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Empire of Debt Book Review | Silver Monthly - The Silver Investor's Resource - 2 views

  • America’s delusion is this: debt doesn’t matter, and “the rest of the world will take American IOUs forever.”
  • It’s a delusion that may well signal the end of the American financial system.
  • There’s only thing wrong with the American Empire. “Instead of getting paid for providing protection, the United States is on the receiving end of loans from its tributary states and trading partners.” In other words, instead of functioning as a proper empire, which means making a profit, America malfunctions as an Empire of Debt.
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  • The authors suggest that America has sold its birthright to China for a mess of pottage. They point out that “consumer spending is 71% of the U.S. economy. Current U.S. debt is about $37 trillion. The total value of all assets in America is only about $50 trillion.”
  • there are three ways for America to reduce its debt. The U.S. dollar can be devalued. The dollar can be made less valuable because of inflation. Or the debt may be forsaken.
    Empire of Debt was published in 2006. It stated bluntly that the housing market occupied the center of an inflated bubble. The authors asserted the bubble would pop, leaving a sticky residue everywhere. They were right. The authors stated that Alan Greenspan's policies were detrimental to the U.S. economy. They were right. Empire of Debt not only identified the problems, but it provided a solution. Invest in gold or the Japanese yen. It would appear that once again they were right. The yen is strong and gold has made a phenomenal run, selling for over $1000 per ounce.

Find Notary Public in Columbia, MO, Missouri - 5 views

started by Markus Potter on 14 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

The American Spectator on Rep Paul Ryan: The Man With the Plan - 0 views

    An exhaustive discussion of Representative Paul Ryan's "Roadmap for America's Future,"; a sweeping plan to stave off the nation's looming economic and fiscal collapse by changing the tax code, overhauling the health care system, and reforming the nation's major entitlement programs. The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the plan would boost economic growth while making Medicare and Social Security solvent. And it accomplishes these aims without raising taxes or affecting the benefits of current retirees.

US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms - but why? - 0 views

    Why would the Obama administration actively send 30,000 sniper rifles, assault weapons and firearms into Mexico even while claiming to follow an anti-gun stance back in the USA? To answer that question, you need to understand P.R.S -- Problem, Reaction, Solution. It is the "playbook" that governments use to get what they want, which usually involves: 1) Disarming their populations, 2) Taking away all their rights and freedoms, and then 3) Ruling over their people as tyrants with complete power. Precisely such an effort is now underway in the United States, led by the Obama administration which has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be an enemy of the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. How Problem, Reaction, Solution really works If you're the U.S. government, you can't just announce a new program to disarm the country, end the Bill of Rights and install yourself as the King. People won't go for it if you try to sell it that way. Instead, you need to find a way to get people to BEG you to do all that. So you need a way to put people in a state of mind where they are terrified of drugs, terrified of guns and terrified of the border violence -- to the point where they insist that somebody in Washington do something about it. Therefore, you first need a way to cause the problem that results in all the violence that people react to. You effectively need to create violence and then wait for people to beg you to stop it. This is where the Obama administration's program to send 30,000 firearms into Mexico comes into play. If you want to cause gun violence and drug war violence, what better way to accomplish it than to just arm all the bad guys?

Mobile notary - 4 views

started by Markus Potter on 16 May 12 no follow-up yet

Find Notary Public in Dallas, TX, Texas - 4 views

started by Markus Potter on 14 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

Morning Bell: The Obama Fiscal Responsibility Farce Continues | The Foundry: Conservati... - 3 views

  • This February, after signing the largest single-year increase in domestic federal spending since World War II, President Obama held a “fiscal responsibility” summit designed to “send a signal that we are serious” about putting the nation on sounder financial footing. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank quipped at the time: “Holding a ‘fiscal responsibility summit’ at the White House in the middle of a government spending spree is a bit like having an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at a frat house on homecoming weekend.”
    Conn puts the numbers into the context of events and issues.  Good read. Today President Barack Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform will convene for the first time at the White House. Tasked with making recommendations to Congress that would put the budget in primary balance by 2015 and "meaningfully improve" our nation's long-term fiscal outlook, the commission meets a little over a month after Congress approved a new $2.5 trillion health care entitlement that the Obama administration now confirms will increase our nation's total health care spending. This is a now familiar pattern for the White House: first enact record breaking levels of deficit spending, then turn right around and promise austerity sometime in the future.

BanksterUSA -- A Project of the Center for Media and Democracy - 3 views

    Contacts congress critters with direct eMail.  Latest issue is the effort to Audit the Federal Reserve.  Vermont Senator and uber Socialist Berny Sanders has proposed to include the Audit the Fed proposal in the Dodd Permanent Wall Street Bailout Bill also known as the Dodd Financial Reform Bill.

