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谁改变了甘肃 - 0 views

  • 而祁连山与北山夹持下的河西走廊,在这之后成为了华夏文明向西传播的重要通道。汉武帝西征匈奴,先后在这一地区设立了河西四郡。而作为农耕文明的代表,华夏文明得以扎根于此,就依赖于祁连山丰富的冰雪融水滋养下的河西绿洲。
  • 建于十六国北凉时期的甘肃武威天梯山石窟,是“中国石窟的鼻祖”,北魏在灭北凉之后,曾迁移凉州(今甘肃武威)城内的豪族与工匠至都城平城,这批工匠在日后直接影响了云冈石窟和龙门石窟的修建。
  • 十六国虽是战乱时期但一方面佛教东传颇为兴盛一方面凉州诞生了众多割据政权故而凉州的城市与石窟得到不少发展
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  • 甘肃也是中国石窟数量最多的省份,现今能够开放供游客参观的石窟便有16座之多,中国四大石窟中甘肃便占其二(敦煌莫高窟、天水麦积山石窟)。雕琢自然的群山就这样在古代能工巧匠的手中成为令后世供奉与仰望的神邸。
  • 至元十年(1273年),元世祖忽必烈曾下令“驻军随处入社”,即军士落为民籍。而当时落户于河州(今甘肃临夏)的有不少是随军征战而来的色目人,其中相传有部分人是东伊朗布哈拉人的后裔。此后由于穆斯林商人的活跃,加之河州地区土地多广袤,使得不少穆斯林商人在此定居繁衍,这里也由此成为了中国回族的发源地之一。
  • 而群山之上、高原之巅的甘南藏族则一直虔诚地信奉着藏传佛教,在清朝“兴黄教(藏传佛教格鲁派),联满蒙”的政策背景下,藏传佛教的发展一度受到清廷的重视和支持。始建于康熙四十八年(1709)的甘南夏河拉卜楞寺,规模宏大,是格鲁派六大寺院之一,在1958年前一直是甘肃藏区的政教中心。
  • 随着上世纪50年代国家工业化序幕的拉开,甘肃群山之中的宝藏开始造福起这片土地。凤凰山上“一爆出新天”的“铜城”白银,镜铁山外的戈壁上拔地而起的“钢城”嘉峪关,龙首山下艰苦创业的“镍都”金昌,它们在拉动甘肃工业化进程的同时,都丰富着甘肃当代的城市分布的格局。

江西省冷知识! - 0 views

  • 江西省简称赣,又因为江西最大河流为赣江而简称赣。赣江,古代称为赣水,它主要有两个支流,一个叫章水,一个叫贡水——章与贡,组成了“赣”。如宋代苏轼 《郁孤台》诗:“日丽崆峒晓,风酣章贡秋。”赣州,为章、贡二水的汇合点,州也因此得名,今赣州市设有章贡区。
  • “江西省”源于唐代“江南西道”简称,最早“江西”指今安徽
  • 唐开元二十一年(公元733年),全国原来的10个道扩展为15个,且有了固定的治所,道从监察区变成了行政区性质,原江南道被一分为三:黔中道、江南西道和江南东道。唐代的江南西道,管辖今江西、湖南的大部分区域,以及安徽、湖南、重庆、广西的小部分区域。从这一年开始,作为行政区的“江西”正式得名——这里的江西,不再是秦汉时期的“长江以西”,而是“江南西道”的简称。此后,大部分诗文中提到江西,基本上指的是江南西道区域。古时从北向南看,江东在左、江西在右,所以江西又称江右。对此,清代江西文人魏僖在《日录杂说》中进行了解释:“自江北视之,江东在左,江西在右耳。”
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  • “豫章故郡,洪都新府”——唐代王勃在《滕王阁序》中这样开篇。豫章故郡,指的是汉代设立的豫章郡。西汉设立的豫章郡,基本上与今天的江西省范围一致,行政中心豫章县即今南昌——基本上从这一时期起,南昌在两千多年的历史中,一直作为江西的政治中心而存在。
    • wangxiaohui19880214
  • 明朝,江西版图基本定型:明太祖洪武九年(公元1376年),原行中书省改为“承宣布政使司”,但习惯上仍称行省,简称省。明朝的“江西承宣布政使司”北起长江,南抵五岭,东起怀玉山、武夷山脉,西至罗霄山脉——除婺源县属南直隶省徽州府外,其他区域与今江西省基本一致。
  • 看到吃辣地图,你会发现,湖南、贵州、四川、江西等吃辣区,有一个特点,它们的祖地很可能都是江西,因为先有“江西填湖广”,后有“湖广填四川”——这些省份,都是江西人活动之地。
  • 江西区域,位于吴越、荆楚、闽越、岭南等区域文化之间,被称为“吴头楚尾”“粤户闽庭”。
  • 跟其他省份不同的是,江西的水系极为独特最:鄱阳湖水系范围≈江西省的行政版图
  • 江西省总面积166946平方公里,其中鄱阳湖水系占据156743平方公里,占了96.6%。
  • 历代南下的客家人,选择了赣江上游的赣南山区。赣南山区与赣北平原格局分明,它们之界限,恰好大致是客家话与赣语区的分界线。我们参照《中国语言地图集》,将这条界线描绘了出来。
    • wangxiaohui19880214
  • 赣州——是江西省的南大门,是江西省面积最大、人口最多的设区市,总面积39379.64平方公里,约相当于2.5个北京市面积,差不多是全省1/4之大,比台湾岛还大,相当于19个深圳、36个香港的面积。
  • 1934年之前,婺源一直是古徽州的一部分。中华民国二十三年(1934年)9月4日,国民政府为便于围剿中央红军,决定将婺源划隶江西,隶属江西省第五行政区。
  • 从水系流域上看,婺源与徽州其他县的确有些区别,婺源的河流水系,属于江西的鄱阳湖水系。

