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marshal sandler » Squidoo : Explore Lenses - 0 views

    Squidoo : Explore Lenses Build a Squidoo Lens create revenue for your favorite Charity and More ! Squidoo : Explore Lenses. Click through to see the plexo Check out my Lens diigo it Related articles by Zemanta * How to use Squidoo to get Traffic and Backlinks - Beginners Guide * How to Build Your Website Traffic by Using Squidoo * TelcoJobs on squidoo * Squidoo- A Great Business Model And A Good Way To Market * Free Ebook on Squidoo Strategies * Increase Traffic With Squidoo * EZ Affiliate Profits: Squidoo Traffic- 11 Tips To Get Unlimited Visitors For Free Reblog this post [with Zemanta] Written by marshal in: Uncategorized | Tags: Business, Consumer Goods and Services, Contact Lenses, Eyewear, Health, Shopping, Squidoo, Vision 1 Comment »
Arif Mahmood

Digital Cameras Buy Guide - 0 views

    1) Do not assume that a cheap product is always low in quality and productivity. Same apply to cameras. Less expensive camera might be enough for your needs. All depends what features you are looking for, to satisfy your hobby, professional use, wanna gift to some one, family use etc. 2) Point and shoot Vs digital SLR: Point and shoot digital cameras may be easier to use, but digital SLR cameras provide you with much more creative control. 3) Camera grip: Larger cameras some time have small hand grips. The grip should be comfortable and follow the camera curves. Untenably small cameras have no grip. 4) Megapixels: It's the quality of pixels, not the numbers, which gives a high quality pictures. It's mainly the lens quality and camera's response time in terms of picture quality. In general 5-6 mega pixels is enough for routine use. 5) Speed: In low quality cameras there is a time lag between pressing the button and actually taking the picture. Frame rate of at least 5 frames per second is ok. Cameras with slower frame rates or of low memory are irritating. 6) Battery: Many cameras use proprietary batteries, rather than standard AA batteries. Consider an additional battery if you are going to work outdoor for long hours. 7) Weight: A Digital SLR will give a better quality pictures and can actually be easier to operate than a point and shoot digital camera but that's at the cost of more weight and more price. 8) Memory: Secure Digital cards (SD) are in widespread use and vary in their capacity. Compact Flash cards are the standard in higher end SLRs. Compact Flash drives and its software work with all major systems. 9) Consider accessories: The essential accessories are not always part of the package like memory card and batteries. Choose a memory card with enough capacity to hold at least 400 images at the camera's highest JPEG resolution. 10) Zoom: There are 2 types of zooms, digital and optical zoom. Optical zoom uses the lens itself to brin
Web Techno Experts

Google Lens an impressive start for 'visual search' - 0 views

    Google Lens has gone live or is about to on Pixel phones in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, India and Singapore (in English). Over the past couple of weeks, I've been using it extensively and have had mostly positive results - though not always.
marshal sandler » Krumlr: Twitter - like Social Bookmarking - 0 views

    seths blog Your page Krum titled " » Seth's Blog: Why be good?", at url, that you added to your Krumlr page has been approved and promoted to the main page where it will be ranked with others based on its popularity. tabbloid_2009-01-01_0901 tabbloid_2009-01-01_0900-2 Krumlr: Twitter - like Social Bookmarking. Reblog this post [with Zemanta] Check out my lens Stumble It! Add this page to Mister Wong
marshal sandler

WinExtra » aka Steve Hodson - a cranky old fart wandering the internet causing mayhem as he goes - 0 views

    March 9, 2009 WinExtra » aka Steve Hodson - a cranky old fart wandering the internet causing mayhem as he goes Image representing Plaxo as depicted in CrunchBase Image via CrunchBase Steve Hodson reviews results of a changing A Page Format- also does a review of Likaholix which I do not necessarily agree with ,I see tremendous possibilities in Likaholix and a real potential for creating revenue-I checked my stats on Lijit and got numerous hits after only using it for two days-You must remember my work experience is not Tech Oriented , but belly to belly marketing and have done a lot of work with statistics -Geekry aside Likaholix is a very personal affair and does not restrict how you use it-I added a lot of info on Gadgets Food Music etc what i like-many of the Micro Blogging apps are swamped with Geek's would rather communicate with a machine than a person-Likaholix is an ego boost-Mr Hodson is an excellent wordsmith and worth following . He Is on Plaxo and Twitter Mr Hodson I will be 73 this month now that is old HEH WinExtra » aka Steve Hodson - a cranky old fart wandering the internet causing mayhem as he goes. Software tracking Check out my lens follow MarshalSandler at Twitter Stumble it! Add this page to Mister Wong diigo it Enhanced by Zemanta ShareThis Tags: Blogging, Business, Employment, Facebook, Fart, Google, Humor, Lijit, Marketing, Marketing and Advertising, Online Communities, Plaxo, Recreation, Social network, Statistics, Steve Hodson, Twitter, Web, WinExtra Filed under Uncategorized by marshal Spread the Word! Digg StumbleUpon Help Permalink Print Email Comment Related Posts * How will we get our news? Scripting News * Seth's Blog: Return on Design * The Stimulus Plan Update « blog maverick-mark cuban- * BlueBlog: Glue Swag: Limited Edition * Seth's Blog Log into DISQUS Add New Comment * Logged in as AnonymousUser * Logged in as AnonymousUser Logout from Di
marshal sandler

