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Jerome Karabel: Democratic Panic and the Meaning of Massachusetts - 0 views

    "It would be tragic indeed if the defeat in Massachusetts continues to be grossly overinterpreted by Democrats, causing a fatal loss of nerve when courage and steadfastness are required. After nearly one hundred years of struggle to establish the principle of universal health care, the Democrats have finally reached the one-yard line. Opportunities like these are rare, and if the Democrats - with control of the White House and with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate - cannot get the ball into the end zone, they will justifiably lose the people's confidence in their capacity to govern. Democrats simply must find a way to get this done. Failure to do so will cost them grievously at the polls, but the real casualty will be a growing loss of faith in the very possibility of progressive social change."
    Obama gør altså i den grad en forskel bare apropos vores snak. Health care er bare én af de rigtig betydningsfulde sager.
sylvester roepstorff

Indignez vous! by Stephane Hessel - the text « Sapte Stele / Seven Stars - 1 views

  • The end is not far away
  • The public interest must prevail over the interest individual, the fair sharing of the wealth created by the world of work override the power of  money.
  • “The press freedom, its  honor and independence againt the power of the State, the power of money and foreign influences.” That is what turns further orders on the press in 1944. Yet that is what is now in danger. The Resistance was calling for “an effective opportunity for all French children to benefit from the most developed education”, without discrimination, yet the reforms proposed in 2008 go against this project. Young teachers, which actions I support, were up to refuse to apply them and they saw their wages cut as a punishment. They were outraged, have “disobeyed” and found these reforms too far from the ideal of the republican school, too much in the service of Page 3 the money society and not enough developing the creative and critical thinking. It is just the base of the social conquests of the Resistance which is now in question (2)
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  • The gap between the poorest and richest has never been so important, and the race for money, the competition has never been so encouraged.
  • We, veterans of resistance movements and fighting forces of Liberated France, we call the younger generations to stand up, to transmit the heritage of the Resistance and its ideals.
  • When I try to understand what caused fascism, what caused the invasion by it and by Vichy, I tell myself that the wealthy, with their selfishness, have been terribly afraid of the Bolshevik revolution. They have been guided by their fears
  • Proust
  • Walter Benjamin
  • I tell young people: Look for a bit, you’ll find.
  • The worst attitude is indifference, saying “I can not do anything, I’m doing my job.
  • I had the chance after Liberation of being involved in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, 10 December 1948 in Paris at the Palais de Chaillot.
  • René Cassin was  the one whom we owe the term “universal rights Page 7 and not” international “as suggested by our Anglo-Saxon friends.
  • It is obvious that to be effective today, we must act in a network, take advantage of all means of modern communication.
  • Alas, history gives little examples of people who learn from their own history.
  • Guillaume Apollinaire: “That hope is violent ” not politics
    Selve teksten (på engelsk) fra Hessel, først udkommet i okt. 2010.
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GeorgieBC's Blog - 0 views

  • To suddenly be of use again, to find a movement that values truth and intelligence, is like finally coming home for a great many people who have been so frustrated with the anti-intellectual feeling of the last several decades. Academia has also been on the front lines of the attack from the US government, with students at Columbia University told by the US State Dept that discussing Wikileaks on Facebook or Twitter would hurt their chances of a job in the future. Joe McCarthy could not have said it better.
    Jeg tagger denne med grundlagsdebat fordi den handler om anti-intellektualisme. - En kyndig og læsværdig blog om wikileaks, der bl.a. beretter om myndigheders forsøg på censur overfor wikileaks. (Amy Goldmann fra Democracy Now har også flere citater fra universiteter og myndigheder der forbyder deres ansatte at dele eller søge eller bruge noget som helst fra wikileaks).
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For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square | Slavoj Žižek | Comment is f... - 0 views

  • The uprising was universal: it was immediately possible for all of us around the world to identify with it, to recognise what it was about, without any need for cultural analysis of the features of Egyptian society. In contrast to Iran's Khomeini revolution (where leftists had to smuggle their message into the predominantly Islamist frame), here the frame is clearly that of a universal secular call for freedom and justice, so that the Muslim Brotherhood had to adopt the language of secular demands.
  • From the start, the violence of the protesters has been purely symbolic, an act of radical and collective civil disobedience.
    Om opstanden i Ægypten: det er ikke en national opstand, men universel.
sylvester roepstorff

