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Home/ Mobile Learning na Formação Corporativa/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Hugo Domingos

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Hugo Domingos

Hugo Domingos

Mobile Learning - What It Can Do For A Global Workforce | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views

  • The global workforce today is confronted with a demanding environment in which to perform. In such a situation, it is vital for employees to be connected to information constantly.
  • As learning technology evolves and semantic web comes around, learning and performance support through mobile devices is becoming common. Effective mobile learning solutions can help you manage learning for your workforce that’s constantly on the move.
  • Activating knowledge before a classroom (or virtual classroom or even an eLearning session); Summarizing (after one of those sessions – delivered soon after the session); Recall (or reactivating knowledge – probably a week or two after the session. This ensures key concepts are revisited and helps in transferring the new knowledge to long term memory – especially for learners who may not get a chance to apply new knowledge immediately after the sessions); Providing application opportunities (through pop quizzes or learning games on mobile); Just-in-time search support by letting employees search in company’s knowledge databases (wikis, blogs, forums) using their mobiles.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Mobile Learning: ✓Puts training and performance support where the actual work takes place ✓Allows new skills or knowledge to be immediately applied ✓Enables training when it is needed ✓Allows use of rich media when appropriate
    Argumentos para Mobile para formação nas empresas
Hugo Domingos

Mainstreaming Mobile Learning by Ellen Wagner : Learning Solutions Magazine - 0 views

    Contextos e exemplos de projetos
Hugo Domingos

M-learning : project background - 0 views

  • M-learning originated from a 3 year pan-European research and development programme
  • What do many of these young people have in common? A mobile phone = inexpensive, portable and accessible to the majority of EU citizens.
  • In October 2001 the m-learning project was launched, aimed at capturing the interest of young adults, assisting them in the development of life long learning objectives.
    Desenvolvimento de projetos mobile
Hugo Domingos

Mobile Learning | mLearning & Online Education - 0 views

  • Mobile learning (mLearning) is a form of distance education that involves connectivity through mobile devices and occurs when a learner is not confined to a predetermined location
  • Mobile devices go beyond the realm of PDA’s or smart phones; included are MP3 players, wireless notebooks and hand held gaming systems. Android OS devices, Blackberries, iPhones, and iPads are increasing in popularity for mLearning,
  • Since its conception, mobile learning has been directly tied to online education as the platform for both types of education is rooted in the ability to learn beyond the confines of a classroom.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The accessibility of on-the-go education could potentially attract an entirely untapped group of students who may not have had interest in continuing their education due to inconvenience.
  • The Benefits of Mobile Learning
  • Delivers information through new media channels and establishes different learning styles Students that excel in an interactive approach are benefiting from the ability to learn through mobile technologies
  • Greater interaction among students in online degree programs Capturing media allows students to take pictures, videos and notes on their mobile devices and send them to an online forum for classmates and professors to view
  • Obtaining information in real time Field research conducted away from the computer can now be instantly recorded and sent to a virtual workspace. This allows the student to focus on gathering information and reflecting upon the research later.
    Definições e contextos de utilização
Hugo Domingos

Ten Must-Have Features In A Mobile-LMS | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views

  • s mobile learning gains ground there will be (and already is) a growing need to look beyond notifications for users and quick-follow-up assessments through mobile devices.
  • Learner side
  • Access to all notifications on mobile version as in the main LMS version.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Even if the courses available to a user are not mobile-friendly, users should still have access to information to give a consistent view to his/her personalized learning plan.
  • ccess to Support center. Very helpful and useful.
  • o test mobile device for compatibility
  • Administrator side
    Considerações osbre funcionalidades que LMS terá que ter para ser compatível com MD
Hugo Domingos

7 Steps To Initiate a Mobile Learning Pilot Program | Mobile Learning Blog - 0 views

    Referência para implementação do Projeto MobileL
Hugo Domingos

Students on the Go: What's an Instructor to Do? | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    Indicações sobre tutoria para formandos que utilizam dispositivos móveis
Hugo Domingos

Marc My Words: The Greatest Mobile Learning App Ever (until the next one comes along) b... - 0 views

  • Using your smartphone, you scan the tag and your phone quickly finds the associated content on the Web – from URLs, to maps, to contact information, to photos, videos, and more. Inexpensive scanners will also do the same for laptops and PCs.
  • Why is this exciting? Because almost any physical (non-Web) object can use tags to provide additional information, including multimedia content, precisely at the moment of need
  • or mLearning, tags have huge possibilities
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • In print-based materials, tags add a new dimension of richness and authenticity.
  • easily provide users with significant – and updatable – learning enrichment, including additional resources, video-based demonstrations, expert presentations, and more
  • And no computer is necessary; just a smartphone.
  • There are free and simple software apps that enable you to create tags on your computer
  • Two major tag formats are getting the most attention right now, and you can use both for mLearning: the QR tag format, and the Microsoft tag format.
  • The most popular format right now. Open sourc
  • Download any 2D or QR barcode reader from any mobile app store
  • as smartphones become more dominant, access to tag readers will become widespread.
  • Create tags that link to videos, Podcasts, Websites, or social network pages for starters. Then use them to add value to your learning materials by linking directly to specific task-related resources.
Hugo Domingos

iPads in Education: Grading what's working and what's not - iPads in Education - 0 views

  • 1. What's working?
  • 2. What's not working
  • What's still in process?
    iPads in Education: Grading what's working and what's not - iPads in Education #ipad #education
Hugo Domingos

