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