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Carrie Pyne

The social impact of technology « Digital Social Innovation - 1 views

  • Pew Internet’s recent Social Impact of Technology series has uncovered a number of really interesting findings into the impact social networking sites have on people’s political activity and their interaction with voluntary groups or organisations in the US.
    relationship between using social networking sites and being engaged in political and other social groups/activities
Brian Peters

Embedding the Internet in the Lives of College Students - 0 views

    Here is an interesting article on the impact the Internet has had on college students. The study looks specifically at what type of impact Internet use has on student social behavior.
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    Good article! What I found interesting was the correlation between user demographics being the same online as it is offline, i.e. more males checking political communication online AND offline. I think it shows the transition from offline media use, or more traditional modes to online and often an accumulation of both. A bit off topic but it makes me think about how we're becoming masters of mult-tasking, allowing us to be in tune to several different media - whether it be traditional TV, radio etc, and switching gears to reading news online, watching videos online, listening online. As I type this, I'm researching papers and watching TV and feel like I'm in tune to both. Researching how people are now becoming the ultimate multi-taskers would be interesting. However, because we are becoming such great multi-taskers, are we almost giving ourselves a sort of "ADD" in which, in the future, we'll have a hard time concentrating on ONE thing for a certain amount of time. I find it hard to concentrate often on a project or paper with multiple messages going on, emails coming in, texts, Facebook notifications, etc. and frequently break to do all things at once = a ton of white noise!
    I think we can all relate to this wall of digital "white noise" as university students within the information management sector. It seems as though there is a fine line between multi-tasking and organized distraction. I often find myself dividing my time between school work, personal correspondence, and managing my Ebay account, but this doesn't necessarily mean I'm being more efficient. Earl Miller, a neuroscientist at MIT, has actually proven that the human brain "can't focus on more than one thing at a time" (
    Great article @ ABC. I was doing some research for my group project for the unit about e-books, brain, order, etc. and have become extremely interested in the impact of technology on our brain. As much as we may like to think we are great multi-taskers, it seems that our ability to toggle between multiple tasks on computers has hindered our ability to focus on long-winded tasks.
    I found the correlation between downloading and other online activities to be pretty interesting. It make sense in a practical way, I suppose, since if you're online long enough to engage in regular message board discussions or blogging, you will likely find other activities to do at the same time such as downloading (which does not require your constant attention) or say listening to internet radio. On a kind of a related note, I once had a talk with a committee that was exploring ways to crack down on illegal downloading on campus. One of the methods they discussed using was tracking bandwith activity, and one of the concerns with this was unintentionally catching up people who were using high bandwith for legitimate activities such as streaming videos.
    "Specifically concerning news habits, the majority of students said they preferred to consult online sources over offline sources for news and information because of the convenience." I definitely agree with this too. I always use the internet for news because I find it so much easier than watching the news on tv which is so inundated with useless information now, and often what I consider scare tactics (it always seems like that in an election year). As well as the phrase they used, "The more, the more". I find this to be true in all internet users. The more they use one system, or are active in one way, the more likely it is that they are active in another.
Brian Peters

IT&Society - 1 views

    Here is an interesting online, scholarly journal devoted to information technology and society. The journal comes out of Stanford and is free. The range of issues includes what gives when Internet use increases --TV and sleep, apparently -- as well as looking at the type of impact the digital divide has on a number of different countries. 
Ronald Jay Gervacio