Notary Public - 3 views

started by clariene Austria on 24 Mar 12 no follow-up yet

Notary services - 3 views

started by Markus Potter on 16 May 12 no follow-up yet

What are Online Notary Services? - 3 views

started by yosefong on 11 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

Find Notary Public in Charlotte, NC, North Carolina - 3 views

started by Markus Potter on 14 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

Find Notary Public in Jackson, AL, Alabama - 3 views

started by clariene Austria on 25 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

Find Notary Public in Lansing, IL, Illinois - 3 views

started by clariene Austria on 25 Jun 12 no follow-up yet

How Did A Single Unconstitutional Agency Become The Most Powerful Organization In America? - 2 views

    No other country had ever codified the structures and processes of their governing institutions to such an extent in one single document. Many people focus on the Bill of Rights when speaking about the Constitution, but the first four Articles are just as important. They synthesized political ideas that were developed over hundreds of years by some of the most insightful thinkers, such as separation of federal powers, checks and balances, vertical division of powers (federalism), an independent judiciary and, of course, representative democracy. The latter emphasizes the notion that any policies enacted by the federal government must be authorized by the people, through their elected representatives who are held accountable to constituents every few years. So what's the state of our Constitutional democracy today? Simple, it doesn't exist. International corruption surveys typically rank the U.S. higher (less corrupt) than most other countries, but this simply proves how bad these surveys are at capturing the essence of real, hardcore corruption. We could write stacks of books on the prevalence of money in politics and the swarms of lobbyists who descend on Washington every single week, and many people have, but it's simpler to just focus on the most egregious example of corruption. The most powerful, influential economic policy-making institution in the country, the Federal Reserve ("Fed"), is an unelected body that is completely unaccountable to the people. Well, let's back up and start with the fact that this institution's very existence is most likely unconstitutional. Here's why: Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution states that Congress has the power to "coin money" and "regulate the value thereof". The Supreme Court has long held that Congress can delegate its legislative powers to Executive agencies as long as it provides an "intelligible principle" to guide the agencies' acti

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve…once again… ;) | Project World Awareness - 2 views

  • The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914.
  • These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914.
  • Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.
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  • In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks.
  • even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.
  • The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Standard Oil of Indiana,General Motors and Allied Chemical Corportion (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan)

Obama Downgrade: The Guns of August - 2 views

started by Gary Edwards on 08 Aug 11 no follow-up yet

Occupy Wall Street - End the Fed - Chris Q&A 10-07-11 - YouTube - 2 views

    Chris Savvindis followup interview, the day after his infamous End the Fed youtube video. If Chris is in any way representative of America's future, there are better days coming. In the interview he explains how his views and opinions were shaped. He's a libertarian steeped in the Austrian School of economics, his education beginning with Peter Schiff. Not surprisingly, Chris is a supporter of Ron Paul, and he takes the time to explain why. Yeah, he is a rockstar and deservedly so.

Peter Beinart: How Ron Paul Will Change the GOP in 2012 - The Daily Beast - 2 views

    Not a big Peter Beinhart fan, but this article explains a large part of the Ron Paul phenom. After a life time as a big C Goldwater-Reagan Constitutional Conservative, this summer i made a full transition to big C Constitutional Libertarian. The tipping point for me was the GAO audit of the Federal Reserve, where they discovered $16.1 Trillion of taxpayer dollars missing from the Federal Reserve Bankster Cartel management books. It went to a who's who of international Bankster Cartel members. None of the taxpayer funded "financial collapse of 2008" bailout dollars went to the purposes chartered by their legislation. That includees the TARP $850 Billion, the Obama Stimulous $1 Trillion, and the mega FRBC $16.1 Trillion. No bad debts were purchased and retired. No rotting mortgage securities were swept up and restructured. No shovel ready jobs either. And no one in government or banksterism having caused the financial collapse went to jail. Instead, the perps feasted on the bailout dollars. The debt remains on the books of international Banksters, collecting interest, thirsting for foreclosure. The Bankster Cartel members are flush with cash, but not lending. By law (The Federal Reserve Act of December 23rd, 1913), FRBC members must keep a significant amount of their assets on "reserve" at the Federal Reserve, at 6% interest. In exchange for managing this process and the exploding money supply, the taxpayers of the USA are obligated by law to pay the FRBC 1% per year of (assets under management" (the money supply). Take note: the FRBC takes the 1% per year payment for their services in the form of GOLD!! They will not take payment in the form of paper notes labeled legal tender "Federal Reserve Notes". They only take GOLD. My transition to Constitutional Libertarian begins with a strct reading of the Constitution (the How), the Declaration of Independence, (the Why), and belief in the Rule of Law, not man. The concept of achievi

Reagan: "The very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism" | Western Free Press - 2 views

    Good stuff from Christopher Cook of the Western Free Press.
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