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Lipo (" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Lithium polymer battery)was used in many electronic devices, which are similar to lithium-ion batteries. Their nominal voltage is 3....


started by kbojezhang44 on 25 Mar 20 no follow-up yet
plastemart com

Global agricultural films market estimated to be worth - 0 views

Agricultural films is a billion dollar market growing at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2012 to 2017. This sector is gaining importance with the advent of high technologies in agriculture and emphasis on hig...

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started by plastemart com on 22 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
plastemart com

Flexible barrier films for electronics to propel CAGR to 39.8% over next decade - Barri... - 0 views

In order for flexible displays and photovoltaics to be commercially successful, they must be robust enough to survive for the necessary time and conditions of the device. Beyond flexibility, print...

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started by plastemart com on 23 Apr 13 no follow-up yet

Write an Article | APSense Articles - 0 views

  • Have you reached your Landlord about fixes that should be done and still, haven't had your fixes finished? As an occupant of any leased property from Housing Association or Council. You reserve the right to live in a sheltered and very much looked after home. Your landlord has a legitimate duty to complete fixes you have answered to them in an attractive and convenient way. Given the possibility that you have complained about any of them repairs mentioned below that have not yet been completed, we could help you by ensuring that your landlord makes the repairs. Unfortunately, we cannot help you if your contract is with a private landlord and not with housing association or council. On the off chance that you have revealed any of these fixes to your landlord and they have not been finished in an auspicious way, you have the right to claim. We will guide you completely. We strictly follow 'No Win - No Fee'.What You Can Claim Compensation for?Pests and Vermin InfestationsMould, Fungus or DampnessLeaks, Flooding or Water DamageCracksDefective BoilerDefective Roofing and GuttersDefective Windows and DoorsDefective or Dangerous Electrical WiringWhat is Housing Disrepair Protocol?The housing disrepair protocol alludes to the process that ought to be pursued (in England and Wales) if a tenant needs to bring a case against their landlord for not making fixes, or not doing fundamental upkeep maintenance work at their home. The point of this the convention is to attempt and resolve these issues as ahead of schedule as soon as possible, avoiding a court case, if at all conceivable. Types of Housing Disrepair DamagesHousing Disrepair Claim can take numerous structures. It basically alludes to any maintenance or fix issues which should (by law) be completed by your landlord, yet are not, resulting in your home getting to be hazardous or the accommodation deficient. On the off chance that, after you have detailed the issues, your landlord does not fix or resolve the issue for a continued period, you might be eligible to make a case for housing disrepair damages compensation.Types of Housing Disrepair Damages Housing Disrepair Claim can take various structures. It basically alludes to any maintenance or repair issues which should be legally completed by your landlord in a reasonable time, yet are no
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Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
Al-Mehatb Shaikh

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
Phil Vonesy

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
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Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
Simply Solved

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
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