Is texting ruining the art of conversation? - 8 views

    An example of the negative impact that technology can cause. Personal face-to-face conversation is becoming less meaningful because of texting.
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    Great article! I have a younger sister who is 15 and I constantly worry about her possible future inability to carry ftf conversations, conduct herself professionally in job interviews and in the classroom. I find we never talk via the phone but always via text. However, when you spend most of a workday on the phone or on conference calls, sometimes text provides an alternate way to communicate quickly with others.
    I think texting is a valuable form of communication under certain circumstances, however, like you said, it should only serve as "an alternate way to communicate quickly with others". It shouldn't be the other way around!
    Perhaps it's not so bad anymore, but I have friend who's an associate professor that teaches writing classes. And in the past five years, he's had to grade papers where the student's literally used texting jargon/leet speak in their writing.
    This is something that I've been wondering about since texting became so ubiquitous. At first it was a novelty, then something to do for a quick conversation, and now it's moved into full dialogues between people. I, too, wonder about the future generations and the impact this can have on their grasp of grammar. This is the same problem that I have with more and more people moving to telecommuting (even though I do it myself). When is it just TOO much?
    I worked on a university IT helpdesk for years, and we used to get emails written in text-speak, but then teachers cottoned on to the fact they needed to teach "how to write an email", rather than "how to write a busines letter", and I haven't seen a text-speak email for years. In fact, those that do text me in text speak tend to be older now, as they have not grasped predictive texting!
    @Anton I think that's a great point, I think now more than ever "how to write an email" seems to be an art form and one people know very little about. It seems like such a stupid and easy thing but I see more than my fair share of awful emails and lack of email etiquette. While I'm not downplaying the importance of writing a great critical paper, essay, letter, etc. I think how to write in new media would be something worth spending some time on with students.
    @Samantha I agree with your ideas on email etiquette! I've seen many an email message blasting someone in rude and nasty ways that you would never use in person. It's too easy to reply via email or on social media sites in the heat of the moment and forget all courtesy - the online community is too removed from the personal so it doesn't feel real so there won't be real consequences for such harsh words.
    It seems that texting allows for more shallow conversations; speaking in person or on the phone would definitely be a more meaningful conversation. I think texting has its place, but it should not be a substitute for good communication with others.
    I think you all brought up a good point! Overall, whether we communicate via texting, email, face-to-face, snail mail (does anyone still do this? lol) etc. we need to acknowledge that each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. It's our responsibility as users on how we can utilize them ethically and not be dragged by social mishaps.
    @RJ, I agree with what you've said. Texting has its place, and its purpose; it's really its own fascinating type of language, in a way. It's not analogous to business or conversational English (or insert your language here, as I'm sure this is done all over the world!), and shouldn't replace those modes of communicating, but it does have its proper time and place. It's up to schools to teach students how to communicate effectively in writing, according to what's required in higher education and the workplace. Language is constantly evolving, adding some elements and dropping others. Some words, phrases, and grammatical structures grow obsolete over time, and others emerge to take their place. English, in particular, is known for absorbing other languages' words with ease and adding them to the lexicon. I once read a sci fi novel set hundreds of years in the future in which the characters were purportedly speaking English, as the main character (who was from hundreds of years in the past) recognized it, but it sounded as foreign to him as Middle English would to a modern day speaker. Maybe standard English will always have its place as the preferred and proper mode of communication...or maybe we'll end up with something else entirely, as the digital era marches on!
    @Meaghan: ooh, them's fighting words! I like to wind stauch grammerians up with the phrase, "Oh, standardised spelling is a Victorian affectation". People even changed the way they spelled their names from time to time. I love the way language evolves. Or at least I did, until young people started spoiling it all, by changing it again after my generation got it right! aa
    @Anton: LOL! I agree. but find myself in that texting mess. I remember a few years ago, Meghan, that there was a huge backlash against ebonics. Similar to the texting situation now, but culturally different. It is amazing how language, through media, has just exploded with new concepts. When we talk about digital divide, perhaps we should talk about language. I mean, if I told my father to "google" something he'd think I was crazy. We have words now that simply mean things that certain people "get" while other don't. Not sure what that means.
    @Anton, sometimes I want to eat my phone because of it's predictive texting feature. It'll incorrectly "predict" the word while I'm still typing, and by the time I press "enter" it's already got it lined up to be inputted instead.
    @Jennifer - check out
    I think it is really interesting how we have managed to turn typos and autocorrect changes into a silly pasttime and part of our everyday vernacular. Similar to how we have now managed to turn "Google" into a verb! Sites like DamnYouAutoCorrect allow people to bond and relate over technological glitches and commiserating over embarassing text mishaps.
    These are great points here...I sometimes think that more attention needs to be paid to email (and texting) etiquette than even in person. When you've made a verbal misstep, perhaps offended or confused someone, in person, you can see their body language and offer an immediate response to right the situation. Online communications are more of a landmine because you don't know how someone is reading and interpreting something, and you have to wait for more information to proceed (and there could be any number of unknown factors that influence the receipt of that new information...dead phone or wi-fi down, anyone?). If I had a nickel for every friend of mine who has called me to help them figure out what a text or email might mean or how (or if) they should respond to one thing or another, I'd be a rich girl. I spend so much time unpacking the drama that unfolds in an online communication, I feel as if I'm getting a professional credential. Hmm.....
    My question for Karen is would people approach a guy to ask how to respond to a text, or is this just part of women's conversation with each other? Jane Austen style stuff. I have said to younger people how lucky they are, whe I wanted to ask a girl out on a date when I was 15, I had to ring her up, or (shudder) ask in person. Now all you have to do is text. The responses I've had have been really interesting about the etiquette of getting the girl's number, then the dialogue that goes on behind the scenes once the invitation is made (as the response does not have to be immediate). It all sounds even more traumatic. I'm also told that ringing someone with a voice call is now regarded as quite rude here, if you don't text first to ask if someone is available. aa
    Ha, good point Angelo, I don't know if it is the same for men (though as I think of it, I have had male friends ask me the same questions, but perhaps they don't ask each other), but you're right that texting has somehow become the way to court. As you may be able to tell by my use of the word "court", I'm not really of the younger set, so it seems even crazier to me that in my world somehow this has become the norm. It always seems like an awful lot more work than just using the phone. That's amazing that placing a call would be thought of as rude now...I can't even wrap my head around it all sometimes.
    Even more than the phone call being rude, I heard a teen telling someone about a job interview they had where they were astounded how the interviewer was asking them questions and looking them in the eye! Would she rather they texted her the questions? Maybe, but I find it hard to believe that no one else in her life looks her in the eye.
Jorge Arganza

