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SpaceX Launches Six Commercial Satellites on Falcon 9; Landing Test Ends in "Kaboom" - 0 views

  • SpaceX successfully launched six ORBCOMM advanced telecommunications satellites into orbit on Monday, July 14, to significantly upgrade the speed and capacity of their existing data relay network.
  • SpaceX also used this launch opportunity to try and test the reusability of the Falcon 9′s first stage and its landing system while splashing down in the ocean
  • However, the booster did not survive the splashdown. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk reported that the rocket booster reentry, landing burn and leg deployment worked well, the hull of the first stage “lost integrity right after splashdown
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  • Musk tweeted. “Detailed review of rocket telemetry needed to tell if due to initial splashdown or subsequent tip over and body slam.”
  • SpaceX wanted to test the “flyback” ability to the rocket, slowing down the descent of the rocket with thrusters and deploying the landing legs for future launches so the first stage can be re-used
  • The previous test of the landing system was successful, but the choppy seas destroyed the stage and prevented recovery
  • the six satellites launched
  • are the first part of what the company hopes will be a 17-satellite constellation. They hope to have all 17 satellites in orbit by the end of the 2014
Mars Base

July 20 - Today in Science History - Scientists born on July 20th, died, and events - 0 views

  • Mars landing
  • In 1976, America's "Viking I Lander" spacecraft, launched 20 Aug 1975, made its successful, first-ever landing on Mars at Chryse Planitia, and began transmitting pictures. Later, a robot arm that could scoop up samples of material and deposit them into on-board experiments, investigated the hint of life on Mars. Both weathered top soil and deeper soil samples were tested. The image shows Chryse Planitia looking NW over the Viking 1 Lander. An antenna is at upper right. The wide, low plain is covered with large rocks, loose sand and dust. The image was taken on 30 August 1976, a little over a month after landing. Pictures from the mission included views of the Mars surface taken from the Viking 1 Orbiter from space.
Mars Base

July 17 - Today in Science History - Scientists born on July 17th, died, and events - 0 views

  • Earliest Record Solar Eclipse
  • In 709 BC, the earliest record of a confirmed total solar eclipse was written in China. From: Ch'un-ch'iu, book I: "Duke Huan, 3rd year, 7th month, day jen-ch'en, the first day (of the month). The Sun was eclipsed and it was total." This is the earliest direct allusion to a complete obscuration of the Sun in any civilisation. The recorded date, when reduced to the Julian calendar, agrees exactly with that of a computed solar eclipse. Reference to the same eclipse appears in the Han-shu ('History of the Former Han Dynasty') (Chinese, 1st century AD): "...the eclipse threaded centrally through the Sun; above and below it was yellow." Earlier Chinese writings that refer to an eclipse do so without noting totality.
Mars Base

July 16 - Today in Science History - Scientists born on July 16th, died, and events - 0 views

  • Shoemaker-Levy Comet
  • In 1994, the first of 21 asteroids, major fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 broken-up 2 years earlier, hit Jupiter, creating a 1200-mile wide fireball 600 miles high to the joy of astronomers awaiting the celestial fireworks, giving scientists their first chance to observe such a collision as it happened, and others through July 22. Jupiter is a gas giant, made up mostly of hydrogen and helium in gas and liquid form.When we observe Jupiter, we are looking not at a solid surface, but a banded atmosphere with swirling clouds and huge storms
Mars Base

