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谁改变了甘肃 - 0 views

  • 而祁连山与北山夹持下的河西走廊,在这之后成为了华夏文明向西传播的重要通道。汉武帝西征匈奴,先后在这一地区设立了河西四郡。而作为农耕文明的代表,华夏文明得以扎根于此,就依赖于祁连山丰富的冰雪融水滋养下的河西绿洲。
  • 建于十六国北凉时期的甘肃武威天梯山石窟,是“中国石窟的鼻祖”,北魏在灭北凉之后,曾迁移凉州(今甘肃武威)城内的豪族与工匠至都城平城,这批工匠在日后直接影响了云冈石窟和龙门石窟的修建。
  • 十六国虽是战乱时期但一方面佛教东传颇为兴盛一方面凉州诞生了众多割据政权故而凉州的城市与石窟得到不少发展
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  • 甘肃也是中国石窟数量最多的省份,现今能够开放供游客参观的石窟便有16座之多,中国四大石窟中甘肃便占其二(敦煌莫高窟、天水麦积山石窟)。雕琢自然的群山就这样在古代能工巧匠的手中成为令后世供奉与仰望的神邸。
  • 至元十年(1273年),元世祖忽必烈曾下令“驻军随处入社”,即军士落为民籍。而当时落户于河州(今甘肃临夏)的有不少是随军征战而来的色目人,其中相传有部分人是东伊朗布哈拉人的后裔。此后由于穆斯林商人的活跃,加之河州地区土地多广袤,使得不少穆斯林商人在此定居繁衍,这里也由此成为了中国回族的发源地之一。
  • 而群山之上、高原之巅的甘南藏族则一直虔诚地信奉着藏传佛教,在清朝“兴黄教(藏传佛教格鲁派),联满蒙”的政策背景下,藏传佛教的发展一度受到清廷的重视和支持。始建于康熙四十八年(1709)的甘南夏河拉卜楞寺,规模宏大,是格鲁派六大寺院之一,在1958年前一直是甘肃藏区的政教中心。
  • 随着上世纪50年代国家工业化序幕的拉开,甘肃群山之中的宝藏开始造福起这片土地。凤凰山上“一爆出新天”的“铜城”白银,镜铁山外的戈壁上拔地而起的“钢城”嘉峪关,龙首山下艰苦创业的“镍都”金昌,它们在拉动甘肃工业化进程的同时,都丰富着甘肃当代的城市分布的格局。

