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江西省冷知识! - 0 views

  • 江西省简称赣,又因为江西最大河流为赣江而简称赣。赣江,古代称为赣水,它主要有两个支流,一个叫章水,一个叫贡水——章与贡,组成了“赣”。如宋代苏轼 《郁孤台》诗:“日丽崆峒晓,风酣章贡秋。”赣州,为章、贡二水的汇合点,州也因此得名,今赣州市设有章贡区。
  • “江西省”源于唐代“江南西道”简称,最早“江西”指今安徽
  • 唐开元二十一年(公元733年),全国原来的10个道扩展为15个,且有了固定的治所,道从监察区变成了行政区性质,原江南道被一分为三:黔中道、江南西道和江南东道。唐代的江南西道,管辖今江西、湖南的大部分区域,以及安徽、湖南、重庆、广西的小部分区域。从这一年开始,作为行政区的“江西”正式得名——这里的江西,不再是秦汉时期的“长江以西”,而是“江南西道”的简称。此后,大部分诗文中提到江西,基本上指的是江南西道区域。古时从北向南看,江东在左、江西在右,所以江西又称江右。对此,清代江西文人魏僖在《日录杂说》中进行了解释:“自江北视之,江东在左,江西在右耳。”
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  • “豫章故郡,洪都新府”——唐代王勃在《滕王阁序》中这样开篇。豫章故郡,指的是汉代设立的豫章郡。西汉设立的豫章郡,基本上与今天的江西省范围一致,行政中心豫章县即今南昌——基本上从这一时期起,南昌在两千多年的历史中,一直作为江西的政治中心而存在。
    • wangxiaohui19880214
  • 明朝,江西版图基本定型:明太祖洪武九年(公元1376年),原行中书省改为“承宣布政使司”,但习惯上仍称行省,简称省。明朝的“江西承宣布政使司”北起长江,南抵五岭,东起怀玉山、武夷山脉,西至罗霄山脉——除婺源县属南直隶省徽州府外,其他区域与今江西省基本一致。
  • 看到吃辣地图,你会发现,湖南、贵州、四川、江西等吃辣区,有一个特点,它们的祖地很可能都是江西,因为先有“江西填湖广”,后有“湖广填四川”——这些省份,都是江西人活动之地。
  • 江西区域,位于吴越、荆楚、闽越、岭南等区域文化之间,被称为“吴头楚尾”“粤户闽庭”。
  • 跟其他省份不同的是,江西的水系极为独特最:鄱阳湖水系范围≈江西省的行政版图
  • 江西省总面积166946平方公里,其中鄱阳湖水系占据156743平方公里,占了96.6%。
  • 历代南下的客家人,选择了赣江上游的赣南山区。赣南山区与赣北平原格局分明,它们之界限,恰好大致是客家话与赣语区的分界线。我们参照《中国语言地图集》,将这条界线描绘了出来。
    • wangxiaohui19880214
  • 赣州——是江西省的南大门,是江西省面积最大、人口最多的设区市,总面积39379.64平方公里,约相当于2.5个北京市面积,差不多是全省1/4之大,比台湾岛还大,相当于19个深圳、36个香港的面积。
  • 1934年之前,婺源一直是古徽州的一部分。中华民国二十三年(1934年)9月4日,国民政府为便于围剿中央红军,决定将婺源划隶江西,隶属江西省第五行政区。
  • 从水系流域上看,婺源与徽州其他县的确有些区别,婺源的河流水系,属于江西的鄱阳湖水系。

New UAE Labour laws announced, changes made to safeguard employees' rights - 0 views

The President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheik Khalifa container Zayed Al Nahyan, has given another pronouncement to manage Labour relations in the private area with far-reaching d...

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started by simply-solved on 07 Dec 21 no follow-up yet

Reduction of tax administrative penalties & amnesty - 0 views

We might want to sum up the new updates delivered by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) concerning certain critical revisions to the current tax legislation in the UAE. The new updates ...

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started by simply-solved on 15 Jul 21 no follow-up yet

5 Steps to Better Master Data Management - 0 views

We realize that perfect motor oil is important to hold the motor in your vehicle back from seizing up. With regards to keeping enterprise programming and ERP moving along as planned,&nbsp...

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started by simply-solved on 23 Mar 22 no follow-up yet

What Are the Differences between Payroll and HR? - 0 views

HR & Payroll may be two distinct purposes; the task they perform is usually closely connected. What exactly does every one of those functions do? Why can there be this kind of overlap? And...

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started by simply-solved on 28 Feb 21 no follow-up yet

Why VAT Consultant Services required for your business in UAE? - 0 views

The United Arab Emirates presented another type of roundabout assessment called Value Added Tax (VAT) on 1 January 2018 with a pace of 5% on products and administrations. The VAT str...

