Bringing this down to the bottom line, yet another blogger shares his experience, of watching people bounce away without doing much of anything on his site. How much is traffic like that to a site, and how much will somebody be willing to pay to keep getting more of it? As the author says,
"The problem is that when I stumble I am in the mood for some fast action. I don't want to be bothered with heavy reading and just want to be amused."
a spirit that, as somebody in one of the sites bookmarked above argues, Stumbleupon's business model gives the company and its management a perverse short term incentive to encourage. But can one encourage impatience and then, moments later, hope that impatience will suddenly vanish the moment a visitor reaches a sponsor's site? Or does behavior, once reinforced, tend to linger?
Does the company really expect those sponsors to not notice that their bottom line isn't being helped, just because they hope it will, and assume that it must?
See somebody doing something creative with her blog on Stumbleupon. Do you find yourself wanting to slow down and take the time to really read, not just this blog, but the pages it links to, because you're having a good time?
You get a real feeling of the presence of the other person on the other side of that screen, don't you?
Another blog at Stumbleupon, this one with more of an even more of an emphasis on photography, and one reviews of other stumbleblogs.
Much more pleasant than just looking at a stack of links, wouldn't you agree? jjjunebug is caile-girl's mother. (See bookmark, immediately above)