Sun sends more 'tsunami waves' to Voyager 1 - 0 views

  • NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has experienced a new "tsunami wave" from the sun as it sails through interstellar space
  • Such waves are what led scientists to the conclusion, in the fall of 2013, that Voyager had indeed left our sun's bubble, entering a new frontier
  • "Normally, interstellar space is like a quiet lake,
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  • Ed Stone of the California Institute of Technology
  • But when our sun has a burst, it sends a shock wave outward that reaches Voyager about a year later. The wave causes the plasma surrounding the spacecraft to sing."
  • Data from this newest tsunami wave generated by our sun confirm that Voyager is in interstellar space
  • The mission has not left the solar system—it has yet to reach a final halo of comets surrounding our sun—but it broke through the wind-blown bubble, or heliosphere, encasing our sun
  • ur sun goes through periods of increased activity, where it explosively ejects material from its surface, flinging it outward
  • These events, called coronal mass ejections, generate shock, or pressure, waves. Three such waves have reached Voyager 1 since it entered interstellar space in 2012
  • The first was too small to be noticed when it occurred and was only discovered later, but the second was clearly registered by the spacecraft's cosmic ray instrument in March of 2013
  • another instrument on Voyager
  • The plasma wave instrument can detect oscillations of the plasma electrons
  • This ringing of the plasma bell is what led to the key evidence showing Voyager had entered interstellar space
  • "The tsunami wave rings the plasma like a bell," said Stone. "While the plasma wave instrument lets us measure the frequency of this ringing, the cosmic ray instrument reveals what struck the bell—the shock wave from the sun."
  • denser plasma oscillates faster, the team was able to figure out the density of the plasma
  • In 2013, thanks to the second tsunami wave, the team acquired evidence that Voyager had been flying for more than a year through plasma that was 40 times denser than measured before—a telltale indicator of interstellar space
  • Now, the team has new readings from a third wave from the sun, first registered in March of this year
  • These data show that the density of the plasma is similar to what was measured previously, confirming the spacecraft is in interstellar space
Mars Base

This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 4-12 | Sky & Telescope - 0 views

  • Friday, July 11
  • Mars and Spica form a striking pair in the southwestern sky at dusk! They're now just under 2° apart.
  • On Sunday evening they'll be at their minimum separation, 1.3°
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  • Full Moon tonight and Saturday night
  • Mercury
  • low in the glow of sunrise to the lower left of Venus
  • Venus
  • low in the east during dawn
  • Mars (
  • high in the southwest at dusk with Spica, a little fainter, closing in on it each day
  • Jupiter is lost in the sunset
  • Saturn
  • Saturn
  • highest in the south in late twilight
Mars Base

Type 1 diabetes 'reversed' in mice - Medical News Today - 0 views

  • There are two parts to the immune system: the innate immune system, which we are born with and attempts to fight infection straight away; and the adaptive immune system, which takes time to mount a response that is more specific to the particular pathogen.
  • The innate immune system includes a group of cells known as dendritic cells that send messages to the adaptive immune system
  • Previous studies have already established that non-obese diabetic mice have faulty innate immune cells, and that this could be partly due to a defect in TLR4, which many suspect helps to prevent type 1 diabetes when it functions normally
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  • While the TLR4 pathway in humans is similar to that of mice, there are some differences, so further study is required to see if the treatment will work in humans
  • there is also a chance, if the therapy works in humans, that it will do so with an agonistic anti-TLR4 agent that is already approved, or under development
Mars Base

India's 1st Mars Mission Celebrates 100 Days and 100 Million Kilometers from Mars Orbit... - 0 views

  • India’s
  • Mars Orbiter Mission or MOM, has just celebrated 100 days and 100 million kilometers out from Mars on June 16, until the crucial Mars Orbital Insertion (MOI) engine firing
  • NASA’s MAVEN orbiter
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  • MAVEN arrives about 48 hours ahead of MOM on September 21, 2014.
  • rendezvous on September 24, 2014
  • MOM probe
  • will study the atmosphere and sniff for signals of methane.
  • Working together, MOM and MAVEN will revolutionize our understanding of Mars atmosphere, dramatic climatic history and potential for habitability
  • MOM was designed and developed by the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) at a cost of $69 Million and marks India’s maiden foray into interplanetary flight
  • before reaching Mars, mission navigators must keep the craft
  • on course
  • from Earth to Mars through a series of in flight Trajectory Correction Maneuvers (TMSs).
  • The second TCM was just successfully performed on June 11 by firing the spacecraft’s 22 Newton thrusters for a duration of 16 seconds
  • TCM-1 was conducted on December 11, 2013 by firing the 22 Newton Thrusters for 40.5 seconds
  • Two additional TCM firings are planned in August and September 2014.
  • the probe has flown about 70% of the way to Mars, traveling about 466 million kilometers out of a total of 680 million kilometers (400 million miles) overall, with about 95 days to go.
  • One way radio signals to Earth take approximately 340 seconds
  • ISRO reports the spacecraft and its five science instruments are healthy. It is being continuously monitored by the Indian Deep Space Network (IDSN) and NASA JPL’s Deep Space Network (DSN). Remove this ad
  • Although they were developed independently and have different suites of scientific instruments, the MAVEN and MOM science teams will “work together” to unlock the secrets of Mars atmosphere and climate history, MAVEN’s top scientist
  • MAVEN’s principal Investigator
  • “We have had some discussions with their science team, and there are some overlapping objectives,”
  • “At the point where we [MAVEN and MOM] are both in orbit collecting data we do plan to collaborate and work together with the data jointly,”
Mars Base

