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vianca lopez

Francisco Pizarro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The first attempt to explore western South America was undertaken in 1522 by Pascual de Andagoya. The native South Americans he encountered told him about a gold-rich territory called Virú, which was on a river called Pirú (later corrupted to Perú) and from which they came. These reports were related by the Spanish-Inca mestizo writer Garcilaso de la Vega in his famous Comentarios Reales de los Incas (1609).
    • Ashley Torres
      This is a test for the sicky notes.
    • alexy velasco
      this is true he went and conquered the inca empire which is now where peru is
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Francisco Pizarro
    • nilsson Siguenza
      this is francisco pizarro.
    • Lucas Petricorena
      the route that Francisci Pizarro explored
    • giovanni belletti
      this is when he discovered Peru
  • ...9 more annotations...
    • Lucas Petricorena
      his house
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Charles V was a Holy Roman Emperor
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Pizarro and his followers in Lima in 1535
    • giovanni belletti
      this is when he was in Lima in Peru
    • melanie pineda
      this is a painting of pizarro and his followers in lima in 1535
    • Lucas Petricorena
      a statue of Pizarro
    • giovanni belletti
      The statue Lima too
    • giovanni belletti
      This is where he died
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Pizaro died here
    • melanie pineda
      this is were pizarro died
  • Detail of Pizarro's tomb
    • Lucas Petricorena
      The tomb of Francisco Pizarro.
  • Francisco was second cousin to Hernán Cortés, the famed conquistador of Mexico.
    • anibal hernandez
      Francisco was cousin to the man that finished the astecs. Hernan Cortes family most of been while teached because they controled many citys.
    • nilsson Siguenza
      this was Francsico Pizarro second cousin.
    • Clarissa Caraballo
      he was franciso cousin.
    • Korey Knight
      This is real intresting. I would have never guessed that he was the second cosin tto the great Hernan Cortez.
    • giovanni belletti
      Francisco and Cortez were very rich because Mexico and Peru had a lot gold. There might be still gold somewhere in those countries that we havent discovered yet.
    • alexy velasco
      i didnt know this i thought that he was just another conquistador
    • vianca lopez
      wow his cousin i would have never guessed he was his cousin
  • became the first Europeans to view the Pacific coast of the New World
    • anibal hernandez
      Pizarro made history . He was the first person to really find the pacific ocean.
    • Clarissa Caraballo
      he was the one who found the pacific ocean. he made history.
    • Korey Knight
      this is true. Columbus herd about it but never saw it. Hernan Cortez was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.
    • giovanni belletti
      After you cross the Pacific Ocean you would probably end up in china and you just went about 180 degrees latitude around the world.
    • alexy velasco
      this is true since he made it all the way to the annguese mountains i assume that he could have discovered the pacific ocean
  • Peru.
    • giovanni belletti
      Peru had a lot of gold but then Francisco conquered the Incas and Francisco got a lot of gold. Peru might still have a lot of gold.
vianca lopez

History of the Aztecs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The capital of the Aztec empire was Tenochtitlan, built on raised island in Lake Texcoco.
    • anibal hernandez
      the astecs started building the empire with tenochtitlan. this city would be the most engeniered city that were more engenered then the europeans.
    • vianca lopez
      this was true this would be known as technonkticlan it was the most enginered more than the egyptians
    • anibal hernandez
      the aztecs get lots of land with that emperior. this is when they are the most powerful before Heren Cortes kills them.
  • The Aztecs' legendary home was Aztlan, a Nahuatl word likely meaning "place of the heron". It is generally thought that Aztlan was somewhere to the north of the Valley of Mexico; some experts have placed it as far north as Northwestern Mexico and the US Southwest, while others suggest is a mythical place, since Aztlan can also be translated as "the place of the origin".
    • vianca lopez
      this is true. it was in the movie and mr.santamaria also said it.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The Aztecs were a Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican people of central Mexico in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. They called themselves Mexica (pronounced [meˈʃikaʔ]). The Republic of Mexico and its capital, Mexico City, derive their names from the word "Mexica".
    • vianca lopez
      this is true i think mexico got the name by this tribe mexica
vianca lopez

