Yahoo! Launches Major Challenge to Facebook Connect - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views
If you thought Facebook represented the mainstream face of newsfeeds, 3rd party identity authentication, etc. just imagine what Yahoo! could do. The only question is whether the giant company will move fast enough - Facebook is very close to having stolen its thunder already. Yahoo! has been talking about "opening up" and integrating social data across its sites for months, Facebook tends to be much, much faster at taking action and innovating.
Facebook Connectin avulla FB-tunnuksella voi vaikkapa kommentoida blogia. Nyt Yahoo vastaa haasteeseen omalla Updates-palvelullaan. Kisa kiihtyy, kun isot pelaajat yrittävät vastata pienien tulijoiden haasteisiin, kuten avoimuuteen ja yhteensopivuuteen.
Yahoo's response to Facebook Connect: Yahoo Updates. And it uses OAuth, an open standard.