Opportunity Peers Out from 'Pillinger Point' - Honoring British Beagle 2 Mars Scientist... - 0 views

  • Opportunity rover has reached a long sought after region of aluminum-rich clay mineral outcrops at a new Endeavour crater ridge now “named ‘Pillinger Point’ after Colin Pillinger the Principal Investigator for the [British] Beagle 2 Mars lander”
  • ‘Pillinger Point’ – where ancient water once flowed billions of year ago.
  • The Beagle 2 lander was built to search for signs of life on Mars
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  • new photo mosaic above captured by Opportunity peering out from ‘Pillinger Point’ ridge on June 5, 2014 (Sol 3684) and showing a panoramic view around the eroded mountain ridge and into vast Endeavour crater
  • crater spans 14 miles (22 kilometers) in diameter
  • For the past several months, the six wheeled robot has been trekking southwards from Solander towards the exposures of aluminum-rich clays
  • The rover mission scientists ultimate goal is travel even further south to ‘Cape Tribulation’ which holds a motherlode of the ‘phyllosilicate’ clay minerals
  • “The idea is to characterize the outcrops as we go and then once we reach the valley travel quickly to Cape Tribulation and the smectite valley, which is still ~2 km to the south of the present rover location,” Arvidson
  • Prof. Ray Arvidson, Deputy Principal Investigator for the rover
  • June 16, marks Opportunity’s 3696th Sol or Martian Day
  • snapped over 193,400
  • images
  • odometry stands at over 24.51 miles (39.44 kilometers) since touchdown on Jan. 24, 2004
Mars Base

Reversal of type 1 diabetes in mice may eventually help humans - 0 views

  • Investigators at the University of Cincinnati (UC) have found a therapy that reverses new onset Type 1 diabetes in mouse models and may advance efforts in combating the disease among humans.
  • Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and affects about 5 percent of all people with diabetes
  • . In Type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce sufficient insulin, which is central to glucose metabolism: without insulin, blood glucose rises
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  • There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes though it can be controlled with insulin therapy
  • by using an antibody to stimulate a specific molecule in the innate immune system we can reverse—with a high rate of success—new onset diabetes in mice that have already developed the symptoms of diabetes
  • The cause of this reversal is a preservation of the endocrine pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin
  • These cells are preserved from the autoimmune attack which is the hallmark of Type 1 diabetes
  • The key to reversing Type 1 diabetes in mice,
  • is catching the disease at its onset, which is typically within a very short time window
  • The time frame would be longer in humans, but it is still a relatively short time from new onset to end-stage Type 1 diabetes
  • Ridgway says this approach differs from most in combating Type 1 diabetes because his team's therapies in mice do not directly interact with T-cells
  • treatment of autoimmunity has often been directed at suppressing an over-zealous adaptive immune response by eliminating auto-reactive T-cells
  • In Type 1 diabetes, autoimmunity causes the body's T-cells to attack its insulin-producing beta cells.
  • targeting a different part of the immune system
  • There are two arms of the immune system.
  • respond to many different antigens
  • The innate system tends to have a stereotypical response. We are targeting a receptor that is found mostly on the innate immune cells, such as dendritic cells.
  • Additional study will be required, but the therapy may hold promise because one agonistic anti-TLR4 agent is already FDA approved and others are under development
Mars Base