Inca civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by vianca lopez on 21 Jun 09 - Cached
  • The Inca civilization began as a tribe in the Cuzco area,
    • vianca lopez
      this was not in the video i think wow such a large civilization started as a small tribe
  • Pizarro met with the Inca, who had brought only a small retinue. Through interpreters, Pizarro requested the new Inca ruler convert to Christianity. A disputed legend claims that Atahualpa was handed a Bible and threw it on the floor. The Spanish supposedly interpreted this action as reason for war. Though some chroniclers suggest that Atahualpa simply did not understand the notion of a book, others portray Atahualpa as being genuinely curious and inquisitive in the situation. Regardless, the Spanish attacked the Inca's retinue, capturing Atahualpa.
    • vianca lopez
      u see what the spanish did was wrong they wanted to convert him into a christian but to him this religion was rediculous in every way they believed in the sun as their god when he threw the book they thought of this as war which was wrong all of this was in the movie we saw
  • The Inca Empire was separated into four sections together known as 'Ttahuantin-suyu' or "land of the four sections" each ruled by a governor or viceroy called 'Apu-cuna' under the leadership on the central 'Sapa Inca'. Cuzco was the central capital of the Inca Empire from which where the Sapa Inca ruled from. According to the oral traditions of the Inca the empire was ruled by 14 kings in succession. The earliest kings are likely either local leaders of ayllus around Cuzco or possibly mythical figures.
    • vianca lopez
      i didnt kno this because it wasnt in the movie
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • While the Inca often tolerated or incorporated the religions of their conquered ayllus they also imposed a state religion upon them. The Inca empire was a theocracy in which the Inca king, Sapa Inca, was the descendant of Inti, the sun god. The Inca required tribute, especially before and after battle, to certain gods. Regular and general festivals punctuated the labors of the empire's subjects with food drink and entertainments. Inti Raymi, the festival of the sun god, lasted nine nights, during which Sapa Inca would provide Aqhachicha, a maize beer, to first Inti, then himself, then the nobles, and finally to all people who attended.
vianca lopez

Geocentric model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Two common observations were believed to support the idea that the Earth is in the center of the Universe: The first observation is that the stars, sun, and planets appear to revolve around the Earth each day, with the stars circling around the pole and those stars nearer the equator rising and setting each day and circling back to their rising point.[2]; the second is the common sense perception that the Earth is solid and stable it is not moving—but is at rest.
    • Korey Knight
      This is true. The people for hundreds of years believed this theroy. but today we know that this theroy is not true
    • Janelly Rodriguez
      for hundreds of years people had thought this was true.But now we know it is completly false.
    • vianca lopez
      this is true this theory that wasnt true was believed for many years for this theory they used what they saw and what happend around thet earth
  • the second is the common sense perception that as the Earth is solid and stable it is not moving—but is at rest.
    • vianca lopez
      for scientists today this would be completely stupid but for peolpe back then this was right.
  • Claudius Ptolemy
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Claudius Ptolemy
  • Claudius Ptolemy
  • Although the basic tenets of Greek geocentrism were established by the time of Aristotle, the details of his system did not become standard. This honor was reserved for the Ptolemaic system, espoused by the Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century AD. His main astronomical book, the Almagest, was the culmination of centuries of work by Hellenic, Hellenistic and Babylonian astronomers; it was accepted for over a millennium as the correct cosmological model by European and Islamic astronomers. Because of its influence, the Ptolemaic system is sometimes considered identical with the geocentric model.
    • vianca lopez
      this was the theory that was supposibly true back then..
vianca lopez

Printing press - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In contrast, the impact of Gutenberg's printing press in Europe was comparable to the development of writing, the invention of the alphabet or the Internet, as far as its effects on society. Just as writing did not replace speaking, printing did not achieve a position of total dominance. Handwritten manuscripts continued to be produced, and the different graphic modes of communication continued to influence each other
    • vianca lopez
      o so even after this invention peolpe kept on handwriting wow i didnt kno this maybe because mr. santamria didsnt talk about this alot...
vianca lopez

Heliocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • heliocentrism is the theory that the Sun is at the center of the Universe.
    • nilsson Siguenza
      this is true Mr. Santamaria tought us this in class while taking notes. he also said that if you were a heliocentrism you would be burned alive.
    • Korey Knight
      this is true. we know today that thee sun is in the center of the universe and we go around it. but if you didnt believe geocentrism you would be bruned alive
    • Janelly Rodriguez
      if you believed in this back then it would mean you were against the church.then be burned alive
    • david reyes
      they will burn u becuz u believed in that
    • david reyes
      yeah this is true i
    • vianca lopez
      this is true this was in the movie but anyhow if u believed in this u would b burned alive
    • vianca lopez
      yup this is true and it was in the movie we saw mr santamaria also aid it if u believed in which was true but no one knew about it u would b burned alive....
  • Aristarchus's 3rd century BC calculations on the relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon, from a 10th century AD Greek copy
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Aristarchus`s 3rd century BC calcuations on the relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon, from a 10th century AD Greek copy
  • In the 17th century AD Galileo Galilei opposed the Roman Catholic Church by his strong support for heliocentrism
    • Lucas Petricorena
      In the 17th century Ad Galileo Galilel opposed the Roman Catholic Church by his strong support for heliocentrism
    • vianca lopez
      this is true he did support hid very much gallileo. his theory was correct.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Aryabhata, 5th century, developed a computational planetary model which has been interpreted as heliocentric
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Aryabhata, 5th century, developed a computational planetary model which has been interpreted as heliocentric
  • To anyone who stands and looks at the sky, it seems clear that the Earth stays in one place while everything in the sky rises and sets or goes around once every day.
    • Korey Knight
      This is true. the common man would believe this. And also why people believed this is because in Johua 10:12&13. but the only reason why it seems like were standing still is because were all going the same speed.
    • Janelly Rodriguez
      were all going the excact same speed if the earth would stop we would go launching into space
    • alexy velasco
      this is true most people still believe that the sun and planets go around the earth
    • david reyes
      people still only belive that because they dont learn
    • vianca lopez
      this is true. anyone back then if u looked @ the sky it looked like everything else moved and that da earth wr still
    • joel abreu
      This is Nicolaus Copernicus.
    • joel abreu
      ** ^^ .. DUUHHH ***.. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    • joel abreu
      The greatest scientist in history..
    • christopher salinas
      many people disagreed with him when he said that the sun in in the middle of the universe and earth goes around the sun
    • vianca lopez
      this is true it was in the video. if u beliived in this u would b burned alive
  • To anyone who stands and looks at the sky, it seems clear that the Earth stays in one place while everything in the sky rises and sets or goes around once every day.
    • vianca lopez
      this is true . to anyone back then and to the common man who doesnt kno now it lookes like the earth were in the middle because it doesnt move and the sun does...
  • Kak interprets this to mean that the Sun is stationary, hence the Earth is moving around it. A more common interpretation, however, is that the Sun "never actually sets or rises" because it was believed to have two sides: one light and one dark. Consequently, when the sun reaches the western horizon, it simply flips on itself and invisibly returns to its original place in a continuous cycle
    • vianca lopez
      wow i would have never known this. it wasnt in the movie
  • . From his estimates, he concluded that the Sun was six to seven times wider than the Earth and thus hundreds of times more voluminous
    • vianca lopez
      wow this is awesome information its a shame that this information was lost
    • vianca lopez
      this was a great scientist but everyone argued with his at that time weird but true theory he was very smart to find this out unfortunately no one believed him they were to ignorant....
vianca lopez

Peru - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by vianca lopez on 13 Jun 09 - Cached
  • Peru
    • vianca lopez
      peru the best country evr. anyways this wasa very powerfull country because of all he gold tht it possessed
  • Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America.
vianca lopez

Battle of Cajamarca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Battle of Cajamarca
    • vianca lopez
      the only reason why they slaughtered the incas in this battle was because of thier guns germs and steel
vianca lopez

Hernán Cortés - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro, 1st Marqués del Valle de Oax
    • melanie pineda
      he was one of those people that when they were scared they would be calm
    • melanie pineda
      he was a spanish leader, there is a monument in mexico city known as "monumento al mestizaje"
    • nilsson Siguenza
      he was a leader oof the spanish. when everyone was scared he would be calm like nothing was happing.
  • aca (Spanish
  • Hernán Cortés
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Contemporary painting of Hernán Cortés.
    • Lucas Petricorena
      a Contemporary painting of Hernan Cortes
  • Map depicting Cortés' invasion route
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Map depicting Cortes invasion route
  • Emperor Charles V with Hound (1532), a painting by the 16th century artist Jakob Seisenegger.
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Emperor Charles V with a Hound (1532) a painting by the 16th century artist Jakob Seisenegger
  • Monument in Mexico City known as "Monumento al Mestizaje.
    • Lucas Petricorena
      Monument in Mexico City known as "Monumento al Mestizaje".
  • When the Governor of Cuba sent emissaries to arrest Cortés, he fought them and won, using the extra troops as reinforcements.
    • anibal hernandez
      Heran Cortez wasn't trusted by the Cuban govenor. They didn't trusred him and arrest him but he allready left.
    • Emmanuel Payano
      yea they want cortez arrested because the governer wanted to go to the island and get the gold that cortez told the governer that he would find alott
    • Janelly Rodriguez
      he was the spanish leader.
    • giovanni belletti
      If it werent for him Mexico would probably never existed..
  • Born in Medellín, Extremadura, Spain, to a family of lesser nobility, Cortés chose to pursue a livelihood in the New World.
    • Emmanuel Payano
      this is where he was born.
    • Emmanuel Payano
      this guy was a spanish leader and he was a great one. he knew how to get out of the heat with his bright ideas
    Hernan Cortez
    Hernan Cortez
    Hernan Cortez
vianca lopez

