7 New Features Added To Google Classroom - 0 views
Fiona Beal on 13 Nov 15"1. Post Questions Phan explains, "You can post questions to your class and allow students to have discussions by responding to each other's answers (or not, depending on the setting you choose). For example, you could post a video and ask students to answer a question about it, or post an article and ask them to write a paragraph in response." 2. Reuse Assignments If you reuse curricula year after year-or at least reuse documents, there is an update you might like. Phan explains, "Now you can reuse assignments, announcements or questions from any one of your classes - or any class you co-teach, whether it's from last year or last week. Once you choose what you'd like to copy, you'll also be able to make changes before you post or assign it." 3. Improved Calendar Integration We love changes that improve workflow. Phan: "In the next month, Classroom will automatically create a calendar for each of your classes in Google Calendar. All assignments with a due date will be automatically added to your class calendar and kept up to date. You'll be able to view your calendar from within Classroom or on Google Calendar, where you can manually add class events like field trips or guest speakers." 4. Bump a post Sticking posts on blogs, tweets, or facebook updates has long been a thing. Now you can do it on Google Classroom as well by moving any post to the top. 5. Due dates optional Project-based learning, Self-directed learning? Maker ed? If you use long-term projects or other due-date-less assignments, you can now create assignments without due dates in Google Classroom. 6. Attach a Google Form to a post If you're a fan of Google Forms (here's a post on using Google Forms to create a self-graded exam), this is a change you'll appreciate. Phan explains, "Many teachers have been using Google Forms as an easy way to assign a test, quiz or survey to the class. Coming in the next few weeks, teachers and students will soon be able to