Ocean on Saturn moon could be as salty as the Dead Sea - 0 views

  • Scientists analyzing data from NASA's Cassini mission have firm evidence the ocean inside Saturn's largest moon, Titan, might be as salty as the Earth's Dead Sea.
  • The new results come from a study of gravity and topography data collected during Cassini's repeated flybys of Titan during the past 10 years
  • Using the Cassini data, researchers presented a model structure for Titan, resulting in an improved understanding of the structure of the moon's outer ice shell
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  • Additional findings support previous indications the moon's icy shell is rigid and in the process of freezing solid
  • Researchers found that a relatively high density was required for Titan's ocean in order to explain the gravity data
  • This indicates the ocean is probably an extremely salty brine of water mixed with dissolved salts likely composed of sulfur, sodium and potassium
  • The density indicated for this brine would give the ocean a salt content roughly equal to the saltiest bodies of water on Earth
  • Giuseppe Mitri of the University of Nantes in France
  • "Knowing this may change the way we view this ocean as a possible abode for present-day life, but conditions might have been very different there in the past."
  • Cassini data also indicate the thickness of Titan's ice crust varies slightly from place to place.
  • The researchers said this can best be explained if the moon's outer shell is stiff, as would be the case if the ocean were slowly crystalizing, and turning to ice.
  • A further consequence of a rigid ice shell, according to the study, is any outgassing of methane into Titan's atmosphere must happen at scattered "hot spots"—like the hot spot on Earth that gave rise to the Hawaiian Island chain
  • Titan's methane does not appear to result from convection or plate tectonics recycling its ice shell.
  • How methane gets into the moon's atmosphere has long been of great interest to researchers, as molecules of this gas are broken apart by sunlight on short geological timescales
  • Titan's present atmosphere contains about five percent methane. This means some process, thought to be geological in nature, must be replenishing the gas
  • "Our work suggests looking for signs of methane outgassing will be difficult with Cassini, and may require a future mission that can find localized methane sources," said Jonathan Lunine, a scientist on the Cassini mission at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Mars Base

Potentially habitable Earth-like planet discovered; May have similar temperatures to ou... - 0 views

  • A potentially habitable Earth-like planet that is only 16 light years away has been discovered
  • The "super-Earth" planet, GJ 832 c, takes 16 days to orbit its red-dwarf star
  • has a mass at least five times that of Earth.
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  • It receives about the same average stellar energy as Earth does and may have similar temperatures to our planet
  • These characteristics put it among the top three most Earth-like planets
  • It receives about the same average stellar energy as Earth does, because red dwarfs shine more dimly than our Sun, and may have similar temperatures to our planet
  • These characteristics put it among the top three most Earth-like planets, according to the Earth Similarity Index developed by scientists at the University of Puerto Rica in Arecibo
  • research group
  • says that if the planet has a similar atmosphere to Earth it may be possible for life to survive, although seasonal shifts would be extreme
  • "However, given the large mass of the planet, it seems likely that it would possess a massive atmosphere, which may well render the planet inhospitable
  • A denser atmosphere would trap heat and could make it more like a super-Venus and too hot for life," says Professor Tinney.
  • The planet was discovered from its gravitational pull on its parent star, which causes the star to wobble slightly
  • This team had previously found, in 2009, that the star has a cold Jupiter-like planet with a near-circular orbit of about nine years, called Gliese GJ b.
Mars Base

A Brief History Of Gliese 581d and 581g, The Planets That May Not Be - 0 views

  • Two potentially habitable planets in the Gliese 581 system are just false signals arising out of starstuff, a new study said
  • Gliese 581d and 581g are (study authors said) instead indications of the star’s activity and rotation
  • Planets were first announced around the system in 2007
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  • The system has been under heavy scrutiny since a team
  • announced Gliese 581g in September 2010
  • Both 581d and 581g were considered to be in the “habitable” region around the dwarf star they orbited
  • About two weeks after the discovery, another team
  • said it could not find indications
  • Two years later
  • another research team saying that analysis of an “extended dataset” from HARPS did show Gliese 581g
  • But in a press release at the time from the Planetary Habitability Laboratory
  • the discovery would continue to be controversial
  • As of yesterday, both 581d and 581g are crossed off
  • The uncertainty arises from the delicacy of looking for signals of small planets around much larger stars
  • Astronomers typically find planets through watching them pass across the face of a star, or measuring the tug that they exert on their parent star during their orbit
  • researchers now say that only three planets exist around this star.
Mars Base