Howard Rheingold | Exploring mind amplifiers since 1964 - 5 views

    I have been following Rheingold's work for some time, and I highly recommend falling down through his particular 'rabbit hole' of stuff. He studies online communities and ways in which ICT enhance the individual and the collective group's capabilities.
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    This is an interesting blog as long as you can get around the book promotions :-) I thought the Social Media section on the site particularly interesting. One of the articles I liked was the one on Smartmobbing by Howard Rheingold ( This is an interesting idea because a lot of politically charged organizations are utilizing social media to basically create online mobs. Social media is now used to organize petitions, spread the word about marches, and basically spread information. People who were once sort of out of mainstream politics can now get involved and keep track of what is going on in the world. Social media has definitely influenced politics, changing the way parties endorse their candidates and more.
    @ Maranda (aside... I didn't see a way to "comment on a comment" so I am posting this directly under the main post) -- I think the the social mobbing you mention is a really interesting trend. In my town, we recently started an online petition through to keep our town pool. It took only a few days to get twice the signatures we needed and no gas was used or feet blisters created. I am trying to think critically of a downside to this manner of using social tools, but I cannot think of one! @Jorge -- Very nice blog. I found a great article ( debating the other side of the digital divide argument posed by the NYT's piece from last week. I also like Rheingold's "infotention" invention. I could use a little "infotention" intervention -- every time I get involved with a tech or social tool, a new one is created that seems better and more suited to whatever task I was trying to accomplish. Sometimes I feel as if we are living in a time when nothing remains permanent.
    This guys seems very clever and witty! I enjoyed reading his blog about Twitter ( talking about how this powerful social media can be so influential and useful if the user knows how to utilize it for the right reasons. Being a non-Twitter user, I found it interesting how he explained numerous advantages of being an active member. Now that I've read this, I might reconsider of joining it...
    This was a very informative blog! Thanks Jorge. Like Pam, I really liked the "infotention" idea. diigo is a perfect example. I really just started looking at it today and was really confused (if you couldn't tell with my questions) on how it worked, where to comment, etc. The more I've looked at it today, the easier it has become to use. But something new will probably come along in the net couple months and then I'll have to learn how something works all over again.
    Jorge, this guy has been around forever and really has some interesting ideas. Looking through his website, which has a nice design to it, Rheigngold does a great job of talking about the positive impact technology can have on society, particularly from the standpoint of collective cooperation. As recent history shows, the use of technology has the power to bring people together, even to the point of ending a decades-long dictatorship.
    Howard Rheingold has very interesting points on his website/blogs. I like his Infotention definition and how he believes if we are armed with the right tools/skill-set, we can address information overload. I also liked how he stressed instead of continuing to criticize the negative impacts of the internet on us, that we find better tools and ways to learn to engage the technology in a more mindful and positive manner. it is in our capabilities to do this.
Ronald Jay Gervacio

