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Tétényi István

Total Telecom - 0 views

  • Telecoms reform: Turnkey solutions for Turkey
Mihaly Nyary

Fiberevolution: Fiber financing - 0 views

    So there you have it. My "optimistic" view. The crisis is shattering the all-private dogma, and that's at least one good aspect of it. Sure, it raises a number of new questions and issues for incumbents, regulators and service providers. But then these issues would have needed tackling anyway, they're just likely to be more visible in the next few years...
Mihaly Nyary

High-speed broadband throughout Finland by 2015 - 0 views

    Itt a finn terv!
Mihaly Nyary

Telephony Online, 2008. október 1. szám - 0 views

    Rengeteg érdekes cikk! Tematikus szám: The future of broadband!
Mihaly Nyary

Fiberevolution: Idea of public involvement progressing - 0 views

  • One of the strange side effects of the current financial crisis is that the once taboo idea of public financing in telecoms is no longer taboo.
    One of the strange side effects of the current financial crisis is that the once taboo idea of public financing in telecoms is no longer taboo.
Tétényi István

Rapid - Press Releases - EUROPA - 0 views

  • The deployment of NGA is indispensable to deliver new broadband services to European consumers. While a number of operators, both incumbents and alternative operators, have launched large-scale rollouts of new broadband infrastructure in a number of Member States, Europe appears to be still lagging behind other economies, notably the United States and Japan.
  • The basic principle of the Commission's draft Recommendation is that national regulatory authorities should provide access to the networks of dominant operators at the lowest possible level. In particular, they should mandate access to the ducts of the dominant operators allowing competitors to roll out their own fibre. However NRAs should also impose further physical access obligations (access to unlit fibre) beyond access to ducts where ducts are not available or the population density is too low for a sustainable business model. Access to active elements such as "bitstream" shall be maintained provided lower level remedies do not sufficiently address distortions of competition.
    NGA konzultáció
Tétényi István

Worldwide Broadband Subscribers Top 382.4m - Growth Slows : ISPreview UK News - 0 views

  • Worldwide Broadband Subscribers Top 382.4m - Growth Slows
  • Point Topic has released its latest 'World Broadband Statistics Report' for the second quarter of 2008, highlighting a worldwide growth in broadband subscribers of 3.92% (14.44m net additions) between Q1 and Q2 2008. This increase represents a continued slowdown of broadband growth and is the lowest reported number of net additions since Q3 2005.
Tétényi István

Fiberevolution: Update: Portugal, Switzerland and Germany - 0 views

  • I did a long needed update to the World of Fiber map.
    World of Fiber MAP
Tétényi István

What is an OPLAN? - The OPLAN Foundation - 0 views

  • An open public local access networks - OPLAN - is precisely what it says it is. That simple proposition scarcely does justice to what this digital infrastructure can achieve, or the scope of the potential economic, social and creative benefit that OPLANs can unleash. Quite simply, they can make all old-style notions of "telecoms" redundant.
    An open public local access networks - OPLAN - is precisely what it says it is. That simple proposition scarcely does justice to what this digital infrastructure can achieve, or the scope of the potential economic, social and creative benefit that OPLANs can unleash. Quite simply, they can make all old-style notions of "telecoms" redundant.
Mihaly Nyary

Index - Japánban a legjobb az internet - 0 views

    A japán internet a leggyorsabb a világon, de nekünk sem kell szégyenkezni, jobbak vagyunk, mint az európai átlag. Debrecen a magyar internet közepe.
Mihaly Nyary

The next phase of broadband UK: action now for long term competitiveness. Review of bar... - 0 views

    Final report from an independent review carried out by Francesco Caio. The Government aims to help the private sector develop a new competitive market in next generation services, and commissioned this report on the barriers to investment and the steps it can take to remove them. Published 12 September 2008.
Mihaly Nyary / Companies / IT - Broadband access comes under fire - 0 views

  • “But we are looking at quality, not penetration. Some countries have leapfrogged others by laying fibre rather than trying to upgrade copper lines.”
Tétényi István

O3b Networks, With Support from Google, Liberty Global and HSBC, To Deploy World's Firs... - 0 views

  • O3b Networks’ operational and technical development is well underway. Production of the initial constellation of 16 satellites has begun. The system’s 2,133 transponder equivalents will deliver low-latency Internet backhaul at speeds reaching 10 gigabits per second. Service activation is scheduled for late 2010. The scalable nature of the system allows for additional satellites to increase capacity and meet growing demand.
    O3b Networks' operational and technical development is well underway. Production of the initial constellation of 16 satellites has begun. The system's 2,133 transponder equivalents will deliver low-latency Internet backhaul at speeds reaching 10 gigabits per second. Service activation is scheduled for late 2010. The scalable nature of the system allows for additional satellites to increase capacity and meet growing demand.
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