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Bridging the `learning divide': The nature and politics of participation - 0 views

  • Despite our efforts, we failed to interview anyone who had not been engaged in significant learning activities during their adulthood. The learning which they talked about took place both at work and outside work: in libraries, societies and community organisations, with friends and neighbours, and at home, as well as in educational institutions and training centres. It might be related to work or not; and in the latter case was quite often pursued as an alternative to, or substitute for, thwarted work ambitions. Much of it was not known about by their employers or colleagues, and many of the respondents wished to keep it that way. Many managers, for their part, appeared unconcerned or uninterested in what their employers did outside work, and in how this might relate to their work.
  • other understandings of participation in learning
  • In short, for the government, lifelong learning is primarily concerned with the vocational education and training of the labour force.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • There appear, then, to be at least two main discourses of participation in lifelong learning being articulated.
  • one discourse
  • participation in lifelong learning as being primarily about vocational and accredited forms of education and training, and links it directly to the needs of the economy and the labour force.
  • other discourse
  • participation in lifelong learning as being about all learning throughout the whole of the life course. It implicitly assumes, therefore, not just that all kinds of learning are valuable, but that all people are more or less continually learning (and hence participating).
  • not really opposites or alternatives. Both of them have validity
  • As researchers,
  • might give us a clearer understanding of the nature of learning and where it fits into people's lives
  • As politicians or educational and training providers
  • might allow us to see how different kinds of learning inform different activities, and thereby get beyond the vocational/nonvocational dichotomy.
  • These arguments are, unfortunately, under-researched (but see, for example, McGivney, 1992), and often remain at the level of assertion or anecdote. If, however, we are serious about encouraging and developing a culture of lifelong learning, and about becoming a learning society, it is precisely these kinds of relationships - between learning and the rest of life -- which we need to explore and understand.
  • Attempting to take both lifelong learning discourses seriously will be a very challenging, even threatening, undertaking. For it will give more authority to the learner and to the researched, and take it away from the politician, the employer, educator and the researcher. But should not lifelong learners be accorded, and be able to handle, such responsibility? Surely a true learning society can only be created by empowering individual learners, rather than by attempting to implement a prescribed view of participation from above.
    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Það er eitthvað svona sem ég er að hugsa um...
    Gagnrýni á fullyrðinguna um að samfélagið skiptist í fólk sem lærir og fólk sem lærir ekki!

participation in learning @ the informal education homepage - 0 views

    yfirlitsgrein um þátttöku sem e.t.v. er þess virði að skoða, einnig heimildalistann í lokin
    etv. þess virði að skoða, sjá einnig heimildalistann...

Measuring Motivation and Barriers in the AETS: A Critical Review - November 2001 - 0 views

    Grein eftir Kjell Rubenson um það hvernig rannsóknir á þátttöku í fullorðinsfræðslu í Canada takast á við / meðhöndla hindranir við þátttöku í fullorðinsfræðslu

COUNCIL RESOLUTION of 27 June 2002 on lifelong learning (2002/C 163/01) - 0 views

    EU resolution on Life Long Learning
    stefnuskjal EU um ævimenntun

NIACE Adult Participation in Learning Surveys | NIACE - 0 views

    Breskar skýrslur um þáttöku í fræðslu
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