Could Chance for Life on Gliese 581g Actually Be "100%"? - 0 views

  • quotes from one of the scientists involved in the discovery
  • “Personally, given the ubiquity and propensity of life to flourish wherever it can, I would say, my own personal feeling is that the chances of life on this planet are 100 percent,”
  • . “I have almost no doubt about it.”
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  • discovery of the closest Earth-sized planet found so far that also exists in the habitable zone
  • September 30, 2010
  • it was phrased unfortunately, and the media have jumped on it, of course
Mars Base

July 14 - Today in Science History - Scientists born on July 14th, died, and events - 0 views

  • First Mars close-up photo
  • In 1965, the Mariner 4 satellite sent a transmission of the first close-up photograph of Mars. It consisting of 8.3 dots per second of varying degrees of darkness. The transmission lasted for 8.5 hours and depicted the regions on Mars known as Cebrenia, Arcadia, and Amazonis. The satellite was 134 million miles away from earth and 10,500 miles from Mars. The 574-pound spacecraft had been launched at 9:22am on 28 Nov 1964, from Cape Canaveral, FL, by a two-stage Atlas-Agena D rocket. In addition to its camera with digital tape recorder (about 20 pictures), it carried instruments for studying cosmic dust, solar plasma, trapped radiation, cosmic rays, magnetic fields, radio occultation and celestial mechanics
Mars Base

July 9 - Today in Science History - Scientists born on July 9th, died, and events - 0 views

  • Heart surgery
  • In 1893, the suture of the pericardium (the fluid sac surrounding the heart muscle) performed by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams. When a 24-yr-old victim of a stabbing during a bar-fight was brought to Provident Hospital in Chicago, Williams operated without using anesthesia to remove the knife, open the thoracic cavity, then suture the wound to the pericardium, a daring procedure for the time. He allowed a small (1/10" long) nick to heal on its own. The patient recovered and lived for at least 20 years afterward. Dr. Williams was the only African-American in a group of 100 charter members of the American College of Surgeons in 1913. He founded and became the first vice-president of the National Medical Association.
Mars Base

Trekking Mars - Curiosity Roves Outside Landing Ellipse! - 0 views

  • Curiosity
  • just drove outside her landing ellipse
  • The six wheeled rover marked a major milestone on Sol 672, June 27, 2014, by traversing beyond her targeted landing ellipse
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  • After traversing 82 meters the rover stopped because it determined that it was slipping too much
  • Coincidentally, the rover stopped right on the landing ellipse, a major mission milestone
  • mission scientist Ken Herkenhoff
  • rover automatically stopped when it encountered soft sand and sensed that it wasn’t making enough progress
  • Curiosity still has about another 2.4 miles (3.9 kilometers) to go to reach the entry way at a gap in the dunes at the foothills of Mount Sharp sometime later this year
  • To date, Curiosity’s odometer totals over 5.1 miles (8.4 kilometers) since landing inside Gale Crater on Mars in August 2012. She has taken over 162,000 images
Mars Base

'Scarecrow' Rover Goes Off-Roading in Dumont Dunes - Mars Science Laboratory - 0 views

  • Curiosity’s Stunt Double
  • Scarecrow has a full-size version of Curiosity's wheels and other driving equipment, but doesn't have the "brains."
  • Engineers use it to test drive on different types of terrain
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  • engineers scour the Dumont Dunes area and look for the best spot to practice driving over dunes like those Curiosity may drive over on Mars
  • a course of sand ripples for the Scarecrow rover to drive over. On Mars, the Curiosity rover may cross similar sand ripples on its way to Mount Sharp
  • Engineers test the rover’s driving skills on soft sand ripples
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