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Casey Wedge

Managed Cloud Services for High Performance Networks - 0 views

    Fastblue is offering a range of managed cloud-based services as Cloud servers, Hosted backup, Data center services, Data recovery, Cloud Application Performance Management, Managed WAN Optimization services. These services are necessity for today's businesses to always on, always accessible-data and high performance network connectivity.
    Fastblue is offering a range of managed cloud-based services as Cloud servers, Hosted backup, Data center services, Data recovery, Cloud Application Performance Management, Managed WAN Optimization services. These services are necessity for today's businesses to always on, always accessible-data and high performance network connectivity.
Eric Swanstrom

Plan your Multi-Cloud Network Strategies for High-Performing Network Connection - 0 views

    Fastblue helps enterprises to plan their multi-cloud network strategies with giving insight about cloud, class of service and life of data packet. We've been able to work with our partners to move our clients to the AWS Cloud and Windows Azure Cloud while supporting their efforts in sending data to the cloud. Our services have helped enterprises scale to their needs with a secure, quick, and high-performing network connection to the cloud.
Eric Swanstrom

Connect to your Cloud Server or Data Center with low latency Connectivity - 0 views

    Taking into consideration, the needs security, privacy, and performance of organizations, I've published my latest WHITE PAPER on "Cloud Connectivity". Fastblue has integrated Cloud and Internet Service Providers together to create a complete product offering that will provide customers with a dedicated end-to-end service. Fastblue will bring together your Cloud Applications as well as your network, providing a low latency and private connection to your services. There are more thing you must know about the Cloud Connectivity, to download this white paper visit our website.
Eric Swanstrom

10 Requirements your Cloud Provider Must Meet - 0 views

    Cloud Computing has the ability to increase uptime and accessibility, while decreasing the cost of ownership for application and server management. By using a provider's hardware, you only pay for what you use, rather than purchasing expensive equipment. In turn, this translates into an ability to scale up and down depending on your needs. Your Cloud Provider must meet 10 Requirements such as Security, Network Performance and Latency, SLA (Service Level Agreement), Network Connectivity, Available Managed Services, Customer Support, Scalability, Flexibility and Experience. With the Cloud your IT department will become a reliable, quick, and value-adding core to your business.
Casey Wedge

Benefits of Using Amazon Web Services Direct Connect for your Business - 0 views

    Amazon Web Services Direct Connect is a means of establishing a network connection from your location directly to Amazon Web Services. Many organizations are employing this services due to more numbers of benefits. AWS manages to decrease your bandwidth cost with dedicated private line, offers consistent network performance, scalable connection capacity from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps and easy to use Management Console. If you are more interested to finding about this services, visit us or discuss your requirements with our knowledgeable representative at 888.972.BLUE
Casey Wedge

Get Secured and Private networking with MPLS/WAN Services - 0 views

    MPLS/WAN Services are virtual private network for securely connecting two or more locations over the public Internet or a private MPLS/WAN network. MPLS/WAN will grant the security and speed that you need to use when operating with Cloud Applications, VoIP/SIP or any other Data intensive application. Fastblue delivers MPLS/WAN services over traditional technologies such as an Internet T1's and DSL, or over newer Metro Ethernet and Fiber services. If you are interested to find more about these services, visit us or discuss your requirements with our knowledgeable representative at 888.972.BLUE
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