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in title, tags, annotations or urlLiveText - Learning, Assessment, Accreditation Solutions - 0 views
LiveText has been adopted by the Spalding College of Education as our primary learning, assessment and accreditation tool. All current students and faculty are provided accounts with unlimited storage, access to course materials, assignment submission and assessment, and professional portfolio development.
Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment - 1 views
Interactive Rubrics - 1 views
EDU201 - Seminar for Successful Initial Teacher Certification - 3 views
Description: This class will focus on the Kentucky Teacher Standards ( Initial Level) and the skills and proficiencies assessed in professional examinations required for licensure. The topics will include an introduction to the profession of education by examining the Kentucky Teacher Standards (Initial Level) and the necessary skills required in order to meet those standards. A variety of readings in educational research, guest lecturers, and on-line resources will be provided to students in order to develop conceptual understandings of professional dispositions and to improve the quality of professional performance. The professional dispositions, content knowledge, and readiness for instructional practice of the aspiring teacher candidate will be assessed and a program of support and improvement will be provided and monitored for outcomes. This course may be delivered through a variety of instructional strategies and methods. Additionally, the course will be taken prior to or concurrent with a Level I course(s). Field experience(s) may be required. Author: Dr. Barbara Foster
Student-Discussion Assessment Tool - 0 views
Free Technology for Teachers: Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools - 0 views
Over 35 Formative Assessment Tools To Enhance Formative Learning Opportunities, Part 5 - 0 views
The Resource for Education Technology Leaders focusing on K-12 educators. Site contains a Software Reviews Database, articles from Technology & Learning Magazine, articles from Educators in Educators' eZine, Event and Contest listings, Reader suggested Web sites, and weekly news updates on education technology leaders."
To write a good and really high quality essay, you need to know about the best way to do it most effectively. I already know and can help others with this difficult task. It helped me that I found just such good advice on this subject here . You can read it too if you have any problems with it. I hope it was helpful to everyone.
edTPA - 0 views
Technology Integration Matrix - 0 views
poll everywhere - 0 views
educational-origami - Rubrics - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - 1 views
GradeCam - Grading With A Camera - 0 views
PARCC Releases Additional Sample Items and Looks for Educator Feedback | ASCD Inservice - 0 views
Socrative 2.0 User guide - 1 views
21things4teachers - Home - 2 views
Great resource site for web 2.0 tools to integrate 21st Century Skills into the classroom. They include links for everything from differentiated instruction and digital citizenship to digital story telling and evaluation & assessment.
Pick a "Thing" and get started with training on using FREE web tools to integrate technology into your classroom! The purpose of 21things4teachers is to provide "Just in Time" training through an...