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Aasemoon =)

Robotics - 0 views

  • Robots mean many things to many people, and National Instruments offers intuitive and productive design tools for everything from designing autonomous vehicles to teaching robotics design principals. The NI LabVIEW graphical programming language makes it easy to program complex robotics applications by providing a high level of abstraction for sensor communication, obstacle avoidance, path planning, kinematics, steering, and more.
Aasemoon =)

IEEE Spectrum: National Instruments Introduces LabVIEW Package for Robotics Design - 0 views

  • On Monday, National Instruments announced one such platform. It's called LabView Robotics. In addition to LabView, the popular data-acquisition application, the package includes a bunch of tools specific to robotics. It can import codes in various formats (C, C++, Matlab, VHDL), offers a library of drivers for a wide variety of sensors and actuators, and has modules for implementation of real-time and embedded hardware. NI says engineers could use the package to both design and run their robotic systems. 
Aasemoon =)

Scientists Discover Common Bacteria Can Turn Microgears When Suspended in Solution - 0 views

  • “The ability to harness and control the power of bacterial motion is an important requirement for further development of hybrid biomechanical systems driven by microorganisms," said Argonne physicist and principal investigator Igor Aronson. “In this system, the gears are a million times more massive than the bacteria."
Aasemoon =)

Say hello to PALRO - 0 views

  • In what comes as a bit of a surprise, Fuji Soft Inc.’s new humanoid robot platform for hobbyists and researchers has been given the name PALRO (pal + robot).  Naturally we feel this name is a superb choice!  Sales to research institutions will begin on March 15th, 2010 with a general release following later in the year.  The robot combines Fuji Soft’s software prowess with an open architecture which will give developers plenty of room to experiment. PALRO stands 39.8cm (15″) tall and weighs 1.9kg (3.5 lbs), and here’s the good news: it costs 298,000 JPY ($3300 USD).  Considering PALRO has 20 DOF, a camera, 4 directional microphones, a speaker, LED arrays in its head and chest, 4 pressure sensors in each foot, 3-axis gyro sensor, an accelerometer, and an Intel Atom 1.6GHz CPU, it is priced very competitively.  A comparative robot kit like Vstone’s Robovie-PC for example, costs $1100 USD more and doesn’t have such a fancy exoskeleton.
Aasemoon =)

Icosatetraped Robot Walks On 24 Soft Legs | BotJunkie - 0 views

  • Icosatetraped does, in fact, mean “twenty-four legged.” I’m not sure how to inject “soft” into that word (icostatetrasquishaped?), but this robot does have 24 soft legs. Or rather, 8 legs are soft (and moving) at any one time, while the other 16 are pressurized to carry the weight of the bot. It can move at about 1 meter per minute, which isn’t especially fast, but who cares, look at all of those little legs go! Made from plastic medical tubing, particle board, a bunch of solenoids, a Mac Mini, and some 24 volt rotary vane compressors salvaged from Gulf War nerve gas detecting equipment, this is about as DIY as it gets, and it’s awesome.
Aasemoon =)

PRODUCT HOW TO - Embedding multicore PCs for Robotics & Industrial Control | Industrial... - 0 views

  • PC-compatible industrial computers are increasing in computing power at a rapid rate due to the availability of multi-core microprocessor chips, and Microsoft Windows has become the de-facto software platform for implementing human-machine interfaces (HMIs). PCs are also becoming more reliable. With these trends, the practice of building robotic systems as complex multi-architecture, multi-platform systems is being challenged. It is now becoming possible to integrate all the functions of machine control and HMI into a single platform, without sacrificing performance and reliability of processing. Through new developments in software, we are seeing industrial systems evolving to better integrate Windows with real-time functionality such as machine vision and motion control. Software support to simplify motion control algorithm implementation already exists for the Intel processor architecture.
Aasemoon =) - Robotic Maid Makes Breakfast - 2 views

  • Mahru-Z is the robotic maid that can make breakfast!. Given certain voice commands the robot can perform functions such as working a microwave, delivering toast, and other tasks such as washing clothes. The robots can see with stereoscopic vision and can identify what objects are and even decide what jobs needs to be done with the objects. In the video, one robot appears to be tethered and the other is not making me wonder if they are really self contained. Also, one is wearing a dress and the other not, so are they both maids or is one a butler? Shouldn't they just call them robotic servants or is that redundant? Regardless, although not apparently sentient, these do appear to be advanced robots. I only wonder if they washed their hands before and after handling the food?
    Wow! I'll have some oatmeal, a bit of butter and honey. Thanks you!
Aasemoon =)

A closer look at ZMP's RoboCar - 0 views

  • Kota Nezu of ZNUG Design talks about his work developing the look of ZMP’s RoboCar, an educational platform for researchers working on autonomous vehicles.  The video is entirely Japanese, but you can see some cool CAD work and there’s some explanatory slides in this .PDF file.  Nezu-san also designed ZMP’s e-nuvo Humanoid, and Toyota’s personal transporter, the i-unit (seen in model form on his desk).  Part 2 follows after the break for those interested.
Aasemoon =)