江西省冷知识! - 0 views

  • 江西省简称赣,又因为江西最大河流为赣江而简称赣。赣江,古代称为赣水,它主要有两个支流,一个叫章水,一个叫贡水——章与贡,组成了“赣”。如宋代苏轼 《郁孤台》诗:“日丽崆峒晓,风酣章贡秋。”赣州,为章、贡二水的汇合点,州也因此得名,今赣州市设有章贡区。
  • “江西省”源于唐代“江南西道”简称,最早“江西”指今安徽
  • 唐开元二十一年(公元733年),全国原来的10个道扩展为15个,且有了固定的治所,道从监察区变成了行政区性质,原江南道被一分为三:黔中道、江南西道和江南东道。唐代的江南西道,管辖今江西、湖南的大部分区域,以及安徽、湖南、重庆、广西的小部分区域。从这一年开始,作为行政区的“江西”正式得名——这里的江西,不再是秦汉时期的“长江以西”,而是“江南西道”的简称。此后,大部分诗文中提到江西,基本上指的是江南西道区域。古时从北向南看,江东在左、江西在右,所以江西又称江右。对此,清代江西文人魏僖在《日录杂说》中进行了解释:“自江北视之,江东在左,江西在右耳。”
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  • “豫章故郡,洪都新府”——唐代王勃在《滕王阁序》中这样开篇。豫章故郡,指的是汉代设立的豫章郡。西汉设立的豫章郡,基本上与今天的江西省范围一致,行政中心豫章县即今南昌——基本上从这一时期起,南昌在两千多年的历史中,一直作为江西的政治中心而存在。
    • wangxiaohui19880214
  • 明朝,江西版图基本定型:明太祖洪武九年(公元1376年),原行中书省改为“承宣布政使司”,但习惯上仍称行省,简称省。明朝的“江西承宣布政使司”北起长江,南抵五岭,东起怀玉山、武夷山脉,西至罗霄山脉——除婺源县属南直隶省徽州府外,其他区域与今江西省基本一致。
  • 看到吃辣地图,你会发现,湖南、贵州、四川、江西等吃辣区,有一个特点,它们的祖地很可能都是江西,因为先有“江西填湖广”,后有“湖广填四川”——这些省份,都是江西人活动之地。
  • 江西区域,位于吴越、荆楚、闽越、岭南等区域文化之间,被称为“吴头楚尾”“粤户闽庭”。
  • 跟其他省份不同的是,江西的水系极为独特最:鄱阳湖水系范围≈江西省的行政版图
  • 江西省总面积166946平方公里,其中鄱阳湖水系占据156743平方公里,占了96.6%。
  • 历代南下的客家人,选择了赣江上游的赣南山区。赣南山区与赣北平原格局分明,它们之界限,恰好大致是客家话与赣语区的分界线。我们参照《中国语言地图集》,将这条界线描绘了出来。
    • wangxiaohui19880214
  • 赣州——是江西省的南大门,是江西省面积最大、人口最多的设区市,总面积39379.64平方公里,约相当于2.5个北京市面积,差不多是全省1/4之大,比台湾岛还大,相当于19个深圳、36个香港的面积。
  • 1934年之前,婺源一直是古徽州的一部分。中华民国二十三年(1934年)9月4日,国民政府为便于围剿中央红军,决定将婺源划隶江西,隶属江西省第五行政区。
  • 从水系流域上看,婺源与徽州其他县的确有些区别,婺源的河流水系,属于江西的鄱阳湖水系。

Plywood Boxes in Bangalore | Wooden Crates Manufacturers |Export Quality Plywood Boxes - 0 views

    Sulaksh packing manufacturers high grade Plywood Boxes in Bangalore, Plywood Shipping Boxes, Plywood Collapsible Box, Plywood Storage Boxes, Plywood Boxes Suppliers, Wooden Packaging Box Suppliers in Bangalore, Wooden Packaging Box Manufacturers
asad khan

Easy Packing Tips For Moving House | AMWAJ Movers - 0 views

    Moving day will be here before you know it! The key to having a smooth and successful move is preparation. If you take the time to plan ahead and get organized in advance, you'll have much less to worry about on the big day. Not sure where to begin? We're here to help! We've put together a list of our top moving tips and tricks to help get you started. Get ready for the best moving day you've ever had! Moving prep doesn't start with packing up your things; it starts way before! The first step is to make sure you have enough packing supplies to get you through. There's nothing worse than having to scramble around on the day before or morning of your move, trying to find extra boxes. That brings Packing Tips For Moving House First step is to Label all of your boxes and containers with painters tape I like this because My boxes are being reused.what I'm putting in each box and painters tape is nice because it's bright blue,so it's really easy to find and it doesn't leave any residue behind so you can use it on decorative containers and you don't have to worry about cleaning off any that sticky stuff and I like to label my boxes with either the contents or the room it's going to so that the people that are helping me move know where to take it once we get there. Use your clothes and towels for Padding Any linens you have as packing materials so here I'm just putting some art with glass in it with some clothing so that it's nice and protected and I'm any money on that packing padding stuff or bubble wrap. Fold boxes closed instead of taping them So I do this by just going around in a circle and then I pop out the last corner and this make sit super easy to pull them back open when you need to get back into them and you're not wasting so much money or plastic on tape Keep your jewelry in a hard container Like a mason jar or some kind of Tupperware so it can't get crushed or broken in travel but if you are worried about it tangling-

round gift box - 1 views

    They don't damage the environment and cause environmental problems such as soil erosion. They are not like the plastic materials of petroleum derivatives which cannot be degraded naturally but forming large-scale garbage mountains, causing white pollution, and breaking the ecological balance of ocean and land. Use environmentally friendly gift boxes, start from me! Eco Friendly Cup Lid + Eco Friendly Cup + Eco Friendly Plate + Eco Friendly Gift Box + Food Box Tea Box Round Box Rectangular Box White Box Red Box Blue Box Eco Friendly Containers
iyus qobain