Seth's Blog: Return on Design - 0 views

    March 8, 2009 Seth's Blog: Return on Design :en:Seth Godin Image via Wikipedia A sense of design seem's to lacking in today's marketing effort's especially on the web - For years I have been fascinated by the Package that markets Alberto-Culver V-05 it seems to have been around forever- I think this has always been a well branded item- Even their Mission statement is well written -some one understands design and marketing COMPANY The Alberto Culver Company is an innovative leader in consumer products in key markets around the world. Our product portfolio builds from a strong core of beauty and personal care brands and includes a group of innovative household products. Millions of consumers daily turn to our TRESemmé, Nexxus, Alberto VO5, Soft & Beautiful, Motions, Just For Me, Consort and TCB brands to give their hair the style they desire. Our St. Ives and Noxzema skin care products are brands consumers trust for cleansing, moisturizing and protection. Brands like Mrs. Dash and Static Guard are familiar household staples. Alberto Culver is a small company in comparison to the giant companies with whom we have competed throughout our 50+ year history. Only 2400 employees drive our growth and innovation across the globe. They know that with our size comes some significant advantages - the ability to have outstanding new ideas recognized quickly, the ability to make decisions and move with great speed in developing an idea or adapting to a changing environment, and the ability of each individual to make a difference. That team works in a unique cultural environment that is values based, results driven and family focused. The result of all this has been a consistent record of growth. Alberto Culver is among the fastest growing companies in our categories and has earned the respect of its consumers, its trade customers, its investors and its communities. We believe that our powerful growth creates a privilege and an obligation to give
marshal sandler

Global Neighbourhoods: Twitterville Notebook: Chris Brogan - 0 views

    March 4, 2009 Global Neighbourhoods: Twitterville Notebook: Chris Brogan Pistachio nuts in and out of the shell Image via Wikipedia Shel Israel is one of the best read's on the WWW Yesterday I was accepted by Shel Israel as a follower on Facebook-Since Mr Israel is on of my favorite content creators and March 27 I will be 73 years old this is a very nice present-and this is a great article TWITTERVILLE NOTEBOOK: CHRIS BROGAN there is not a person publishing today with more people skills than Chris Brogan- "Between all my various social media outlets, I now have 100% of my salary derived from inbound opportunities that have come from Twitter and my blog," he told me. It's probably not a coincidence, that in my interview with @Pistachio , she told me me almost exactly the same thing. She also said that Chris was her primary mentor. Thanks Chris for giving me a great chapter. Thanks for adding the credibility of your name to the Twitterville chapter and thanks most for the contributions you keep making to the Twitterville community. Shel Israel March 03, 2009 Global Neighbourhoods: Twitterville Notebook: Chris Brogan. Related articles by Zemanta * Twitterville Notebook: Chris Brogan ( * Twitterville Notebook : United Linen's Scott Townsend ( follow MarshalSandler at "Image Software tracking Enhanced by Zemanta ShareThis Tags: Chris Brogan, Coincidence, Environment, Facebook, Hardware, Instruments and Supplies, Lab Notebooks and Record Keeping, Laptop, Notebooks and Laptops, Pistachio, Repair, Shel Israel, Social Media, Social network, Twitter, Vendors Filed under Uncategorized by marshal Spread the Word! Digg StumbleUpon Help Permalink Print Email Comment Related Posts * How will we get our news? Scripting News * Seth's Blog: Reinventing the Kindle part II * It's About People, Not Technology * Preview Your Lens * Truth discussion by DISQUS Add
marshal sandler

