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Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Getting Started With PowerPoint - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: PowerPoint is a presentation program that allows you to create dynamic slide presentations. These presentations can include animation, narration, images, videos, and much more. In this lesson, you'll learn your way around the PowerPoint environment, including the Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and Backstage view. Watch the video below to learn more about getting started with PowerPoint. GETTING TO KNOW POWERPOINT PowerPoint 2016 is similar to PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2010. If you've previously used these versions, PowerPoint 2016 should feel familiar. But if you are new to PowerPoint or have more experience with older versions, you should first take some time to become familiar with the PowerPoint 2016 interface. THE POWERPOINT INTERFACE When you open PowerPoint for the first time, the Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll be able to create a new presentation, choose a template, and access your recently edited presentations. From the Start Screen, locate and select Blank Presentation to access the PowerPoint interface. Creating a blank presentation - Click the buttons in the interactive below to become familiar with the PowerPoint interface. Working with the PowerPoint environment The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar are where you will find the commands to perform common tasks in PowerPoint. Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing your document. THE RIBBON PowerPoint uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. For example, the Font group on the Home tab contains commands for formatting text in your document. Groups on the Ribbon - Some groups also have a small arrow in the bottom-right corner that you can click for even more options. More options in groups -
Akmal Yousuf

7 things Microsoft OneNote does that Evernote can't - - 0 views

  • Blogs: We're moving deeper into the modern "walled garden" of digital life. Generally speaking, you choose the garden you like best - be it Apple, Google or Microsoft - and the more time and money you invest, the more painful it is to leave that ecosystem. Similarly, many people pick Evernote or Microsoft OneNote as their repository of choice for digital scraps, doodlings and scanned documents. Then they usually stick with that choice, because it's not easy to toggle between them or switch. About a year ago, I chose Evernote over OneNote, and I started amassing my own digital archive. At the time, Evernote's Mac software was far superior to OneNote's Mac app. However, Microsoft has continually upgraded OneNote for Mac and iOS, and today it's a legitimate Evernote rival; if I were facing the Mac Evernote versus Mac OneNote decision today, it would be a different situation. If you're a Windows user, the choice is even more challenging, because the OneNote 2013 Windows desktop app has valuable features that aren't available in Evernote or OneNote for Mac. To help you decide between these two notebook tools, I've come up with seven things OneNote does that Evernote can't. Of course, this is only one side of the story. For the flip side, read "6 things Evernote does that OneNote can't." 1) ONENOTE IS A DESIGN-FRIENDLY, FREEFORM CANVAS Each OneNote note is a blank canvas, every element its own movable container. If you have a stylus, you can draw anywhere within the note, and you can insert handwriting, blocks of text, images or any other element wherever you want. onenote freeform canvas - OneNote 2013 for Windows also lets you customize your notes. For example, you can change the "paper" color, add rule or grid lines, change the dimensions of notes, create new page templates or apply existing ones, and apply text styles. Other versions of OneNote, including the iPad and Mac apps, offer some but not all, of these capab
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Creating and Opening Presentations - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: PowerPoint files are called presentations. Whenever you start a new project in PowerPoint, you'll need to create a new presentation, which can either be blank or from a template. You'll also need to know how to open an existing presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about creating and opening presentations in PowerPoint. TO CREATE A NEW PRESENTATION: When beginning a new project in PowerPoint, you'll often want to start with a new blank presentation. Select the File tab to go to Backstage view. Clicking the File tab - Select New on the left side of the window, then click Blank Presentation. Creating a new presentation - A new presentation will appear. TO CREATE A NEW PRESENTATION FROM A TEMPLATE: A template is a predesigned presentation you can use to create a new slide show quickly. Templates often include custom formatting and designs, so they can save you a lot of time and effort when starting a new project. Click the File tab to access Backstage view, then select New. You can click a suggested search to find templates or use the search bar to find something more specific. In our example, we'll search for the keyword chalkboard. Searching for templates - Select a template to review it. Selecting a template - A preview of the template will appear, along with additional information on how the template can be used. Click Create to use the selected template. Creating a new presentation with a template - A new presentation will appear with the selected template. It's important to note that not all templates are created by Microsoft. Many are created by third-party providers and even individual users, so some templates may work better than others. TO OPEN AN EXISTING PRESENTATION: In addition to creating new presentations, you'll often need to open a presentation that was previ
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Slide Basics - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Every PowerPoint presentation is composed of a series of slides. To begin creating a slide show, you'll need to know the basics of working with slides. You'll need to feel comfortable with tasks such as inserting a new slide, changing the layout of a slide, arranging existing slides, changing the slide view, and adding notes to a slide. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about slide basics in PowerPoint. UNDERSTANDING SLIDES AND SLIDE LAYOUTS When you insert a new slide, it will usually have placeholders to show you where content will be placed. Slides have different layouts for placeholders, depending on the type of information you want to include. Whenever you create a new slide, you'll need to choose a slide layout that fits your content. Different slide layouts - Placeholders can contain different types of content, including text, images, and videos. Many placeholders have thumbnail icons you can click to add specific types of content. In the example below, the slide has placeholders for the title and content. A slide with empty placeholders - TO INSERT A NEW SLIDE: Whenever you start a new presentation, it will contain one slide with the Title Slide layout. You can insert as many slides as you need from a variety of layouts. From the Home tab, click the bottom half of the New Slide command. Clicking the bottom half of the New Slide command - Choose the desired slide layout from the menu that appears. Choosing a slide layout - The new slide will appear. Click any placeholder and begin typing to add text. You can also click an icon to add other types of content, such as a picture or a chart. The new slide - - To change the layout of an existing slide, click the Layout command, then choose the desired layout. Applying a new layout to a
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Applying Themes - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: A theme is a predefined combination of colors, fonts, and effects. Different themes also use different slide layouts. You've already been using a theme, even if you didn't know it: the default Office theme. You can choose from a variety of new themes at any time, giving your entire presentation a consistent, professional look. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about applying themes in PowerPoint. WHAT IS A THEME? In PowerPoint, themes give you a quick and easy way to change the design of your presentation. They control your primary color palette, basic fonts, slide layout, and other important elements. All of the elements of a theme will work well together, which means you won't have to spend as much time formatting your presentation. Each theme uses its own set of slide layouts. These layouts control the way your content is arranged, so the effect can be dramatic. In the examples below, you can see that the placeholders, fonts, and colors are different. The Frame theme and the Integral theme - If you use a unique slide layout-such as Quote with Caption or Name Card-and then switch to a theme that does not include that layout, it may give unexpected results. Every PowerPoint theme-including the default Office theme-has its own theme elements. These elements are: Theme Colors: There are 10 theme colors, along with darker and lighter variations, available from every Color menu. Theme Colors - Theme Fonts: There are two theme fonts available at the top of the Font menu under Theme Fonts. Theme Fonts - Theme Effects: These affect the preset shape styles. You can find shape styles on the Format tab whenever you select a shape or SmartArt graphic. Theme Effects - When you switch to a different theme, all of these elements will update to reflect the new them
Akmal Yousuf