How Facebook is ruining sharing - 5 views

  • goal of the initiative is to quantify just about everything you do on Facebook
  • turning out to be really annoying in practice
  • it's killing the possibility of viral hits by generating such an overwhelming flood of mundane shares
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  • hurting sharing is a disaster for a social network
  • Sharing is the key to social networking
  • Sharing and recommendation shouldn't be passive
  • Frictionless sharing via Open Graph recasts Facebook's basic purpose
    This article discusses about the negative impact of Facebook's Open Graph (frictionless sharing") in the world of social networking. It gets really annoying when someone would share an article/news/video etc, the user would first have to install an app into their profile!
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    RJ, this is a great article. I had noticed those 'trending articles' and spotify things on my facebook page, and I have been avoiding the opt-in's but I wasn't aware of what was going on. This article explains it well.
    I know right.. me too! I usually have to circumvent the process in order to avoid installing the apps. I would go straight to the website where the news/article is posted instead of clicking the link directly from Facebook.
    Yes, thank you. I was treating all those "trending articles" like spam. These types of posts have been a recent annoyance with my FB (I've been on since 2007), and I was starting to get the nagging feeling that FB was going to be slowly taken over by information not related to your chosen friends group. I was envisioning having to weed through pages of passive posts to get to your real information. Would this not be the death knell of the service?
    I'm not a fan of the news sites social readers; most of my network uses the Washington Post one and Yahoo. At first I thought it was cool, but then I got weirded out at the thought of my network being able to "see" what I'm reading at any given time. What if someone made assumptions about me based on what I was reading at any given time? I really wish Google Plus would take off...the only reason I, and I suspect a lot of other people, are holding fast to Facebook is that our friend networks aren't making the switch...and what's the point of being in a social networking site if you're the only person there?
    I really liked the quote "sharing is the key to social networking" and it shouldn't be passive, but not aggressive either. Oversharing becomes a problem where soon newsfeeds are clogged with a million stories and recommendations. Like others above, I'm immediately turned off when I go to read an article and have to download an app first, it's frustrating when clicking an article becomes a long-winded process. @Meaghan I was also a huge proponent of Google + at first, was one of the only people who originally had it, waited for it to catch popularity, but here it's almost a year later and I still haven't gained any new friends. I wonder what the hesitancy is behind not using Google+. It's interesting to think about the decision and thought processes social media users go through when deciding what forums to use or not use, why do some people actively use Facebook, but not Twitter? I'm guessing theories such as media richness (lean vs rich messages) and other factors come into play, as well as ease of use.
    I have to say I've never heard of Google +, and have often thought about shutting down my facebook account for good...I wont do Twitter. What does that mean for me as a MLIS major I often thought? Should I be more "plugged in"? I'm becoming nostalgic about old means of communication (letters, books, even phone calls) This is also troubling because I feel that the new open graph is very overwhelming, have have clicked on links and then shut them right back down, because you must enable MORE links, apps, programs, all wanting to get my inforamtion. It's also scary that facebook is becoming a necessity, rather than just a fun social networking site. My old high school depends on it to contact us for reunions, my aunt uses it as her main way of contacting me, and its often the only way I'll ever see those photos my sister took at the beach! We've Created a Monster! Keeping it a simple model would be preferable.
    Great points Amanda. On the other side, I would say forums like Facebook has allowed us to keep in contact with those we wouldn't normally have access to, or find those we wish to contact but can't find in just the yellow pages. I agree there are times when I wish someone would pick up the phone and just call instead of trying to have a text conversation or email conversation. However in terms of using Facebook and other e-vite sites/modes, sometimes it is the cheapest and easiest mode to send out a mass message i.e. school reunion invite, in as little time and for as little money as possible. Also you can get real-time RSVP, which I'm guessing from the views of the event administrator can be super helpful when trying to get an idea of attendees. I do also feel nostalgic about old means of communication and often wonder how people will communicate in the future, what communication choices they will make, etc.
    I found Open Graph for the first time writing an report for Library School on my favourite site, Board Game Geek ( It's kinda worrying, in the same way thrid party cookies worry me: it a use of technology that can be used for good that could be so easily subverted. That would make a good project, I reckon.
    People shouldn't be that surprised that a company that just went public with great fanfare is looking to monetize every single possibility it can. Like Samantha says, Facebook is a great, inexpensive tool for keeping in touch with old friends as well as meeting new friends. Just like with Gmail ads that are based on the contents of the user's emails, there is a price to pay for these 'free' services. As consumers of these services, we all have to decide at what point has the commodification of our private lives gone too far.
    Brian, I think you really sumed it up when you said "As consumers of these services, we all have to decide at what point has the commodification of our private lives gone too far." This hits home with me because I've been feeling that way lately. Ever since my son was born, and everybody wants pics of him up on facebook, I've been thinking worried, and wondering if it's worth it? How exposed do I want my newborn son to be?
Maranda Ward