Seth's Blog: Beware of trade guilds maintaining the status quo - 0 views

    March 1, 2009 Seth's Blog: Beware of trade guilds maintaining the status quo SVG version of :Image:Carburetor. Image via Wikipedia My $8.00 Prescription Would probably be $50.00 if Lobbies for the Drug Industry were allowed through the front door of the Veterans Administration-Hospitals- I drove by a car lot the other day and noticed at least 500 unsold cars-Maybe the people who lobby for the auto industry can retrofit their current inventory with a fuel delivery system that gets 40 MPG in the city-6000 pounds of curb weight with todays carburetor a sale does not make- A carburetor (North American spelling) or carburettor (Commonwealth spelling), is a device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine. It was invented by Karl Benz before 1885[1] and patented in 1886.[2] It is colloquially called a carb (in North America and the United Kingdom) or carby (chiefly in Australia) Seth's Blog: Beware of trade guilds maintaining the status quo. Related articles by Zemanta * Beware of trade guilds maintaining the status quo ( * Change ( Feedjit Live Blog Stats Check out my lens Seth squidoo Enhanced by Zemanta ShareThis Tags: Australia, Barack Obama, Business, Devices, Economic, Energy, Internal combustion engine, International, Karl Benz, Medicare, North America, prescription drugs, Seth Godin, Status quo, Technology, Trade, United Kingdom, United States Filed under Uncategorized by marshal Spread the Word! Digg StumbleUpon Help Permalink Print Email Comment Related Posts * The Stimulus Plan Update « blog maverick-mark cuban- * BlueBlog: Glue Swag: Limited Edition * - Sonni Abatta * PressThink * Seth's Blog discussion by DISQUS Add New Comment Record video comment Logged in as msandler (Logout) # Subscribe: This Thread # Go to: My Comments · Community Page Thanks. Your comment is awaiting approval by a moderator. Do you already have an acc
marshal sandler

Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong - 0 views

    February 21, 2009 Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase February 20, 2009 We Will Prove You Wrong "Jeff Jarvis handed me a copy of his new book, "What Would Google Do?" after we finished a brainstorm on health care costs at the World Economic Forum. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the author as a visionary and change agent. He does not disappoint in his very pointed and inspirational text that is a must-read for anyone in the communications business. His central thesis is that control has moved to the people, that companies are advised to tap into the power of networks and that marketing must be based on relationships."Richard Edleman The last person to attempted to take a stab at Mr Edleman's Profession was Jason Calacanis-It is pretty hard to criticize the field of public relations unless you have a backround in Semantics,General Semantics, Mathematics,Game Theory and Statistics- Not just mouthing the words but are educated in these fields-General Semantics is a field pioneered by Alfred Korzibski and promoted by Carl Rogers,S I Hayakawa and Antatol Rapaport-and others- The map is not the territory is a remark by Polish-American scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski, encapsulating his view that an abstraction derived from something, or a reaction to it, is not the thing itself, e.g., the pain from a stone falling on your foot is not the stone; one's opinion of a politician, favorable or unfavorable, is not that person; a metaphorical representation of a concept is not the concept itself; and so on. A specific abstraction or reaction does not capture all facets of its source-e.g., the pain in your foot does not convey the internal structure of the stone, you don't know everything that is going on in the life of a politician, etc.-and thus may limit an individual's understanding and cognitive abilities unless the two are distinguished. Korzybski hel
marshal sandler

Making the Brand. Social Media for the Long Haul - 0 views

    February 17, 2009 Making the Brand. Social Media for the Long Haul Cover of "Naked Conversations: How Blogs ... Cover via Amazon In social media I follow - Chris Brogan Seth Godin Shel Israel Louis Gray Steve Rubel Lous Gray and more Frank Eliason writes from Industry and is a very unselfish contributor to advancing Social Media , early risers always have more than one job-his articles are written on the mark and with a clear message- "Quote from Frank Eliason" Time to be Frank A fun place where I can share thoughts on a variety of topics in my life! What do you get when you add together Ian Schafer, Brian Morrissey and Gary Vaynerchuk? A lively discussion on social media and business participation. Immediately when I viewed the video on Friday I knew I wanted to take the opportunity to share it here. Not only are they great minds when it comes to social media, they make points that every business needs to hear. A few weeks ago I did a presentation about business blogging and the person that represents that to me? GaryVee. Not that every business should act the same way he does, that is not the point of social media. We should not try to be someone we are not. In my opinion the key to Gary's success is his passion. That is what it is all about. I have a passion for Customer Service, and that comes out in everything I do." Frank eliason- This blog is a must read If you feel is am posting with Gusto My Mission is below is a playground of ideas, introductions, and synergies. Marshal exhibits a blogging style that is less about tamping out his thoughts and more about the juggling, rearranging, juxtaposing, and syndicating of the content of other people and companies - a communications cubism of sorts. There's no room for crap, but there is plenty of room for friendly people with interesting ideas. Marshal's day is the search for new technologies, new ideas, new relationships, and new thing
marshal sandler

Get the SquidUtils Toolbar - 0 views

    Get the SquidUtils Toolbar Shout out for New Squidoo Toolbar- Get the SquidUtils Toolbar. follow MarshalSandler at Check out my lens Seth squidoo Software tracking
marshal sandler » With Pownce Out of Commission, Schmownce Fills the Gap - 0 views