Microsoft Sway allows anyone to tell stories beautifully - - 0 views

    These days it's all about Sway - the first of many native apps to be rolled out to Microsoft Office 365 subscribers. To put it simply, Sway is a web browser-based storytelling app. It allows anyone with the most basic computing knowledge to create beautiful-looking websites and presentations with images, text, tweets, videos or whatever other media you want to include. It works a bit like Word and Powerpoint combined - and finished products can be used on websites to display family photos, or in a beautiful work presentation.
Akmal Yousuf

20 time-saving tips for Office 2016 for Mac - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Productivity? Sweet Blogs: Office 2016 for Mac was a long time coming, but it brings plenty of new features and better feature parity with the Windows version than ever. Microsoft has done a lot to streamline the experience, with a customizable, collapsible Ribbon as well as cross-platform keyboard shortcuts, but with any major Office update, there's bound to be a learning curve. These tips for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and OneNote should come in handy, and if you're stumped about anything specific, let us know in the comments. Office 2016 is available for Office365 subscribers, with a wider release coming in September. Don't forget to save! This is probably our most important tip: Don't forget to save! When Apple introduced Auto Save and Versions into OS X, many Mac users started losing our ingrained habit of hitting Command-S often. Unfortunately, Office 2016 (except for OneNote-more on that in a bit) doesn't take advantage of Auto Save. So don't forget to save often. Versioning is also missing, but on the plus side, fans of Save As will find the command in its rightful place in the File menu. Store your files in OneDrive or SharePoint If you need access to your files from anywhere, Office 2016's built-in OneDrive & SharePoint integration makes cloud storage simple. To save to your OneDrive or SharePoint account, click the Online Locations button in the lower-left corner of a Save dialog box. Choose your existing account from the list, or click the Plus button to add another location. What's the difference? Glad you asked. OneDrive is a consumer product for cloud storage, like iCloud Drive. Aimed more at businesses, SharePoint acts like an intranet, letting teams share and collaborate on files. Office 2016 for Mac: Ribbon - See larger image Maximize your workspace The redesigned Ribbon in Office 2016 unifies the look and functionality across all platforms. It also ta
Akmal Yousuf