Dulwich- Brown Leather Cuff Link Box Orange Lining New - 0 views

    Dulwich- Brown Leather Cuff Link Box Orange Lining New - with price: $ 39.92 - Traditional Craftsmanship, High Quality Materials And The Very Best Of Contemporary Design Combine In This Sublime Luxury Mens Accessory Box. The Box Is Manufactured By Exclusive London Jewellery Box Manufacturer Dulwi

Get best custom rigid boxes wholesale services in USA - 0 views

    Are you looking for rigid box packaging solutions in bulk? Kwick Packaging provides wholesale custom rigid box services across the USA. As a leading supplier, we craft sustainable and durable boxes tailored to your needs. High-qualityprinting and made-to-order production allow for exact brand representation. Experience seamless nationwide distribution while showcasing your products in professionally packaged rigid boxes from Kwick Packaging.

Corrugated Box Manufacturers in Bangalore | Cardboard Boxes | Corrugated Box Dealers - 0 views

    We are engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting of corrugated boxes in Bangalore. Our comprehensive range of corrugated boxes or cartons is designed especially to cater for a wide range of packaging needs.

中国人吃葡萄(皮)地图 - 0 views

  • 都说中国人“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮”,但现在随着葡萄酒的流行,中国人既吃葡萄,也“吃”葡萄皮。(酿制葡萄酒的风味主要来自葡萄皮) 
  • 自张骞出使西域将“大宛蒲陶”带回中原,中原葡萄的种植历史已逾千年。而本就位于西北边陲的新疆,种植葡萄的历史则更为悠久,这样的家学底蕴使得新疆成为“世界葡萄植物园”。
  • 挂架上一串串葡萄垂坠下来,经过一个多月的火洲热风吹拂之后,甜蜜的气味开始在城里飘荡,鲜美多汁的葡萄化身硬实齁甜的葡萄干。通过这种方式晾晒的无核白葡萄干,含糖量高达80%,是名副其实的“新疆第一甜心”。
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  • 陕西杨凌,标价一粒10元的蓝宝石葡萄。 图/视觉中国
  • 和烟台类似,滨海的河北昌黎气候、光热条件非常适宜酿酒葡萄的种植,是远近闻名的“酿酒葡萄之乡”。20世纪80年代初,昌黎就被定点为优质干红葡萄引种点和高档干红葡萄酒生产基地。2002年,“昌黎葡萄酒”获得国家原产地域产品保护,成为第一个获得该资质的葡萄酒产品。
  • 河北葡萄也有着它属于它自己的荣耀,除了种植面积和产量常年位居第二之外,它是我国古老葡萄品种牛奶、龙眼的最佳栽培地,种植历史也非常悠久。
  • 而河北另外一大葡萄产区沙城,除了创造了远近闻名的“长城干红”葡萄酒之外,还为我们贡献了一个“市区葡萄园”的视觉奇观——宣化城市传统葡萄园。在宣化古城中,人们以庭院式栽培为主,以独一无二的漏斗架栽培方式在城市中构造出一块块绿色的天井,从空中俯瞰,极具视觉冲击力。
  • 2015年,制作葡萄酒使用的酿酒葡萄占据世界葡萄总产量的65%,尽管鲜食葡萄产量逐年递增,但短时间内,酿酒葡萄仍然是世界葡萄产业的核心作物。
  • 而近现代中国的葡萄酒产业,发端自山东半岛的烟台地区。1892年,张裕酿酒公司的成立,标志着中国葡萄酒业步履蹒跚的艰辛起点。
  • 张裕葡萄酒创始人张弼士在考察全国各地后,认为烟台的条件和法国葡萄种植区非常相似,因此从法国引进了酿酒葡萄品种,建立了两个葡萄园,开启了国产葡萄酒业的创业史。
  • 比较有趣的是,张弼士为了让国人尽快地熟悉葡萄酒文化,还请当时的文人墨客给酿酒葡萄起了相当文艺的网名,比如说酿制红葡萄酒的代表品种Cabernet Sauvignon被译作“赤霞珠”,而酿制白葡萄酒的代表品种Chardonnay被译作“霞多丽”。而张裕葡萄酒最出名的子品牌“解百纳”,则是取名自“赤霞珠、品丽珠、蛇龙珠”三种酿酒葡萄的法文名中共有的Cabernet(本意为红葡萄酒)。 
  • 霞多丽(上)、赤霞珠(下)。 图/视觉中国
  • 酿酒葡萄和鲜食葡萄差异巨大。酿酒葡萄的糖分比鲜食葡萄高,但同时混杂了大量的有机酸和单宁物质,这些东西的杂糅,使得生吃酿酒葡萄的口感非常接近喝一碗调好的糖醋汁。如果说鲜食葡萄都追求皮薄肉厚的身材,那么酿酒葡萄则是反其道而行——偏好粒小皮厚,吃它们完全没有平时吃水果的快感,就像在嗑一堆口味奇特的瓜子,但酿酒所需要的风味物质都富集在这些果皮之中。
  • 在经过多年发展后,2015年烟台葡萄酒产量达到32.8万升,占全国产量的28.6%,在国内市场占有率为42%。并且以896.4亿的品牌价值,名列酒水类地理标志产品第二名(仅次于茅台酒),是目前当之无愧的中国葡萄酒第一区域品牌。
  • 在20余年前,云南还是葡萄年产量排名倒数第七的省份,现在已经是常年排名前四的领头羊了。云南大部分地区位于亚热带、热带地区,按常理说不应该会出现大面积的葡萄种植园。但是得益于云南立体丰富的地形地貌,在局部地区形成了适合葡萄种植的小气候。
  • 云南葡萄的核心种植区集中在金沙江、红河流域的干热河谷。充足的光照、河水的灌溉、加之较少的雨水,云南干热河谷的种植条件,几乎和盛行地中海气候的意大利河谷地区如出一辙,并且云南还有一个世界绝大多数葡萄产区欠缺的优势:纬度低,热量足,是少见的葡萄早熟区。
  • 通常你在市面上吃到的第一颗葡萄,可能都来自云南产区。
Sneha Dixit

