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Kelli Gerhardt

Increasing Awareness About Web Access Barriers - 34 views

I really liked Ali's article a lot. Because I teach middle school I can see how blogging can be very useful to my students. Some of my students have a hard time expressing themselves in a class set...

Samantha Wood

HAL :: [hal-00257138, version 1] Accessible E-Learning and Educational Technology - Extending Learning Opportunities for People with Disabilities - 0 views

    The article describes possible barriers in e-learning and educational technology for people with disabilities. It starts with an overview of the different ways disabled people work with computers and assistive technology. Then several examples of creating accessible content and communication are provided. (This article is helpful because it gives you great examples on making your content accessible for those with multiple disabilities. It also shares how to implement the technology into classroom.)
Amy Franklin

Web 2.0, Blended Learning, Wikis, and More? | Digital Learning Environments - 0 views

    This article explores the role of virtual learning environments in education. I have some gifted students at my school who find a lot of barriers or restrictions in traditional classrooms, and this could be a way for them to capitalize on their giftedness.
Rebecca Martin

Embracing learners with disability: web 2.0, access and insight - 2 views

    This article highlights many web tools used for disabled individuals. It focuses on web 2.0 tools in higher education, but as we all know, everything on the internet can be adjusted to fit the needs of our students.
Audrey O'Clair

Welcome to Maine AIM | Maine-AIM - 1 views

    I learned about this site from my dear friend who is an Assistive Technologist and is doing her doctoral studies in UDL. I found this site to be clear and not overwhelming. Because of my background in special education I am eager to dig deeper into the law section. I am taking another grad class right now and we are deep in the UDL trenches. Maine AIM Program is administered by the Maine CITE Coordinating Center on behalf of the Maine Department of education. Maine CITE Coordinating Center, University College, 46 University Drive, Augusta Maine 04330 USA Email: | Phone: 207-621-3195
Audrey O'Clair

Techno Bytes - 0 views

    What's going on in the world of Assistive and Educational Technology. (by Hillary Brumer). Hillary Brumer is a close friend and colleague of mine and I felt it necessary to share her brilliance with you all. Hillary and I co authored an article for an early childhood ed publication and also share a deep love for the iPad and how it impacts individuals with special needs. She is in the midst of her doctoral studies and is a valuable resource to anyone who has learners with diverse needs in their class. Her blog is geared toward app reviews and assistive tech devices.
Rebecca Martin

My Web 2.0 tool kit for struggling or reluctant readers and writers - 1 views

    There are lots of reasons why kids are reluctant to read and write- learning disabilities, competition from other activities, lack of interest, school not valued. Students have told me they don't read and write outside of school. Of course they do. They just don't realize it. This blog has a great slideshow near the bottom that outlines how web 2.0 targets reluctant readers.
Hailey Bechtol

We All Have Special Needs: Using Technology to Break Down Barriers - 0 views

    For many people, the term "disability" conjures up images of individuals with physical impairments. We need to think more broadly. It seems to me that anyone who is denied full access to information and ideas -- or the means to express themselves as individuals -- has a type of disability.
    This article is by George Lucas, the founder of Edutopia. He talks about his feeling that technology can help all of us achieve our own potential and discover our own disabilities.
Amy Franklin

Google ChromeVox - 1 views

    In the interest of different media... This is a presentation done by google folk about ChromeVox which reads website content to you on Chrome. It seems similar to the software that the guy in the second video used except now more will have access to the feature. While this will benefit the visually impaired, ell students, audial processors, and those with reading challenges will also benefit. Very cool!
Amy Franklin

Web4AllLearners - ELL Barriers to Web 2.0 - 2 views

    This is particularly close to me since I work with many ELL kids at my school. They are very overwhelmed with all the information in a language they don't know. It's hard for them to do tasks online in English that we do without thinking (such as scan a google search) since their grasp on the language is sometimes only so-so. This is a very fluid accessibility issue since their language skills will develop.
Brooke Carlyle

How People with Disabilities Use the Web - 1 views

    This page in particular provides scenarios and accessibility solutions for users of web 2.0 who are disabled. It includes information about color blindness, deafness, classroom student with dyslexia, cognitive disabilities, etc.
    Hi Brooke, The section about the classroom student with dyslexia really caught my attention. I saw that text to speech software is used with an option for freezing animated objects. Text to speech software is not only great for individuals with dyslexia or ADD, but it can also be modified for blind or nearly blind students and younger age kids, like kinders or pre-k!
Brooke Carlyle

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - home page - 0 views

    The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) contains a wealth of info about web 2.0 accessibility for those with disabilities. My favorite feature is that it provides scenarios of both children and adults who have disabilities, the barrier that they face, and how to overcome that barrier.
Lisa Gray

How to make your Mac read text for you - 0 views

    This is a great way to learn how to make your Mac help you when you are in need of a little extra
Jennifer Kennedy

FizzBrain Apps - 2 views

    Fizz Brain Apps were designed by teachers for students with autism and Asperger's Syndrome. They focus on social skills and creative play. The Feel and Write App is practice in writing letters with fun materials such as shaving cream and chocolate. The Look In My Eyes Apps are an engaging way to allow students to practice making eye contact.
Ali Berman

Blogs, Wikis, and Text Messaging: What are the Implications for Students with Learning Disabilities - 2 views

    This article is about how students with learning disabilities can use text messaging, wikis, and blogs to help in the classroom. Since blogging is something we have talked about in class, it's great to see how a tool like this isn't a barrier for students with learning disabilities, but how it can help them shine in a classroom.
    Ali- I find your article very helpful. I especially liked the part about Blogging since I am new to the blogging world. I learned that Blogging can be quite helpful for getting teens to express themselves more freely and more frequently. I find it interesting that teen bloggers write more often. I do think that it is hard to get reluctant teens to write...especially with pen and paper. In regards to disabilities, it is very helpful on a personal level. My friend's daughter had surgery called DBS-Deep Brain Stimulation for her condition called Dystonia. She has had to learn to use her left hand, so she has not been writing as often. I am here in Maine with her now and she is recovering beautifully. Blogging would be a great way to get her writing again.Thank you, Ali! My friend Jenny thanks you too.
Kim J

Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs - 0 views

    This site should be saved on every teachers computer! It is a jackpot for tools to use in the classroom for any child with a disability. Not only does it have a behavior management section but it also has a whole section on social skills. One of my favorite tools from this site though is the cards that teachers can print out for schedules or behaviors. In addition to all of this, it also has games and songs.
Audrey O'Clair

UDL Placemat- Core Apps serving learning for all - 0 views

    You know how once in a while you find a resource and you feel like you've won the lottery? That is how I feel about this placemat and I hope you are as excited by it as I am. For those of you who use the iPad to meet the diverse needs of your learners, you MUST check out this list of apps. I hope you are impressed with the layout of the tool and how straightforward it is. I am forever being asked what apps I recommend and often have a hard time to recall all the best. Now that I have the placemat, I have a quick resource that is visually appealing and understandable. Such an incredible resource for including students with very diverse needs using one singular device.
Amy Franklin

Teaching All Students - 1 views

    This is part of a blog sorted by tags of accessibility. It has suggestions, products, sites, interviews, podcasts, etc.
Amy Franklin

Free Technology for Teachers: Web2.0 & Students with Disabilities - 0 views

    I follow this site on Twitter and noticed that they had this post. It has resources to make the web accessible to those with learning differences, including voicethread.
Amy Franklin

Cognitive Disabilities and the Web: Where Accessibility and Usability Meet - 0 views

    An article on the barriers that those with cognitive disabilities face when using the web.
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