Word 2016: Indents and Tabs - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Indenting text adds structure to your document by allowing you to separate information. Whether you'd like to move a single line or an entire paragraph, you can use the tab selector and the horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents. Optional: Download our practice document. Watch the video below to learn more about how to use indents and tabs in Word. INDENTING TEXT In many types of documents, you may want to indent only the first line of each paragraph. This helps to visually separate paragraphs from one another. - It's also possible to indent every line except for the first line, which is known as a hanging indent. - TO INDENT USING THE TAB KEY A quick way to indent is to use the Tab key. This will create a first-line indent of 1/2 inch. Place the insertion point at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to indent. - Press the Tab key. On the Ruler, you should see the first-line indent marker move to the right by 1/2 inch. The first line of the paragraph will be indented. - If you can't see the Ruler, select the View tab, then click the check box next to the Ruler. - INDENT MARKERS In some cases, you may want to have more control over indents. Word provides indent markers that allow you to indent paragraphs to the location you want. - The indent markers are located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and they provide several indenting options: First-line indent marker adjusts the first-line indent Hanging indent marker adjusts the hanging indent Left indent marker moves both the first-line indent and hanging indent markers at the same time (this will indent all lines in a paragraph) TO INDENT USING THE INDENT MARKERS Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent, or select one or more paragraphs. - Click and drag the desired indent marke
Akmal Yousuf

Create Hyperlink Field In Access - - 0 views

    Sometimes there is frantic need to create links in database table to web pages, files, folders, images, etc. Access 2010 provides a convenient way to link up data field values with anything to complement the database in much better way. In this post we will guide you on creating a table field having Hyperlink data type. To start off with, launch Access 2010 and navigate to Create tab and click Table. createtable1 Create Hyperlink Field In Access 2010 - It will create a new table namely Table1. Right-click newly created table and select Design View to add fields with specific Data types. table11 Create Hyperlink Field In Access 2010 - Enter an appropriate table name and start adding fields. We will be entering some generic table fields with their data types such as, ID, Name, Phone Number, Email and other Links.
Akmal Yousuf

How to Save or Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a Video - - 0 views

    Most people know that you can create PowerPoint presentations with pictures, music, images, web content, and text, but one little known trick is the ability to save PowerPoint presentations as videos. PowerPoint presentations have been a long time favorite for use in business and academic presentations all over the world. They are highly versatile and offer a wide variety of features that you can use to enhance them.
Akmal Yousuf

Maintain a professional image: 5 tips for a small business - - 0 views

    In order to be taken seriously, small businesses need to convince customers of their professional ability and their value. Small businesses can punch above their weight by taking the time to go to market with a professional set of business documents, templates and content to ensure customers aren't dismissing them before they have a chance to pitch the value of their product or service.
Akmal Yousuf

What is Microsoft Visio and What Does it Do? - - 0 views

    What is Microsoft Visio used for? Diagrams. That's what Microsoft Visio does, and it does it better than any other app I've seen yet. From flow charts to floor plans, there isn't much it can't handle. Now, being honest, I didn't know much about Visio until recently. But that changed when I decided to take it for a test drive - right out of the latest Microsoft Office. Visio Templates Office 2013 - Microsoft Visio can be used to create simple or complicated diagrams. It offers a wide variety of built-in shapes, objects, and stencils to work with. You can also make your own shapes and import them if you're willing to do all that extra work. The driving idea behind Visio is to make diagramming as easy as possible for the user. I think Visio is on the right track for that! Note: Click images below to open them at Full Size. The Visio 2013 welcome screen features a dozen different templates to get you started. Each template equips you with the appropriate menu and objects already open and ready for use. Even more templates can be found in specific categories within the application, or from Visio's online download page. visio welcome screen - Visio's primary clientele have been Enterprise users at the corporate level. If you think about it, it's not too often that the home user needs to write up professional diagrams. Usually, a paper and pen will suffice because a home user's diagram isn't being sent out to an entire department. That's why Visio has always been considered a program for "serious" diagrams. But it doesn't have to be. table chart with live data - Visio can be used to create 3D map diagrams, though the built-in tools for this are limited. It works well for simple maps that you might print on a brochure or campus directory. visio map - Another thing Visio can do is pull in live information from an external source, such as an Excel shee
Akmal Yousuf

When it's time to focus: Word 2013 Read Mode - - 0 views

    Crafting the right content takes time and attention. To help you minimize the distractions, we created a Read Mode layout in Word. Read Mode is an option in the View menu that hides toolbars and menus to leave more room for the pages themselves. The best part is that you don't need to trade functionality for simplicity. The most common reading tools are built right in to Read Mode, and some helpful ones have been added in Word 2013. It's still easy to add comments, define words, copy or highlight text, change layouts, or search with Bing. But now you can also enlarge charts or images to full-screen with a double click, and you can zip around the document with the Navigation Pane. And not to show off, but Word developers even built Read Mode to remember where you stop reading. You can shut down your computer knowing that you can open the document right at the same place the next time you turn on your computer.
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