The Collapse of Fractional Banking | Wall Street Survivor University - 1 views

  • The U.S. government has confirmed that indeed a recession began in December 2007, when the price of oil climbed to nearly $100 a barrel.
  • And this is what governments are seeing, banks are seeing, what markets are seeing, but no one is talking about it because it portends changes that are greater than anyone can seriously contemplate.
  • Critics of the concept of peak oil claim that it is crazy to suggest we’re running out of oil – and they’re right! These critics fail to understand the predicament of Peak Oil which is that the rate of growth in the daily/monthly/yearly production of oil is slowing and after the peak, will fall into permanent decline.
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  • Indeed, it is our collective addiction to growth that is the cause of this peak oil predicament. Our entire way of life is focused on growth: growing a family, growing a city, growing a business and growing our economy. All of this growth was needed to perpetuate the fractional reserve banking system, which is now on life support, about to die.
  • "We’re dealing with a cultural problem.
  • It all depends on your inner state, your point of view, how you interpret the world around you.
sylvester roepstorff

International Banking Ponzi Scheme | Wall Street Survivor University - 1 views

  • This perpetual game of borrow-lend-borrow and fractional reserve banking is dependent on the paradigm of infinite economic growth.
    Let og overskuelig forklaring af Fractional Reserve Banking. 
    Mekanikken står stadigvæk ikke lysende klart for mig. Kan man nå en situation, hvor alle penge så at sige er lånt ud i det maksimale antal led? Og hvis man kan det, hvor er de lånte penge henne? Kan de ikke altid indgå i nye lån? Ihh - rekursivitet er svært at forstå.
    Derudover kunne jeg godt li' at vide, om det så faktisk er pga. olien, at bankerne kan blive ved med at trykke nye penge uden at det får alt for voldsom konsekvens i forhold til inflationen.
sylvester roepstorff

Ecology of the Mind | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters - 0 views

  • Quiet feels foreign now, but quiet could be just what we need. Silence may be to a healthy mind what clean air and water are to a healthy body.
  • The commercial media are to the mental environment what factories are to the physical environment. A factory dumps pollution into the water or air because that’s the most efficient way to produce plastic or wood pulp or steel. A TV station or website pollutes the cultural environment because that’s the most efficient way to produce audiences. It pays to pollute. The psychic fallout is just the cost of putting on the show.
  • The information we consume is increasingly flat and homogenized. Designed to reach millions, it often lacks nuance, complexity and context. Reading the same factoids on Wikipedia and watching the same viral video on YouTube, we experience a flattening of culture. Cultural homogenization has graver consequences than the same hairstyles, catchphrases, action-hero antics and video clips propagated ad nauseam around the world. In all systems, homogenization is poison. Lack of diversity leads to inefficiency and failure. Infodiversity is as critical to our long-term survival as biodiversity. Both are bedrocks of human existence.
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  • We may be suffering from the infodisease that Nicholas Carr first diagnosed in himself. “Over the past few years,” he writes, “I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory… what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”
  • The result is a society that treats our cultural heritage as a resource for exploitation. Instead of producing new works of genuine art that replenish our mental environment, we celebrate the amateur whose mash-ups may be hilarious but contribute nothing of value to the cultural conversation. This situation becomes especially distressing when we consider that just as there is a finite amount of nutrients in our soil, there is a finite amount of creativity that the past can yield. Great art is rare, and only so many mash-ups can be released before the original power of a truly artistic creation is lost. And without the production of an authentic culture, our mental environment is in danger of becoming a clear-cut wasteland, overfarmed and depleted. In Lanier’s words, “we face a situation in which culture is effectively eating its own seed stock.”
    En temmelig pessimistisk og tankevækkende artikel om distraktion, informationssyge og kulturkannibalisme - om forureningen af sindet og tabet af viden og evnen til fordybelse. 
    Jeg synes bestemt godt om nogen af citaterne måske især den om medierne som forurenende fabrikker. Dog synes jeg også, at den er meget negativ, og derfor lider af mangel på konstruktivitet. Det er meget nemt at være negativ, og man kommer også meget nemt til at overdrive. Igen er spørgsmål om en artikel som ovenstående kan hjælpe os med at handle positivt, eller om den bare får os til at hensynke i mere apati. Jeg synes, at den måske kan give en noget eftertænksomhed og få én til at stoppe op, men handlingsændrende er det nok ikke.
sylvester roepstorff

The Wire: Adventures in Modern Music: Article - 0 views

  • They should have taken the loft scene as the foundation for building new kinds of institutions, where the music could be played. But that was not achieved. There’s a lot of failure of things that happened in the ’60s that could have made the conditions for music to day much different. But those failures – they didn’t build institutions. And institutions are the only things that really change the environment.
    Et citat (af Wadada Leo Smith) om institutionernes nødvendighed - og hvorfor mange vigtige projekter fra tresserne ikke overlevede. Institutioner er den eneste måde at overleve på - den eneste måde at ændre noget på. Vigtigt i forbindelse med både ADT, Gadeuniversitetet og Tankebanken. 
sylvester roepstorff