El futuro de la Universidad se lee en el iPad - - 0 views

  • La formación superior vivirá una revolución para adaptarse a un nuevo modelo de aprendizaje: el 'mobile learning'.
  • El acceso a información en cualquier lugar y en todo momento, la comunicación a través de redes sociales –especialmente Twitter y Facebook–, la producción de vídeos y audio y la descarga de juegos no sólo suponen una transformación en los hábitos de ocio y consumo del usuario, sino un cambio cultural que no resulta ajeno al ámbito académico.
  • a metodología mobile learning –esto es, formación a través de smartphones, smartbooks, tabletas digitales, netbooks, PDA,
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • el año 2020 los dispositivos móviles serán la principal herramienta de conexión a internet para la mayoría de la población
  • En el ámbito universitario, la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (Udima) es el primer centro online en implementar un programa en pruebas para estudiar la carrera a través de un iPad que se entrega a los alumnos
Hugo Domingos

Mobile Platforms and mLearning: Challenges and Solutions by Bill Brandon : Learning S... - 0 views

  • adoption has taken a bit longer than we expected, mainly due to lack of suitable platforms
  • I will address the flood of mobile platform OSs coming in the next six months (iOS, Android, webOS, Windows 7, Blackberry Tablet OS, and the devices that use them)
  • provide links to information about available tools for developing mLearning and mobile performance support
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The focus of attention for mobile learning and performance support shifted substantially to include tablets.
  • Android smart phones are selling even faster than iPads; Android is now the biggest smart-phone platform in the U.S., and the third biggest worldwide
  • plannin
  • g for mobile adoption in 2011, there are a few factors to take into account.
  • he iPad adoption rate is the fastest of any electronic device in history
  • Educational institutions, including K-12 education, are investing heavily in iPads.
  • which platforms (tablets, mobile phones, and operating system) it will support, your guess is as good as mine which platform will most likely demand attention in your world next year.
  • Android tablets could well gain great momentum based on the popularity of the Android phones.
  • Blackberry still has the largest share of the mobile market in the U.S., particularly in the corporate arena.
    Mobile Platforms and mLearning: Challenges and Solutions by Bill Brandon : Learning Solutions Magazine #m-learning
Hugo Domingos

Mobile Learning is Beyond its Tipping Point by Gerry Griffin : Learning Solutions Magazine - 0 views

  • In this market growth phase, instructional designers and managers, as well as vendors, need to identify and understand the critical success factors that will make mobile learning an everyday practice
  • And it is content — content fit for the mobile learning purpose — that will drive market growth
  • mobile learning is employing a device in a way that improves productivity
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • we need to design and deliver content to play across any mobile device, giving them just enough information, at just the right time, anywhere they choose to work
  • there are two types of user for mobile learning — the “considered” user and the “trigger” user.
  • The considered user downloads and views learning material, on their regular commute for example, in the same way they would read a business book. They actively contemplate the material and adopt a reflective frame of mind in order to take a close look at their job
  • The trigger user responds to contextual situations that require action. The number of trigger users seen in organizations has been increasing in recent years. They tend to be pressed for time. They check and send e-mails as they walk down the corridor between meetings. The mobile device is both the symptom as well as the potential cure for this type of user.
  • onsidered learners, mobile learning is as a refresher of things they learned in a more extended formal training event, including face-to-face training (as Figure 1 suggests), synchronous e-Learning, asynchronous e-Learning, or even study of printed information.
  • hey actually would like to have specific top-of-mind and refresher learning “on-demand” minutes or even seconds before they will need to use it. This indicates that learning should not be days or even hours long but broken down into “nano” blocks of learning.
    • Hugo Domingos
      A necessidade de informação na hora, em vez de longo períodos de espera ou overload!
  • For trigger users the mobile device can act as a retriever for procedural memory
  • Examples would be running a creative meeting or induction of new employee, or a more complex skill such as restructuring a team
  • These moments are the optimum times to get new or refresher content. Our aim is to facilitate this, to enable people to make the most of those key inflection points.
  • This change in how we can use mobile devices to access training-on-the-go
  • We no longer need all the applications loaded on our hard drive. Instead we can use the mobile device to call down the content as and when we need it.
  • A mobile device is a smart way of retrieving what you have learned, especially close to the time when you need to apply it
  • The videos can be accessed via intranet, Web, and mobile phone networks, giving learners the ability to pull down content when and wherever they need it, and in a format that is meant for use on the go
  • Mobile learning won’t ever replace other venues for training, but the technology, and more importantly the content, can be used to make it so much more effective.
    • Hugo Domingos
      excelente conclusão!
    A ler e utilizar para projecto!
Hugo Domingos

How To Create Successful M-Learning Strategy: mLearnCon - Part II | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views

    Recomendações para implementação de estratégia mobile learning
Hugo Domingos

15 Authoring Tools For mEnabling Your eLearning For iPads - 0 views

    Software de autroia para exprotação de conteúdos compatíveis com iPAd. A explorar soluções
Hugo Domingos

Quick Take: Top 8 Mobile Learning Terms You Should Know - 0 views

    Artigo que poderá ajudar na definição de terminologia associada ao Mobile learning.
Hugo Domingos

@Ignatia Webs: Does #mobile learning really make a difference in this world? - 0 views

  • A stable, durable health system will have learning and specifically continued medical education embedded in its core, for without keeping health care workers, health managers… up to date on latest changes, the patients will not be reached with optimal health care. In relation to this, I share this National Health Service (United Kingdom) paper focusing on 29 recommendations for embedding mLearning in their health care system these recommendations do not always apply to more challenged regions, but some of them can indeed be implemented.
    • Hugo Domingos
      Analisar este study-case. Poderá ter correlações com público alvo do estudo de cas da dissertação!
Hugo Domingos

Top m-learning reports of 2012 - 0 views

    Referências a artigos e reports sobre mobile learning (2012) » Analisar relatório para Bibliografia da dissertação!
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