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marshal sandler

Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong - 0 views

    February 21, 2009 Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: We Will Prove You Wrong Image representing Edelman as depicted in Crun... Image via CrunchBase February 20, 2009 We Will Prove You Wrong "Jeff Jarvis handed me a copy of his new book, "What Would Google Do?" after we finished a brainstorm on health care costs at the World Economic Forum. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the author as a visionary and change agent. He does not disappoint in his very pointed and inspirational text that is a must-read for anyone in the communications business. His central thesis is that control has moved to the people, that companies are advised to tap into the power of networks and that marketing must be based on relationships."Richard Edleman The last person to attempted to take a stab at Mr Edleman's Profession was Jason Calacanis-It is pretty hard to criticize the field of public relations unless you have a backround in Semantics,General Semantics, Mathematics,Game Theory and Statistics- Not just mouthing the words but are educated in these fields-General Semantics is a field pioneered by Alfred Korzibski and promoted by Carl Rogers,S I Hayakawa and Antatol Rapaport-and others- The map is not the territory is a remark by Polish-American scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski, encapsulating his view that an abstraction derived from something, or a reaction to it, is not the thing itself, e.g., the pain from a stone falling on your foot is not the stone; one's opinion of a politician, favorable or unfavorable, is not that person; a metaphorical representation of a concept is not the concept itself; and so on. A specific abstraction or reaction does not capture all facets of its source-e.g., the pain in your foot does not convey the internal structure of the stone, you don't know everything that is going on in the life of a politician, etc.-and thus may limit an individual's understanding and cognitive abilities unless the two are distinguished. Korzybski hel
marshal sandler » Gotham Gal-Etiquette - 0 views

    It is no secret Gotham Gal is one of my favorites and is a top content creator ! I once posted a comment on her husband's web site that I still took notes on Crain StationaryWith A Quill pen ! My mother was very well educated and in our house Etiquette was king ! We had beautiful Crane Note paper and I still remember even though I was born in 1936-having to write hundreds of thank you note's to people who attended my Bar Mitzvah ! I of course used a Parker 51 Fountain Pen that I got as a gift ! When I turned 21 I had my own Crain Stationary that was blind embossed with a simple line in the left hand column and the store where I bought it had to register the embossing ! The stationary got me a lot of response from politicians and other people I wrote , they must have thought I was important ! Presentation is a very important element in any communcation ! I was always jealous of my Friends who attented Catholic School since their penmanship was a work of art ! They had the Palmer method applied to their fingers with a ruler ! I didn't meet the ruler method until I went Hebrew School ! I went to Detroit Country Day School for grades 1-12 and there was a lot of pressure applied to read and write ! Steve Ballmer also graduated from that School a long time after me and I know dam well it gave him an excellent base for a career ! Most of the people at that school were Harvard Bound since the headmaster F Alden Shaw was a Harvard graduate ! Me I went to the University of Miami and majored in what they call today Communication, with a minor in Statistics and it was the fifties so we all got 5th Degree Black Belts in Rum Drinking on a beautiful island 90 mies from Miami - Viva Ritmo Latino ! A good education will help you understand the Human Condition a long with a few wacks from a good Psychiatrist ! Both these elements temper your ego and make sure you are not a snob ! The internet is young and I have found a lot of people who crea
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 5 Useful Web Applications For Webmasters - 0 views

    Being a webmaster, you've got your hands full, and I should know; I'm obviously one myself. So, anytime I come across applications to make the job easier, especially web applications, I'm quick to try them out and promote their greatness. In this article we have a social network popularity scanner, a 'people' scanner with real-time statistics (somewhat different than an analytical scan), a community based web application set for your business or website and more.
marshal sandler

Magma-As Noted By Dave Winer « Ms12's Weblog - 0 views

    Magma-As Noted By Dave Winer Posted on May 28, 2009 by ms12 Image by Clearly Ambiguous via Flickr A new entry point into online video. Magma was created for you to explore, discover, collect and track videos from all over the internet. We cross-reference video statistics with social engagement data to paint a real-time picture of a video's spread across the web. Want an invite? Submit your email address and we'll keep you posted about our upcoming beta phase! Your email will be kept strictly private. 1. TRACK VIDEOS. 2. ?????? 3. PROFIT!