Veluxfondene - Kernegruppebevillinger 2008 og 2009 - 0 views

  • Lektor, ph.d. Robert Klemmensen et al.Syddansk Universitet, Institut for Statskundskab.”Arv eller miljø – hvad bestemmer politiske og sociale værdier?”5.435.000 kr.Projektet vil undersøge det komplekse forhold mellem politisk deltagelse, politiske holdninger og værdier og social tillid og arvelige forhold. Desuden vil projektet bidrage til forståelse af holdningsdannelse, idet de samme personer stilles de samme spørgsmål med års mellemrum. Dermed bliver det muligt at undersøge, hvordan arvelige og sociologiske faktorer spiller sammen, når vælgere ændrer holdning. Til forståelse af holdningsdannelse vil vælgerens personlighed blive inddraget som forklarende faktor, og projektet vil gøre brug af tvillingstudier, der er særligt velegnede til at afdække forhold mellem politisk holdningsdannelse, politisk deltagelse og arvelige forhold.
sylvester roepstorff

Book Party for 'Coming Insurrection' Backs Tarnac 9 of France - - 0 views

  • When the French publisher La Fabrique first issued “The Coming Insurrection” in 2007, it received comparatively little attention. But among those who did take notice were the French police, who began monitoring a group of people, mostly graduate students, living in the tiny mountain village of Tarnac in central France. Last November nine of those men and women, ages 22 to 34, were arrested and accused of “associating with a terrorist enterprise” and disabling power lines that left 40,000 passengers stranded for several hours on high-speed trains. A spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutors’ office said that one of the nine, Julien Coupat, was believed to have written “The Coming Insurrection.” He has denied being the author but told interviewers in France that he admired the book.The government eventually released the group — who have come to be known as the Tarnac Nine — pending further investigation, with some opponents of the official action accusing the police of carrying out arrests without sufficient evidence.
    New York Times' artikel om The Coming Insurrection af The Invisible Committee.
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Kontraktens magt, tankens afmagt - - 0 views

    • sylvester roepstorff
      En opgave for Tankebanken.
  • Tænkningen degenererer til refleksion i funktionssystemer, der skal fungere. Tænkningen bliver til selvrefleksion, coaching og feedback, altså til en aktivitet, der handler om at tilpasse enkeltelementer til hinanden. Og handling omdannes til kompetencer i topstyrede systemer. Tænkning og handling bliver til refleksion og kompetence.
    Thomas Aastrup Rømers kronik i Politiken 7. maj 2010.\n(Den findes også her:
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Politikerne er kunstforskrækkede - - 0 views

  • Selv når de bliver spurgt direkte, synes de at være ude af stand til at udtrykke en politisk holdning til kulturelle spørgsmål.
  • I den forstand er politikerne sådan set på højde med deres vælgere, for der er i Danmark en særlig antipati rettet mod kunsten, eller det, der med et allerede nedsættende udtryk hedder ’finkultur’. Underforstået: Man er lidt fin på den, hvis man kan lide den slags.
  • Det er en mangel på dannelse, der formodentlig forsvandt, da populærkulturen erobrede land fra 1960’erne og frem og gjorde det mistænkeligt at ville skille skidt fra kanel.
    Anita Bay Bundegaards kommentar om politikernes ligegyldighed overfor og uvidenhed om kulturpolitik og kunst.
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Pil Christensen · - 1 views

  • Enkeltsagen dominerer fuldstændig.
  • For hvad forestiller de sig selv – at en enkelt mand skulle kunne forandre USA? Den totale tro på individet og absolutte underkendelse af grundlæggende strukturelle forhindringer, spænder fuldstændigt ben for amerikanerne i deres stræben efter forandring.
  • Det kan virke noget selvmodsigende på den ene side at erkende, at enkeltsagen måske er der, hvor der faktisk kan opnås forandring, og på den anden side give den skylden for, at forandringer ikke bliver til noget. Men jeg tror, det afspejler den fatale og fastlåste politiske situation som USA demokratisk befinder sig i.
    Jeg falder over Pils bemærkning om at enkeltsager helt dominerer billedet. PC bemærker at enkeltsagerne både er en vej til og en forhindring for at skabe forandringer. - Også interessant at man knytter håb om forandringer til individder, en slags genidyrkelse, i stedet for at prøve at ændre strukturer.
    Ja - Men hvordan ændrer man strukturer?
    Det er et spørgsmål jeg har stillet mig selv mange gange. Zizek siger at det gælder om at ændre forudsætningerne for en given situation, og siger derefter at det handler om at gøre det, der synes umuligt. Han nævner Nixons rejse til Kina som et eksempel. Dette besøg i 1972 er siden gået ind i sproget - Nixon in China - om en pludselig, uventet og øjensynligt umulig politisk handling. - Det synes jeg er en brugbar tankemodel. Herefter er det blot at finde på nogle konkrete umuligheder.
sylvester roepstorff

