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Joe Johansen

All Blacks: Smith set to return against Argentina - Sport - NZ Herald News - 1 views

    Example link on OLE
Joe Johansen

Welcome to Diigo - 0 views

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started by Joe Johansen on 09 Aug 12 no follow-up yet
Joe Johansen

TIME Magazine Cover: Made In China - July 2, 2012 - Apple - China - 2 views

    So boys, what do you think of this image?
Joe Johansen

Bibliomania: Free Online Literature and Study Guides - 0 views

    Great literature
    Week 8 Reading Task
Joe Johansen

Transport in Milford Sound - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Background information
Joe Johansen

File:Milford Sound (New Zealand).JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Photo of Milford Sound
Joe Johansen

Here Are Some Of The Problems Google Is Having With Its Self-Driving Cars | Business In... - 2 views

    • Joe Johansen
      Why might insurance companies increase their premiums if you don't use self-driving technology?
    • Joe Johansen
      Correct Josh - please make sure you proofread your answer before posting
    • Joe Johansen
      Why is driving in the snow a challenge for Google cars?
    • Joe Johansen
      Highlight the keywords in this paragraph about the second challenge facing Google cars.  Then answer... what is the main idea of this paragraph?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • According to an engineer (not a Googler) who was involved in the conversation I had about this latter challenge, none of these problems are insurmountable.
    • Joe Johansen
      What does this sentence mean? According to an engineer (not a Googler) who was involved in the conversation I had about this latter challenge, none of these problems are insurmountable.
Joe Johansen

BBC News - Google tests balloons to beam internet from near space - 2 views

    • Joe Johansen
      Why is Google sending balloons into the sky?
    • Joe Johansen
      Why is there a need for such an experiment?
    • Joe Johansen
      Are there any perceived problems with this experiment?
  • ...7 more annotations...
    • Joe Johansen
      Why do you think Google have tagged the name 'Loon' to this experimental project?
    • Joe Johansen
      Why do you think Google want more of the world connected to the internet?
    • Joe Johansen
      Where did the idea come from?
    • Joe Johansen
      What does choreograph mean?
    • Joe Johansen
      Describe how the balloons are controlled?
    • Joe Johansen
      Can you think of further possibilities/new ideas that may eventuate from this experiment?
  • "So we have to choreograph a whole ballet of this fleet,
Joe Johansen

Coca-Cola's New Bottle Is Made of Ice | - 4 views

    • Joe Johansen
      As a group, complete a PMI chart (Positive, Minus, Interesting) for Coca Cola's innovative idea of ice coke bottles.
    • Joe Johansen
      What is a synonym for Alas?
    • Joe Johansen
      What is a synonym for touting?
  • ...9 more annotations...
    • Joe Johansen
      What do you think eco-friendly means?
    • Joe Johansen
      Find out what silicone is and type (not copy and paste) your OWN definition below.
    • Joe Johansen
      If the ice bottle is made of silicone, can you eat it?
    • Joe Johansen
      Why do you think the coke doesn't freeze if the bottle has to be stored in a freezer?
  • touting
  • eco-friendly
  • Alas,
    • Joe Johansen
      Leave your questions here. Please feel free to respond to each other.
    • Joe Johansen
      Now vote on our 7JJ English OLE page
Joe Johansen - The Online Literature Library - 20 views