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Motivating Story Of Physically Challenged - 0 views

    How does a person feel when he lost his eyes in an accident or when one of his legs amputated? Would he feel like to end his life to escape from the crises or try to face all the problems that come on his way? According to the statistics more than one million people in the world commit suicide per year and over thirty thousand of these are said to be from the United States. Why these people commit suicide? What demoralize them? The surveys says that people commit suicide for different reasons in which most common are financial problems, relationship problems, bullying and stress of work. These people are trapped in depression and make up their mind that things will never get better, and none can improve the situation. G. B. Shaw said, "Sometimes, people get attached to their burdens more than the burdens are attached to them." Life gets tough We all just have to admit that life can sometimes get tough! Our health may sometimes suffer, family demands demoralize, daily traumas build up and work strains speed up, but it doesn't mean to feel that the life isn't worth living. In such situation, we need a dose of inspiration that makes us feel good.Buy online wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest Wheelchair price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping. Inspiration brings positive signs and heightens our creativity. In times of insecurity, remind yourself of those who overcame bodily limitations and various obstructions. Finding inspiration Here are six inspirational stories of people who, in spite of their physical limitations, participated fully in all aspects of the society. These differently-abled people (I don't like to say them disable) are not only inspirational to other people having physical problems; but equally inspirational to those of us who feel life is worthless and give up trying when the obstacles come on our way. One of the world's best-known overachiever Stephen Hawking who suffers from Mot

How Data Science Help Stock Brokers to take decision - 0 views

    n statistics, the standard deviation is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean also called the expected value of the set, while a high standard deviation

Boron Nitride Nanotubes Market 2018-Recent Study Including Growth Factors Applications - 0 views

    The Raised Boron Nitride Nanotubes Market report provides key statistics on the market status of the Raised Boron Nitride Nanotubes manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.
Bobby Brown

What is Poliomyelitis (polio) - 0 views

shared by Bobby Brown on 10 Sep 18 - No Cached
    Poliomyelitis: WHO health topic page on poliomyelitis provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, publications, statistics, news, multimedia and events, as well as contacts and cooperating partners in the various WHO programmes and offices working on this topic.
    Bad disease

2018 Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Industry Size Growth Rate by Type, Growt... - 0 views

    At the initial level, the report offers the fundamental overview of the Building Energy Management Systems BEMS market on basis of definition, market concentration, classification, Building Energy Management Systems BEMS market revenue statistics from 2013 to 2017 & forecasting year

Circular Polarized Antenna research: Sensor Fusion System Market New Technology Growth,... - 0 views

    The Raised Circular Polarized Antenna Market report provides key statistics on the market status of the Raised Circular Polarized Antenna manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.

Angular and Linear Position Sensor industry Regional Analysis, Key Players and Forecast... - 0 views

    The Global Angular and Linear Position Sensor Market Industry Report contains all Analytical and Statistical brief about Market Overview, Growth, Demand and Forecast Research. This Raised Angular and Linear Position Sensor report offers some penetrating overview and solution in the complex world

Future Report on High Drain EMD Market Share Comparison by Application Forecast 2018-2025 - 0 views

    The Global High Drain EMD Market Industry Report contains all Analytical and Statistical brief about Market Overview, Growth, Demand and Forecast Research. This Raised High Drain EMD report offers some penetrating overview and solution in the complex world of Raised High Drain EMD Industry.

Instant Adhesives Market 2018-Recent Study Including Growth Factors Applications - 0 views

    The Raised Instant Adhesives Market report provides key statistics on the market status of the Raised Instant Adhesives manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.

The US think tank ranks the rich countries with foreign aid. - 0 views

    According to the annual statistics released by the Center for Global Development (CGD). In terms of foreign aid, the United States ranks 27th among the wealthy countries that are all counted, ranking the bottom. In dollar terms, although the United States is the largest contributor, the number and q

The Way to Get Short Back-links From Excessive PR Sites - 0 views

    The fine manner to get excessive authority back-links is to submit terrific, statistics pushed content material. one-way links are one of the most valuable commodities a website can get. In short , a excellent link building is the only that is relevant to the topic of your website.
marshal sandler » Micro Persuasion: Google Reader Adds Attention Statistics - 0 views

    • marshal sandler
      Stat's by Steve Rubel from Google !

What Are the Importance of Counselling - 0 views

    They may likewise be issues related particularly to the working environment, for example, matters like vocation advancement, teach, execution, identifying with clients or customers, advancement, redeployment, exchanges, redundancies, retirement, and so on.

The Way to Get Short Back-links From Excessive PR Sites - 1 views

The fine manner to get excessive authority back-links is to submit terrific, statistics pushed content material. one-way links are one of the most valuable commodities a website can get. In ...

high da pa dofollow backlinks pr list sites socialbookmarks bookmarking

started by on 28 Mar 20 no follow-up yet

Satellites garbage - 1 views

The kinetic energy used to eliminate garbage satellites can be a good choice for the disposal of unnecessary orbital waste,

started by douglas_holland on 18 Dec 23 no follow-up yet
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