Social Informatics in Libraries - 4 views

    • Maranda Ward
      Bibliography has some good resources on MLIS topics in general, as well as some interesting SI resources.
  • Using the Behavioral Sciences to Explain Browsing in ICTs
  • Community Informatics
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  • The Social Design of ICTs
    I found this blog by a librarian at Columbia University, when I was first messing around with Diigo. In this blog she writes about articles that she has read on social informatics and comments on them from the perspective of a librarian. Might be interesting as many of the articles pair social informatics and librarianship.
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    ^I found this post on e-journals and e-books to be particularly interesting, in that some scholars prefer the print versions because they find them more conducive to browsing and looking at similar content. You can browse electronic material, just not in the same way as you would search a bookshelf. By reading an article through an electronic database, such as ScienceDirect, you can obtain instantaneous access to similar articles (sometimes, ScienceDirect will even "suggest" ones you might like, or you can access articles written by one or more of the authors. If instant access isn't possible, some databases have an automated "Request via Interlibrary Loan" or other document delivery service. You can browse content that interests you and automatically download citations and snapshots to Zotero, Refworks, or another info-gathering tool, and be less likely to misplace your research. Some libraries are caught between a rock and a hard place, because of the lack of space and the cost of storing print journals. But how do you serve the users who prefer the old ways of browsing and gathering research by rifling through these print journals?
    Maranda, this is good stuff. I think for libraries and particularly librarians to continue to be relevant we need this type of analysis of how people are using information technology, how it impacts our society (locally/nationally), and how we can leverage that knowledge to better serve the public both in providing information access and also improving information literacy.
    That sticky note you added about the difference b/w social informatics and community informatics I think will be an interesting topic to take a look at -- particularly in regards to the political aspects of both (could be good stuff for our group presentation -- THX!)
Samantha Gilham

Call for Papers - SocInfo 2012 - 0 views

  • Computational models of social phenomena, social simulation Social choice mechanisms in the e-society Social networks: discovery, evolution, analysis, applications Social Behavior Modeling Web mining and its social interpretations Social Influence and Diffusion Models of Social Influence Security, privacy, trust, reputation and incentive issues Social Communities and Social Network Analysis Design and analysis of social/collaborative Web applications Social Interactions and Collaboration Algorithms and protocols inspired by human societies Socio-economic Systems and Applications Mechanisms for providing fairness in information systems Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming) Impact of technology on socio-economic Recommendation systems Visualization of dynamic social networks Social applications of the Semantic Web Social Informatics Theory Social system design and architectures Trust, Privacy, Risk and Security in Social Contexts Social Intelligence and Social Cognition Social media analytics and social media intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Data Mining
    Page shared by another classmate, topics page may be a good brainstorming page to think of project topics/focus
Lilia p

Berkman Center - 2 views

    A research center at Harvard University focused on the impact of technology on society. Premised on the observation that what we seek to learn is not already recorded, our method is to build out into cyberspace, record data as we go, self-study, and share. Our mode is entrepreneurial nonprofit.
    I don't remember if anyone posted this -- just wanted you all to be aware of this research center.
    This is really informative! Thanks.
Meaghan Corbett

About // // Culture DigitallyCulture Digitally - 1 views

    Culture Digitally is a gathering space for social informatics scholars around the world, who come from a variety of disciplines (communication, sociology, media studies, computer science, anthropology). to share and comment on the latest research in the field. The idea behind the blog is that social informatics transcends several different areas of study and so cross-disciplinary collaboration is incredibly important.
    What an interesting blog! The dialogue they had titled "(How) Have Technological Shifts Changed Being A Sports Fan?" was so interesting! My focus as I searched through SI literature tended to focus on issues of censorship and privacy, but the idea that technology would impact sports fandom had never occured to me. The stances made by both participants were very well thought out and presented some really good arguments. The role of technology in fandom studies is an area that could be really interesting to dive deeper into.
Samantha Gilham