    Image via CrunchBase I don't ever like to see anyone fail, but I suppose success in the Digital Age has created a new set of Rules ! I have found to date a few solid efforts in the application category which I use ! Zemanta Twitter Adaptive Blue Glue Mac Journal and Evernote ! Louis Gray as well as Dave Winer both give in my opinion the most honest and astute product reviews ! I feel that the most promising Firefox add on is and Zemanta is a work of Semantic and Technical Art ! I find myself using Nsyght a lot I may not be the average internet user since I am 72 years old with little or no Tech knowledge, if it is not easy to use I don't use it ! I have found to use Twitter I only follow a few people ! Fred Wilson.Vc Louis Gray Dave Winer Chris Brogan Andrew Badera Guy Kawasaki Frank Eliason and Jay Rosen ! I also read Mr Rosen's blog PRESSTHINK One of my Favorite blogs is The Creator Of Squidoo and blogs by people mentioned above ! Micro Blogging is hard for me to use since I live in a world of complete thoughts some times it reminds me of New Age Music no beginning no end just a middle part . Twitter does give me data but I am not overly interested in Social Media or Tech and wish they would create other streams with the application Like A stream for Literature Art etc ! Oh Yes I Follow Steve Ruble and Approve of his Messages- is a playground of ideas, introductions, and synergies. Marshal exhibits a blogging style that is less about tamping out his thoughts and more about the juggling, rearranging, juxtaposing, and syndicating of the content of other people and companies - a communications cubism of sorts. There's no room for crap, but there is plenty of room for friendly people with interesting ideas. Marshal's day is the search for new technologies,
marshal sandler » Gotham Gal-Etiquette - 0 views

    It is no secret Gotham Gal is one of my favorites and is a top content creator ! I once posted a comment on her husband's web site that I still took notes on Crain StationaryWith A Quill pen ! My mother was very well educated and in our house Etiquette was king ! We had beautiful Crane Note paper and I still remember even though I was born in 1936-having to write hundreds of thank you note's to people who attended my Bar Mitzvah ! I of course used a Parker 51 Fountain Pen that I got as a gift ! When I turned 21 I had my own Crain Stationary that was blind embossed with a simple line in the left hand column and the store where I bought it had to register the embossing ! The stationary got me a lot of response from politicians and other people I wrote , they must have thought I was important ! Presentation is a very important element in any communcation ! I was always jealous of my Friends who attented Catholic School since their penmanship was a work of art ! They had the Palmer method applied to their fingers with a ruler ! I didn't meet the ruler method until I went Hebrew School ! I went to Detroit Country Day School for grades 1-12 and there was a lot of pressure applied to read and write ! Steve Ballmer also graduated from that School a long time after me and I know dam well it gave him an excellent base for a career ! Most of the people at that school were Harvard Bound since the headmaster F Alden Shaw was a Harvard graduate ! Me I went to the University of Miami and majored in what they call today Communication, with a minor in Statistics and it was the fifties so we all got 5th Degree Black Belts in Rum Drinking on a beautiful island 90 mies from Miami - Viva Ritmo Latino ! A good education will help you understand the Human Condition a long with a few wacks from a good Psychiatrist ! Both these elements temper your ego and make sure you are not a snob ! The internet is young and I have found a lot of people who crea
Aivil Vin

Top Best 25 Highly Paid & Expensive Keywords In Google AdWords-2011. - 0 views

    If you own a website, or write a blog, article or Lens, then definitely you are intensely connected/concerned with Google AdSense and AdWords. And then, simply, you can't afford to ignore the use of  'oh so hot' keywords in...
Angel Lee

Choose Perfect Joomla Template Design for your Website - 1 views

Selecting the best Joomla Template for your website is not an easy task. But after reading this article, we think that it may be like some useful tips for the website builders as well as the custom...

Web software bookmarking SEO social socialbookmarks

started by Angel Lee on 06 Dec 12 no follow-up yet

50 Factories Investigated By Chinese Authority in Tianjin for making fake seasonings - 0 views

    At least 50 plants are under the authorities of the city of Tianjin, China for alleged fake lens production plants. Manufacturing units were using illegal industrial salt seasoning with ingredients like soy sauce and vinegar, said a local media report.
marshal sandler

Micro Persuasion: The White House is Liveblogging - 0 views

  • February 11, 2009 Micro Persuasion: The White House is Liveblogging Time for the White House to hire Guest Bloggers- 8-) Micro Persuasion: The White House is Liveblogging. Related articles by Zemanta Micro Persuasion: The White House is Liveblogging ( edelman
    White house blog

'Get paid to blog' with Squidoo - 0 views

    Do you want to know a new way to get paid to blog? Read on for the answer.
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