Wooden Packaging Products - 0 views

    Ashapura Saw Mill welcomes you to its exuberant world of wooden Pallets & Jumbo Boxes packaging products. We are one of the leading manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of wood packaging products, wooden storage Boxes, wooden packing crates, plywood Boxes, etc. We assure to provide good quality that too in stipulated timeframe at reasonable price.

custom foldable boxes - 2 views

    Folding boxes are the most popular products in the packaging category. Folding boxes have many uses and are not expensive. Usually used in gifts. Wrapping gifts, wrapping clothes, etc. Using cardboard as the material, it can be folded and takes up little transportation space. It can be said that the folding box is omnipotent, no matter what it is used for packaging, it is very suitable. Common folding boxes are neutral packaging. Those with creative ideas can implement these ideas on the white packaging of the folding box. Show the characteristics of the product. The size of the folding box is generally based on the product, and the opening method is magnetic clamshell.

small folding boxes - 2 views

    120GANGHUA PACKAGE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD was established in 1999,is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of pacakge box,such as gift box,rigid box,paper box,PET\PVC\PP boxes and so on.We have more than 100 employees and half of them are engineers and technicians.The factory area is about 150000 sq.ft.We have full set of production line,including HEIDELBERG BRAND-NEW XL75 7+1F UV PRINTING MACHINE, full automatic silk-printing machines,foil hot stamp machines,soft crease machines etc. Besides,we have the dust-free workshop to guarantee the quality of our boxes also.For the past decade, we have delivered diverse package products to companies such as Disney, Nestle, Target, Armani, Sephora, Kao, Pierre Cardin, Walmart, JDB, and many others.