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started by simply-solved on 05 Apr 21 no follow-up yet

《梦华录》里的开封,一座先天不足的首都 - 0 views

  • 再加上宋太祖赵匡胤严格防范地方将领拥兵割据,采取 “强干弱枝,内外相制” 的军事策略,即将天下兵马的一半驻扎在首都,另一半分散到全国各地,而且厢军(地方军队)的战斗力比禁军更拉胯。这样做的后果是,北宋地方兵力空虚,导致其在与周边民族政权的战争中多处于劣势。
  • 而洛阳位于开封西面 170 多公里。水路需要经过黄河,此时的黄河航运条件并不理想,因此在接收江南运来的物资方面,并没有开封便利。再加上洛阳屡次经历战争破坏,远不如开封繁华富庶。
  • 试图迁都,直接碰壁尽管赵匡胤在夺位后选择定都于此,但他本人对开封并不满意,一直想要迁都到洛阳去,并以此为跳板,最终迁至长安。一方面,多个重要朝代定都于此,沿袭旧制可 “彰显” 自己的正统地位。另一方面,古代王朝选择都城,必定要考虑安全因素,如古都长安,被关中四塞(东函谷关,后为潼关,西大散关,南武关,北萧关)所拱卫,又有秦岭、崤山凭依,攻取难度颇大。而洛阳则背依北邙山,有伊、洛、瀍、涧四水,东有让李世民一战擒双王的虎牢关,西有潼关作为门户,同样难以攻取。长安和洛阳其实都位于盆地中长安是关中盆地,洛阳是伊洛盆地军事上的安全性有余,但经济资源已严重不足
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  • 而反观地处中原腹地的开封,周围地势十分平坦,只有黄河堪堪可以起到拱卫都城的作用,可以说易攻难守,而作为华北平原门户屏障的幽云十六州(即今天的北京、天津北部、河北中部、山西北部地区),又被后晋的开国皇帝石敬瑭 “孝敬” 给了契丹。
  • 假如在北宋初年,统治者能一举收复幽云十六州,则中原大地有了一个地理屏障,京师的安全也就有了最基本的保障。可惜的是,这一愿景随着宋太宗兵败高梁河而烟消云散。
  • 另一方面,古代王朝选择都城,必定要考虑安全因素,如古都长安,被关中四塞(东函谷关,后为潼关,西大散关,南武关,北萧关)所拱卫,又有秦岭、崤山凭依,攻取难度颇大。而洛阳则背依北邙山,有伊、洛、瀍、涧四水,东有让李世民一战擒双王的虎牢关,西有潼关作为门户,同样难以攻取。
  • 纵观北宋从立国到灭亡的 167 年间,光是有名有姓、被记载到史书上的农民起义就有两百多次,但纵使如此,对于北宋根基毫无影响。
  • 其原因是,除去那些因为活不下去而选择起义的人,大量无地农民选择背井离乡到大城市,以流民的形式谋一份生路,而北宋是中国古代罕有的不严格执行 “重农抑商” 政策的朝代,很多流民在见识到商业的繁荣后,纷纷选择做些小生意以养家糊口。(此外还有灾年的征兵,解决了灾民问题,但增加了冗兵)
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    What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and being honest and transparent with your customers about what they will receive in return for their money. If you want more tips on how to get elite reviews from yelp or other platforms, visit our website here: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews on Yelp When you see the word "Elite" next to a busin
    Introduction Yelp is a great way to get reviews for your business. But if you want to ensure that your Yelp reviews are unique and genuine, it's important to use the best services on the market. Elite Yelp Reviews is one such service that can help you gain more visibility online through its high-quality content and professional services. What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and bei
    Introduction Yelp is a great way to get reviews for your business. But if you want to ensure that your Yelp reviews are unique and genuine, it's important to use the best services on the market. Elite Yelp Reviews is one such service that can help you gain more visibility online through its high-quality content and professional services. What You Need to Know About Elite Yelp Reviews The first thing you need to know about Elite Yelp Reviews is that they are not the same as regular reviews. In fact, they can be even better! Elite reviews have a higher quality rating than regular ones do and are written by users who have received extensive training on how to write effective customer testimonials. This means that your business will be able to get more clients who trust what they read in these reviews and feel confident buying from you because of them. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews One thing that I love about having elite Yelp reviews is how easy it was for me just by paying $99 per month (which includes unlimited access) until my account was closed down due to lack of funds six months later." How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp How to Buy Elite Reviews on Yelp Yelp is the world's largest local search and discovery engine. They have more than 1 million reviews from their users, which makes it a great place to get professional Elite Reviews for your business. If you're looking for ways to increase your visibility on Yelp and make sure that people are talking about your business, then this guide will show you how! Buy Elite Yelp Reviews How To Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business: The Truth About Having Elite Reviews On Yelp & Why It Matters How to Get Professional Elite Reviews From Your Business If you're looking to improve your business, then Elite Yelp Reviews is a great place to start. It's important that you have a good service and product before trying to get professional reviews on Yelp. The best way to do this is by offering a good price and bei

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    Who Owns Your Google Reviews? If You're Like Me, You May Not Realize That Google Reviews Are Owned By Google. This Means That The People Who Write Your Google Reviews Are Owned By No One And Nobody But Themselves. But Wait! Don't Worry: You Don't Own Them Either! "Owning" A Website Means Having Ownership Over Its Content, Including Any Comments Left On It Or Other Users' Interactions With It (Like Ratings). In This Case, However, The Person Writing The Review Owns Their Own Words-Just Like In All Other Cases Where Someone Owns Something (Think Of Your House). But There's More Than One Way To Look At This Situation: Could We Say That Google Owns Our Words? Maybe…But Maybe Not So Much. If You Have Time To Invest, Buying Google Reviews Is A Good Idea. If You Have Time To Invest, Buying Google Reviews Is A Good Idea. There Are Many Ways To Get Cheap Google Reviews, Including: Buying Reddit Links Direct From Creditors. You Can Also Buy Your Own Link In Bulk And Use The Money That Was Saved On Purchasing Them Individually As An Investment In Growing Your Site's Reputation On Reddit. Levelling Up 3 By Buying User-Generated Content (UGC) And Having Them Submit It To Their Own Subeditors At No Cost To You! This Will Ensure That More Users See
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