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Group Members

4 members total, 2 receiving alerts immediately, 0 receiving alerts daily, and 1 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • Ivan Tishchenko

    Ivan Tishchenko

    doing programming, designing software architecture, project management. work with databases and client-server systems.

    shared 74 items

    member since 2011-12-25

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2012-09-25

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2013-10-21

  • EITAGlobal IT Training

    EITAGlobal IT Training

    We are EITAGlobal, a continuing professional education provider with a difference. We believe that coming from a responsible and professional continuing professional education provider in the IT industry space; our trainings have to carry a premier value. We have devised a strategy of making t...

    shared 0 items

    member since 2014-01-30

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