Glove Box Market Application, Demand and Players from 2020-2026 | Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, Coy Laboratory Products, Glove Box Technology - - 0 views

    The worldwide Glove Box Market is conscientiously looked into inside the report while generally focusing on top players and their business strategies, topographical development, advertise sections, serious scene, assembling, and evaluating and value structures. Each area of the examination study is extraordinarily arranged to investigate key parts of the overall Glove Box Market. for instance…

Wax Boxes Market Size, Growth 2022| Global Development Strategy, Explosive Factors of Revenue by Key Vendors Demand, Future Trends and Forecast Till 2030 By R&I - 0 views

    The report is titled as 'Wax Boxes Market: Opportunity Analysis and Future Assessment 2020-2028'. An overview of conceptual frameworks, analytical approaches of the Wax Boxes market is the main objective of the report, which further consists the market opportunity and insights of the data involved in the making of the respective market. Wax Boxes market is expected to grow with significant rate in the near future.
asad khan

Furniture Transfer Dubai Best for Local shifting | AMWAJ MOVERS - 0 views

    Each Move is different from each other. That's why we Furniture Transfer in Dubai offer a variety of local shifting services-so we help your moving experience to suit your needs. Packing itself then our basic moving services are great. On moving day, we AMWAJ Furniture Movers Dubai will do walk to your moving items which needs some extra care and attention. We will load you moving items and unload it to your destination safe. We will make sure everything ends up in the correct rooms until you satisfy. Self Packing? then its great, Keep in mind to take of our free wardrobe service! Just leave all your hanging items in their closets and we Furniture Movers Dubai will packing them in our wardrobe boxes. If your entire home seems to be problematic. We have professional packing specialist. Here are a few packing options we offer to help take the annoyance out of your move: THE FULL PACKING AND MOVING Our specially designed moving boxes are best for your packing and moving needs. We got everything covered like boxes, tape, paper, etc. Change idea, we will unpack it all in your new home. Just relax and enjoy your coffee! THE KITCHEN PACKING Kitchen Packing is most scary and problematic. Don't Worry we will pack everything in your kitchen. The kitchen packing is the most requested packing service we offer. You are always safe with us. SINGLE ITEM PACK AND FURNITURE MOVERS IN DUBAI You tell us what you want pack and move. We at Furniture Transfer in Dubai bring the boxes you will need, and help you pack just those items or rooms and move it safely at your destination. Contact Us now for Best Packing and Moving Services in UAE

Printed Stickers for Bakery & Confectionery Boxes | StickerDot - 0 views

    Printed custom stickers are perfect for cakes boxes, baked goods, bread, and more. Printed custom stickers are perfect for cakes boxes, baked goods, bread, and more. StickerDot offers high-quality sticker and labels to decorate packaging that will represent your brand in the market. Read our blog on "Printed Stickers for Bakery & Confectionery boxes" here.

custom five panel hanger box - 2 views

    120GANGHUA PACKAGE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD was established in 1999,is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of pacakge box,such as gift box,rigid box,paper box,PET\PVC\PP boxes and so on.

cheap paper box packaging - 2 views

    GH Pack serves our customers on a global basis while achieving domestic market growth by offering superior quality, innovative design and exceptional value. Our packaging boxes covers various categories of merchandise, such as luxury gift box, beauty box, retail box, food and drink box, electronics and accessory box, etc.

甘肃的"甘"究竟是哪里? - 0 views

  • 张掖境内流河众多,为这里提供了便利的灌溉条件,形成连片成带的肥沃绿洲,张掖城更有“半城芦苇”的自然美誉,而这些芦苇叶则是河西地区端午时节人们人们包粽子的粽叶首选。今天的张掖不仅是全国最大的玉米制种基地和重要的粮食、蔬菜、瓜果等作物的产地,还能种植西北地区少见的水稻,因此张掖素有“塞上江南”“金张掖”之美誉。
  • 在张掖内陆河源流众多的祁连山北麓,形成了一片又一片植被丰富的草场,除了成群的牛羊点缀在风光旖旎的草原外,这里还成就了亚洲最大的军马场——山丹军马场。30多部影视作品曾在此拍摄,不仅使得山丹军马场名声大振,更使这里成为了理想的塞上影视摄制地。
iyus qobain

Tech Swiss TS2890BRNW Storage Case Watch Box Watch Case - 0 views

    Tech Swiss TS2890BRNW Storage Case Watch Box Watch Case - with price: $ 49.95 - Store and display your watch collection in this distinguished Tech Swiss watch box. This meticulously handcrafted fine Italian brown leather case with matching crocodile grain beveled top will hold 12 of your finest t
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