Hjemløs på midten - - 0 views

  • I øjeblikket er der derfor ingen partier til at varetage midtervælgernes interesser.
  • Midten er forsvundet i dansk politik.
sylvester roepstorff

Det farlige værditomrum | - 0 views

  • Når ideerne svækkes, fyldes tomrummet ud med pengebegær som det bærende element i menneskers tilværelse. Finanskrisen er et produkt af dette.
  • Nu er der opstået et tomrum, og det er på vej til at blive udfyldt af en ny modpol; men det bliver til et had til Islam. Nu trues demokratiet på dets fundamentale værdier: På frisind og på retssyn. Dansk Folkeparti er i alliance med Tidehverv blevet den tydeligste idébevægelse, som overstråler de falmede ideer i de gamle partier.
  • I det tomrum, vi oplever, søges der forgæves efter værdier, og derfor er værdidebatten en buldren af tomme tønder. Ytringsfriheden bringes ind som en pseudo-religion på samme tid, som man vil statsdirigere folks beklædning.
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  • Højskolen skal genskabes. En folkelig højskole, en ny højskole. Inspirationen kan hentes i Berlin i det første Liberal Arts College i Europa. Det er et ganske lille privat universitet grundlagt for ti år siden af en række europæiske intellektuelle, som har et ideal om det, vi kan kalde almen dannelse.
    Asger Baunsbak-Jensens kronik om ideernes død i nullerne.
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VisionsPartiet - Politik med hoved og hjerte - 1 views

    Visionspartiet blev stiftet i 2002 og har som nøgleord: helhedstænkning. Det er et parti med rødder i forskellige traditioner for bevidsthedsudvikling.
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Om Kulturkapellet - 0 views

  • Tendensen har siden 60'erne været, at fokus har flyttet sig væk fra akademisk meningsdannelse, en tendens, der udspringer af en udskældt kulturradikalisme. Som følgevirkning heraf har forskningen og den generelle kulturelle, akademiske meningsdannelse flyttet sig bort fra samfundet og ind i selvtilstrækkelige kredse, hvor kunsten på den ene side, kulturen på den anden, og sammenhængen herimellem og det akademiske fokus herpå, har virket selvbekræftende og selvforstærkende. Det har været med til at skabe et blakket ry for specielt humanistisk kulturforskning, der er blevet anset for unyttig og samfundsmæssig utilstrækkelig. Af samme grund er det blevet forskningen pålagt, for imødegå denne tendens, at formidle sine resultater og kommunikere et resultat ud, så det er tydelig, hvordan samfundet kan drage fordel af det. Men det er uden at skabe troværdige rammer for, hvor og hvordan denne formidling skal foregå. Det er uden, at midlerne er givet til at vise vej fra selve forskningens, kulturens og kunstens resultater til befolkningens lyst til at behandle, læse og bruge samme. Dette middel vil vi bidrage med!
sylvester roepstorff

You are not a gadget - book by Jaron Lanier - 0 views

  • The problem is not inherent in the Internet or the Web.  Deterioration only began around the turn of the century with the rise of so-called “Web 2.0” designs.  These designs valued the information content of the web over individuals.  It became fashionable to aggregate the expressions of people into dehumanized data.  There are so many things wrong with this that it takes a whole book to summarize them.  Here’s just one problem:  It screws the middle class.  Only the aggregator (like Google, for instance) gets rich, while the actual producers of content get poor.  This is why newspapers are dying.  It might sound like it is only a problem for creative people, like musicians or writers, but eventually it will be a problem for everyone.  When robots can repair roads someday, will people have jobs programming those robots, or will the human programmers be so aggregated that they essentially work for free, like today’s recording musicians?  Web 2.0 is a formula to kill the middle class and undo centuries of social progress.
    Jaron Lanier about how in the short devolopment of the internet it became fashionable to aggregate expressions of people into dehumanized data.
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