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Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Not Raising the Debt Ceiling Would be Blessing; ... - 0 views

    Contrary to popular belief, the US would not default. Troops would still be paid. Medicare and Medicaid would not stop. The Bipartisan Policy Center has a nice analysis in a PDF on Debt Limit Analysis. check out Mish's prioritized check list.  As the mythical USA Chancellor of the Exchequer, he enters the month of August having to come up with $132, 312 Billion.  The monthly cash flow pays $172,400 B.  Then he prioritizes, ending the month with $30.6 B to spare!  Mish reduces the deficit, leaving the note the very first thing to NOT PAY should be congressional salaries.  Here Here!

Merkel, Hollande and Poroshenko call for Ceasefire as up to 8,000 Ukrainian Troops have... - 0 views

  • Following their recent meeting behind closed doors, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, yesterday, called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. Although Poroshenko agreed, it is questionable whether he has the capacity to enforce a ceasefire. About 8,000 regular Ukrainian troops are caught in a pocket and isolated from reinforcement and supplies.
  • It is also questionable whether Ukrainian President Poroshenko has command control over all of the belligerent pro-Kiev militants who are involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine. While Poroshenko does have nominal command over regular Ukrainian military troops he does not necessarily have direct control over National Guard Unites. Moreover, combat unites of Ukraine’s Pravy Sector, a.k.a. UNA-UNSO refuse to submit to a government dictated command structure. While files in that regard a highly classified, it is commonly known that the UNA-UNSO is part of NATO’s network of covert armies. Finally, it is noteworthy that the call for an “immediate ceasefire” comes after as many as an estimated 8,000 regular Ukrainian troops supply lines have been cut off by brigades loyal to the Donbass region. The troops are surrounded in a pocket near Debaltsevo. Although Poroshenko stressed that “the situation is under control”, a continuation of hostilities could result in a major defeat for pro-Kiev forces in Ukraine.
    This has happened repeatedly. The coup government's military forces are a mish-mash of raw conscripts and independent neoNazi paramilitaries. Their military competence is way down the scale. The Donetsk and Lughansk secessionist provinces, on the other hand, are major manufacturing areas some 80 per cent populated by ethnic Russians, with a high population of former Soviet and Russian soldiers. They are light years ahead of the coup government forces in military competency.  Repeatedly, the coup government forces advance with inadequate protection in their rear and supply lines. The secessionist forces encircle them from the rear, cutting them off in "pockets." Then the coup government begins pushing for a cease fire.  But after each cease-fire, pushed by the U.S. the coup government has gone back on the offensive as soon as its surrounded troops are released. So I wouldn't count on the secessionist commander agreeing to a cease-fire this time around. On the cease-fires so far, the secessionists have offered Ukraine prisoners of war the choice between returning to western Ukraine or emigrating to Russia. Very significant numbers of the conscripts choose the Russia option.That's unsuprising since the coup government's conscription it incredibly unpopular, they are inadequately trained and supplied, and are led by incompetent officers willing to accept high casualty rates. This is a case of U.S. officials controlling the coup government viewing coup government conscripts as mere cannon fodder expendables whose deaths and wounds are unimportant. 

Three Schools of Economic Wizardry | The Rugged Individualist - 0 views

    Exceellent repub of Mike Shedlock's wonderful article describing the 3 Schools of Economic Wizardry.  Includes a simplified but exacting view of the "why and how"  the Keynesian and Monetarist Wizardry Schools wreck havoc on the world.   ... Keynesian Voodoo Wizards ... Monetarist Voodoo Wizards ... Austrian Realists Remember the voodoo motto: "If it doesn't work, keep doing more of it, even if that is what got you in trouble in the first place!" ..... Excerpt: Once upon a time (today), in a land not so far away (USA), there lived a trio of economic wizards (economists), whose names shall remain anonymous (Paul Krugman, Greg Mankiw, Ben Bernanke). A fourth wizard, Murry Rothbard, is no longer among the living but resides in the netherworld. The above wizards seldom agree with each other because they come from competing schools of wizardry. Three Schools of Economic Wizardry 1. Keynesian School of Fiscal Voodoo and Witchcraft 2. Monetarist School of Monetary Voodoo and Witchcraft 3. Austrian School of Sound Money, Sound Economic Principles and Common Sense. "Dark Arts" Wizardry The first two wizardry schools belong to a class of wizardry promoted to aspiring wizards as the "Dark Arts." Philosophical Beliefs Keynesian wizards believe governments can spend their way to economic health and although fiscal deficits may matter at some point in time, they never matter now, in practice. Monetarist wizards believe money will cure any and every problem if enough is dropped from helicopters and interest rates held low. Austrian wizards believe that economic problems are created by unsound money, haphazard loans, excessive debts, and government manipulations. Keynesian and Monetarist wizards believe in the voodoo principle "the problem is the solution if only you do more of it." The former relies primarily on fiscal voodoo; the latter relies primarily on monetary voodoo. Austrian wizards do not believe "the problem is the solution," no matter ho

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Boehner's Credibility Gone in Revised Proposal; ... - 1 views

    Best Deal You Can Get? Notice the rank and file starting to cave in to Boehner's gaseous proposal. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio called it "the best deal we can get." No it's not. It's not even the best deal you can't get. The Senate will not go along, so there is nothing to get. As long as you are going to submit proposals you can't get, you may as well make it a good one. $950 billion over 10 years is not a good deal. It's not even a down payment on a good deal, and with that, Boehner just pissed away his credibility. In the end, something will pass. But it will not do a damn thing credible to reduce the deficit. Reid's plan and Boehner's plan are both back-loaded. Republicans had a golden opportunity to attempt to extract some major concessions in return for tiny tax concessions. Instead, they are going to settle for nothing. This fiasco is exactly why Republicans need someone like Chris Christie running for president. No one else has managed to show any leadership.
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