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Janos Haits

Real Time Search - Social Mention - 0 views

    Social Mention is a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information. It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web's social media landscape in real-time. Social Mention monitors 100+ social media properties directly including: Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Digg, Google etc.
Janos Haits

Social Search: Get Social - 0 views

    Searchwiki or Swicki's purpose is to bridge the gap between searchers and relevant results. As the web grows and evolves, web search needs to grow and evolve too. Searchwiki technology improves on existing general web search by enabling vertical, community site and web searches to be initiated from any website. A searchwiki's strength is in its community appeal and dynamic social search cloud. As such, collaboration between groups of people with similar interests using a Searchwiki will quickly produce much more relevant and tailored results for a common group than a generic search engine would.
Janos Haits

Webee, Social search tool, and diary for life. | Webee - Login - 0 views

    YOUR SOCIAL SEARCH TOOL AND DIARY FOR LIFE Webee is your social search tool and diary for life. It is designed not to replace the functionality of the origin sites (i.e. to post and publish) but to serve as your real-time review and tracking tool. In addition it may be used as a Social Card, a revolutionary way to mark yourself and/or your business in the online market.
Janos Haits

Webee, Social search tool, and diary for life. | Webee - Login - 0 views

    YOUR SOCIAL SEARCH TOOL AND DIARY FOR LIFE Webee is your social search tool and diary for life. It is designed not to replace the functionality of the origin sites (i.e. to post and publish) but to serve as your real-time review and tracking tool. In addition it may be used as a Social Card, a revolutionary way to mark yourself and/or your business in the online market.
Janos Haits

200 search engines - 3 views

    This is a collection of over 200 different search engines in a variety of different subject areas - crucial search engines that you must know about, meta, multi, directory search engines, search engines that you can use to find out about social media material, video, sound, images and so on.
Janos Haits

State of Search - Where Search and Social meet up - State of Search - 0 views

    The fastest growing Search and Social blog covering strategy developments in search and social World Wide with an international perspective no other blog has!
Janos Haits

TAS Enterprise Search | Text Analytics System: collect, search, analyze and understand ... - 0 views

    "The basic idea of developing TAS Enterprise Search was to help identifying and enabling all content across the enterprise to be indexed, searched, and displayed to authorized users. Whether you have your own data or it comes from the TAS Data Collector, it is more transparent and useful if a sophisticated keyword search function is available, because the text content without access is worthless."
Janos Haits

Google Social Search - 1 views

    Top Socail Networks Search Results
Janos Haits

Who are all these people?! - - 0 views

  • is an online people search service. It aggregates data from open sources such as social networks, web search engines and even offline sources. people search engine provides access to aggregated information about requested person from the number of sources so the user can get all public information instantly and at one place.
Janos Haits

Zakta Technology Platform - OEM Collaborative Search and Social Curation - 1 views

    Zakta is the world's leading Social Curation Platform. Zakta helps power the next generation of social applications with search, curation and collaboration technologies.
Janos Haits

Jumper 2.0 - Open Source Collaborative Search Engine - 0 views

    Jumper helps you find the best, most valuable, information fast. No more searching through countless distributed silos.Now you can find & share the best content, media, or data regardless of format or location in one search box. Our collaborativesearch engine uses peer and social-networking principles to make hard to find information more easily discoverable. If youhave complex search requirements Jumper delivers more focused information, faster, across the complete information landscape, inside and outside the firewall, based on your unique needs.
Janos Haits

Private Beta | Quixey - 1 views

    Quixey is a functional search engine for apps. You use apps in your everyday life. You use apps in your phone, in your browser, in your social network and in your software at work. Soon, you'll even have apps in your car, on your TV and built into your home appliances. Quixey is a new type of search engine, a functional search engine, designed specifically for apps. It helps you find apps to do what you want on an ever-growing number of platforms.
Janos Haits

Social Media Search Engine - Who is talking on social media network - 2 views

    Type the topic in any language to check out real time results of Who's Talking on Social Media Sites
Janos Haits

Forum Search - Omgili - 0 views

    Omgili forum search engine lets you find communities, message boards, discussion threads about any topic. Omgili's advanced search features make it the best search engine for forums out there.
Janos Haits

Nsyght - 0 views

    Social search, powered by your friends- Turn your social networks into your own personal discovery engine
Janos Haits

Economics Search Engine - 0 views

    ESE uses a beta version of Google Custom Search Engine to search over 23,000 economics websites and utilizes yolink to mine results and retrieve actionable, keyword-rich content. Results can saved to Google Docs, bookmarked or shared via major social networks. Each site is certified by RFE, which is run by economists from RePec Author Services and EDIRC."
Janos Haits

HeyStaks | Web Search. Shared! - 0 views

    HeyStaks social search gives you better search results by harnessing the knowledge of your trusted community
Janos Haits - Brings music to your ears. - 1 views

    1. Click the Youtube Search button and search for any song/video you want to listen to. Click on a dropdown to search Youtube or press enter. Click a song to add it to playlist.
Janos Haits - 2 views

    Search and browse all your social streams! Need to find a status update of your friend again, we have it. Looking for that article you read last week, we let you search for it.
Janos Haits

Topsy - Real-time search for the social web - 0 views

    Real-time search for the social web
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