    • Joe Johansen
      1. How would you describe Edmond's relationship with Faria? Justify your answer please.
    • Luke O
      Edmonds relationship with Faria is a good one. They have spent a lot of time together and have become very close. This is shown as Edmond grieves Faria strongly and even has suicide thoughts so they could be together again.
    • Michael H
      Edmond has a very unique relationship with Faira. As they only have each other they are the best of friends and Faira's knowledge and resources make him a kind of teacher to Edmonde.
    • Jack M
      I would describe Edmond's relationship with Faria as very close because Edmond Dantes is grieving about his death and he wants to be with him.
    • James S
      I would describes Edmond's relationship with Faria as a tight connection between the two because Edmond is very depressed and sad that Faria has passed away.
    • Sam T
      Edmond and Faria have a strong relationship because they are the only people who talk to each other
    • John H
      Friend and compainion - John
    • William H
      I would say that the 2 were extremely close. They had been the only friends and people they could talk to for a number of years. They had survived for so long in such hard living conditions. The Faria in the end was the one that kept Edmond Dantes alive, as Edmond wouldn't let himself die for himself and Faria. Edmond says that Faria was "the only human being who united him to earth"
    • Jamie R
      Jamie:  Their relationship seemed to be very strong, causing much grief when Faria died.
    • Jensen F
      He has a very close relationship as if he was his friend
    • Joe Johansen
      2. Without using a dictionary, what do you think condemn means?
    • Luke O
      Condemn means to decide that someone has done something. For instance a judge condemns that someone has murdered someone and is to go to jail.
    • John H
      dammed or cursed- John
    • Michael H
      Condemn normally means to be given or give punishment. E.g I condemn you to life in prison.
    • Sam T
      Condemn means cursed 
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: Suspend, expel, extinguish, and get rid of.
    • James S
      I think condemn means that someone has done something or said something that has influenced another person. Eg: The death penalty.
    • Jack M
      I think condemn means that someone has done something bad and is about to get punished for the crime that they did. 
    • William H
      To put someone somewhere or expel or ban them.
    • Jensen F
      Is it like a to do something bad?
    • Joe Johansen
      3 What do you suppose has happened in the end of paragraph 4?
    • Jensen F
      I thought that he was going to pretend he was the dead body to try and escape.
    • John H
      He just had a moment of inspiration - John
    • Luke O
      I believe at the end of paragraph 4 Edmond has had an epiphany and has thought of something important. 
    • Michael H
      He has had a sudden and dramatic thought.
    • Sam T
      I thought he had a good idea that was he was going to replace Faria's body with his
    • Jack M
      I think that Edmond Dantes has come up with an idea of how he will get to be with Faria. 
    • James S
      At the end of paragraph 4 I think Edmond has had an idea of what to do be with Faria.
    • Jensen F
      I thought he was going to pretend to be the dead person
    • William H
      At the end of paragraph 4 Edmond thinks he has had a brilliant idea and is very happy with himself.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: He was going to consider doing something; and that the idea just popped into his head.
  • ...6 more annotations...
    • Joe Johansen
      5. What do you think precarious means?
    • John H
      Like on the edge of a knife, can slip either way, balanced on the edge of a cliff, one small push and you fall off
    • Luke O
      I believe precarious means on the edge.
    • Michael H
      An unstable or dangerous position.
    • Sam T
      I think that precarious means it could go either way 
    • William H
      Standing on a knife edge, balancing on thin ice. Things are very risky and close.
    • James S
      I think it means you are delicate and fragile and very close to failing.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: Uncertain, worried, or unsure
    • Jack M
      I think that precarious means delicate or very close to dying or something going bad.
    • Jensen F
      Im not very sure
    • Joe Johansen
      4. Why do you think the author Alexandre Dumas has extended sentence 4 in paragraph 5?
    • Luke O
      I believe the author has done this to build suspension and interest in the paragraph.
    • Michael H
      I believe he extended the sentence and used lots of commas to create a sense of drama and mystique. 
    • John H
      Because it has the same idea so they don't need extend it
    • Sam T
      I think he has done this because he wanted to hook the readers and build suspense
    • Jack M
      I think that the author extended sentence four and used lots of commas to add suspense and create drama.  It also is stating a list of things that is happening.
    • William H
      Because things are happening one after the other and going on and on. It also builds incredible suspense
    • James S
      I think he extended the sentence to create suspense and make you think what is going to happen.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: For suspense to be built
    • Jensen F
      I agree with luke and to list all his thoughts
    • Joe Johansen
      6. How has the author used 'Show not tell' in paragraph 9?
    • Jensen F
      He was describing the scene rather than telling us straight away.
    • John H
      Plenty of metaphors - John
    • Luke O
      The author describes the scene using edmonds senses not telling us straight away.
    • Sam T
      He used a lot of metaphors and described the scene excellently  
    • Michael H
      By using descriptions like, "a dim light reached Dantes' eyes." The author describes the scene and not what is directly happening
    • Jack M
      The author has used show not tell by describing the scene not telling them and using descriptive language.
    • William H
      The author is describing/explaining the scene and the emotions but still making us think about what actually is happening. 
    • James S
      By using lots of descriptive language and not explaining exactly what is happening.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: He wanted to keep the reader hooked on purpose. Slowly describing something giving one clue after another. 
    • Joe Johansen
      7. How has the author created suspense when the two men enter Faria's cell?
    • John H
      By saying that he is heavy for an old man
    • Luke O
      By questioning that it is actually him in the sack and saying he is "a heavy old man."
    • Sam T
      They think that the man is heaver than he should be
    • Michael H
      By using commas and descriptions that are mysterious you're not sure what is about to happen.
    • James S
      By saying he is heavier than usual and questioning if it is Faria.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: Because the situation could go either way
    • Jack M
      By saying that that he is heavy for an old thin man.
    • Jensen F
      By saying that he was heavy old man and saying this puts dought in our mind
    • William H
      Because the men are suspicious as some things that are happening were not to be expected. Also he is using descriptions which make you think 
    • Joe Johansen
      8. What is the heavy object laid down next to Edmond?
    • John H
      A 36 pound shot (Cannonball like thing)
    • Luke O
      A weight weighing 36 pounds to drag him down in the ocean.
    • Sam T
      A 36 pound Cannonball
    • Michael H
      A steel ball.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie A weight (shot) used for dragging him into the depths of the ocean.
    • Jensen F
      A 36 pound cannonball
    • Jack M
      The heavy object is a 36 pound metal solid object that will be used to sink him to the bottom of the ocean.
    • James S
      A solid metal ball that weighs him down. 
    • William H
      A 36 pound shot (similar to a cannonball)
    • Joe Johansen
      9. This is one of the best examples of narrative writing, describe the features Dumas has used to create such an impressive piece.
    • John H
      Similes, Personification, Suspense, Empathy
    • Luke O
      Dumas has used descriptve writing using things which we could use in Edmonds situation like senses and not just telling us straight away. He has also used similies, metaphors, personificaion, etc 
    • Sam T
      He has used suspense, similes, metaphor and made us fell sorry for him 
    • Michael H
      Very descriptive writing, showing not telling, suspense.
    • Jamie R
      Jamie: It builds an emotion of empathy for Edmond. Leaving you wanting him to live
    • Jack M
      The author has used great descriptive language and language features like metaphors. He has also used suspense very well.
    • James S
      He has used great descriptive language including similies, metaphors personification and show not tell.
    • Jensen F
      Suspense, verbs, similies, personification, onomatopoeia, metaphors
    • William H
      Incredibly descriptive. Using so many different forms of writing such as similes, metaphors, show not tell, personification. He could have told us what was happening but he made us infer and read between the lines.
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