America at the Digital Turning Point - 6 views

    Stumbled upon this report, published January 2012, from the USC Annenberg School of Comm. Some great statistics and information about the users and non-users of technology and the Internet.
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    What you will find is that there are many centers doing research on the impact of social/digital media, and they are very good resources for primary info
    I should, however, note that I would like to know more about their survey and how they administered it. From a methods point of view it's always a good practice to learn more.
    "online behavior changes relentlessly, and users and nonusers develop attitudes and actions that are constantly in flux as technology emerges, and then thrives or withers." This really reminds me of a documentary I watched on trends (mainly youth) and how things changed so often that they were unsure if the media or the children that were really setting the trends. As new trends "emerge" others "wither". Out internet behaviors seems to follow the same patterns as all our other social patterns.
    This is a really interesting left me with even more questions, though.Particularly interested in the finding that social media had limited credibility among the study participants despite increased use. I wondered what the definition of credibility was in this case...I had before not thought of FB as credible or not credible, unless this is somehow tied to privacy issues.
Natalie DeAngelo

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education - FIRE - 2 views

shared by Natalie DeAngelo on 04 Jun 12 - Cached
    The Torch Each year, FIRE'sCampus Freedom Network honors students who do outstanding work to promote liberty on their campuses. This year, we are pleased to honor Bryant Jackson-Green , Casey Given , Moriah Costa , and ten other students who earned spots in the CFN's Prometheus Society . This is a website to check out. There are many things to say about the site and the work that it does, but it is better to explore it for oneself. It demonstrates how technology and social media can be put to use to better and further one's education while defending individual rights and liberties. Technology is put to use to rally for various causes impacting education.
    Anything that has firefly and Neil Gaiman involved is OK by me :) I wish we had something like this in my country - recent legislative changes mean that all student media is now owned by the universities, rather than the student run organizations, so that must have chilling effect on free speech.
Amanda Bailey

Computers Grade Essays Fast ... But Not Always Well : NPR - 1 views

    Really interesting NPR piece on computer software that grades homework/essays for students. Do students "miss out" by having their work graded by a computer instead of a person? How will these types of programs impact the future of education? Can we/should we/are we replacing teachers with computers? Pennsylvania currently offers an online public schooling option, is this a move in that direction?
    Interesting article. My stand on this has always been that some people need an online option. For instance, more than a few of my kids' acquaintances are professional track dancers. This requires huge time commitments in Manhattan, daily. In fact, dance becomes first. Most parents want their kids to finish school so they purchase seats in for profit online programs. Why should these parents who already pay taxes to support school systems not have equitable access to education? This would/could also change the nature/scope of the homeschool dilemma. My point is, not all kids need to be boxed in a room in a building all day to learn. some need that kind of structure while others do things that can't be accommodated y a 9-5 schedule.
    I agree entirely. Both of my siblings attended vo-tech high schools, which operated on a rotational schedule with "traditional" schooling for 3 weeks and then a shop/trade for 3 weeks. For them, they needed an option that was not a traditional classroom but gave them an outlet and focus, keeping busy with their hands as well as their minds. I think the online schooling programs in PA are a similar option, providing flexibility and opportunity to students at different levels or in different situations.
Karen Carter

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking - 3 views

    Sorry if this has been posted already...I looked but didn't catch it if so. Described as a "Journal for understanding the social and psychological impact of today's social networking practices." More than a few interesting articles here, some with full text access.
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    I hope that we can access this journal through the RUL databases because there are number of interesting looking articles that we can't access - particularly those about regulation and others about creativity. The March issue seemed to have a number of articles about online gamers that I definitely want to read now.
    Agreed, very interesting. Also found another journal from this publisher, Telemedicine and e-Health with some intriguing articles.
    Kerianne, I ran a search and did find several articles from this journal in RUL. Also found a journal called Ethics and Information Technology that had some relevant articles. Carrie, your journal sounds interesting as well.
    Yes -- good find. I did find a really good article on facebook users and political participation in the 2008 election in this journal. Good to know that RUL has it.
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