Martin Luther - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Martin Luther (German pronunciation: [ˈmaʁtin ˈlʊtɐ] 1483 – 1546)
    • giovanni belletti
      These are the years when he was born to when he died
    • giovanni belletti
      Prince Federick really wanted Luther to live that'swhy he hid him in his castle for about a year.
    • Janelly Rodriguez
      he taught that salvation is a free gid=ft of god and that people shouldnt pay for it.
    • Malik Rodgers
      luthers wife
  • ...10 more annotations...
    • Malik Rodgers
      Luther's 1534 Bible.
    • Malik Rodgers
      Statue of Martin Luther outside St. Mary's Church, Berlin
    • jennifer soto
      a satue of martin Luther
  • As a result of this and his revolutionary theological views, his legacy remains controversial
    • jennifer soto
      luther translated the bible to germaan so each person can read it for them slefs.people who had listen to him were called Luthereranism. he made his own religon. wereu follow your heart and no man except god tells you what to do
  • Born {birth date [Eisleben], [Electorate of Saxony Died {death date and age Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire
    • jennifer soto
      hee died the same place he wass born
    • jennifer soto
      Pope leo X the won Luther said no to. the won Luther corrceted. the won who wanted luther to die.
    • jennifer soto
      the day of the trail. he had 2 days. the 1st day he was scared 2nd day he wasnt he was more stronger then ever &he did not recent. this day made history.
  • At Wartburg Castle
    • jennifer soto
      where prince fredrick hid him for won year. so that they wouldnt kill him. he spent a year rewriting the bible.
    • melanie pineda
      martin luther was the first person to say no and to go against the pope.
    • melanie pineda
      if it wasn't for luther there would be no luthrans just catholic and he died the place where he was born
  • In 1516-17, Johann Tetzel, a Dominican friar and papal commissioner for indulgences, was sent to Germany by the Roman Catholic Church to sell indulgences to raise money to rebuild St Peter's Basilica in Rome
    • Korey Knight
      This is true. The catholic church paid tetzel to sell indulgences. This was pretty much a fund raiser
    thanks for my intervew page for kleckner's work
vianca lopez

Martín Alonso Pinzón - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Martín Alonso Pinzón
    • Jacalyn Russ
      The oldest brother who died earlier. There are two Pinzon brothers.
    • Malik Rodgers
      Martin alonso pinzon
    • melanie pineda
      he was part owner of the nina and the pinta, born in a family of ship owners
  • Martín Alonso Pinzón, (Palos de la Frontera, Huelva; c. 1441 – 1493),
    • Malik Rodgers
      Spanish navigator and explorer.
    • melanie pineda
      he was the oldest of the pinzon brothers,born 1441 and died 1493, he was a spanish navigator and explorer
    • Clarissa Caraballo
      he was the oldest one out of all 3 brothers
    • alexy velasco
      martin was the oldest and he traveled with columbus so that he could not get lost
    • Janelly Rodriguez
      he was the oldest of all three of the brothers.
vianca lopez

Vicente Yáñez Pinzón - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • Malik Rodgers
      Vicente Yáñez Pinzón
    • melanie pineda
      he was an explorer
  • Vicente Yáñez Pinzón (Palos de la Frontera, Spain, c. 1460 – after 1523)
    • Malik Rodgers
      a Spanish navigator, explorer, and conquistador.
    • melanie pineda
      youngest of the pinzon brothers, born 1460 and died 1523, like his brother alonso he also sailed with columbus on his voyage to the new world and was captin of the nina
    • Clarissa Caraballo
      he was one of the 3 brothers
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