・e-nuvo HUMANOID - 0 views

  • The Nippon Institute of Technology, with Harada Vehicle Design, ZMP, and ZNUG Design, have developed a humanoid robot about the size of an elementary school student for educational purposes.  The university adopted 35 of ZMP’s e-nuvo WALK robots in 2004 for a 1:1 student-robot ratio.  Whereas the e-nuvo WALK (the educational version of NUVO) is quite small, the new robot is tall enough to interact with its environment in a more meaningful way.  Students will demonstrate the robot at elementary and junior high schools, as well as care facilities.  The goal is to improve student learning by raising awareness of bipedal robot technology and its connection to math and physics, while also giving them hands-on experience with the bot.  Additionally, by visiting care facilities the university students will come to understand the real-world needs and applications for robots.
Aasemoon =)

RobotShop - Personal and Professional Robots, Robot Parts, Robot Kits, Robot Repair. - 0 views

  • RobotShop, the World's Leading Source for Personal and Professional Robot Technology. Here you will find personal robots, professional robots, robot toys, robot kits and robot parts for building your own robots. If you are looking for robot pet care, robot floor cleaners, robot vacuums, robot pool cleaners or robot mowers, to do your household chores, this is the site for you. We also bring robots back to life™ via our Robot Repair Center.
    Kool place to shop for parts.....
frank smith

Learn how to time success and avoid failure - - 1 views

    Learn how to time success and avoid failure
    interesting statements on feelings versus thinking in humans. May have some relevant bits for AI
frank smith

Memristor minds: The future of artificial intelligence - tech - 08 July 2009 - New Scie... - 0 views

    EVER had the feeling something is missing? If so, you're in good company. Dmitri Mendeleev did in 1869 when he noticed four gaps in his periodic table. They turned out to be the undiscovered elements scandium, gallium, technetium and germanium. Paul Dirac did in 1929 when he looked deep into the quantum-mechanical equation he had formulated to describe the electron. Besides the electron, he saw something else that looked rather like it, but different. It was only in 1932, when the electron's antimatter sibling, the positron, was sighted in cosmic rays that such a thing was found to exist. In 1971, Leon Chua had that feeling. A young electronics engineer with a penchant for mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, he was fascinated by the fact that electronics had no rigorous mathematical foundation. So like any diligent scientist, he set about trying to derive one. And he found something missing: a fourth basic circuit element besides the standard trio of resistor, capacitor and inductor. Chua dubbed it the "memristor". The only problem was that as far as Chua or anyone else could see, memristors did not actually exist. Except that they do.
Aasemoon =)

Should Robots Feel - 0 views

  • The purpose of this essay is to examine whether or not there would be practical reasons for creating a conscious, emotional machine.  I will not delve to deeply into whether or not it is possible to create such a machine, as the argument as to what exactly would constitute a living conscious machine seems largely unsettled.  Rather I will concentrate on whether or not we should create such a machine, if the possibility becomes available to us.  Are there uses for such a machine that could not be satisfied by a complex automaton?  Is there anything about real emotional response that would be necessary for a machine to operate autonomously, and still interact with human beings?  What are the dangers? What are the ethical ramifications? It is questions such as these that will be the interest of this paper.
    I think the first two interesting hurdles is to commonly define in an actionable way the two terms "conscious" and "feeling".
    I totally agree Frank!
frank smith

Memristor FAQ - 0 views

    "What is memristance? Memristance is a property of an electronic component. If charge flows in one direction through a circuit, the resistance of that component of the circuit will increase, and if charge flows in the opposite direction in the circuit, the resistance will decrease. If the flow of charge is stopped by turning off the applied voltage, the component will 'remember' the last resistance that it had, and when the flow of charge starts again the resistance of the circuit will be what it was when it was last active. "
frank smith

Memristor - 1 views

    "Emerging technology provides a unique opportunity to introduce science within education. The development of Memristors, the fourth passive component type after resistors, capacitors and inductors, along with other Solid State memory devices, takes us one step further to creating cheap, powerful, distributed solutions for sensing and processing. "
frank smith

IEEE Spectrum: The Mysterious Memristor - 0 views

    "Anyone familiar with electronics knows the trinity of fundamental components: the resistor, the capacitor, and the inductor. In 1971, a University of California, Berkeley, engineer predicted that there should be a fourth element: a memory resistor, or memristor. But no one knew how to build one. Now, 37 years later, electronics have finally gotten small enough to reveal the secrets of that fourth element. The memristor, Hewlett-Packard researchers revealed today in the journal Nature , had been hiding in plain sight all along--within the electrical characteristics of certain nanoscale devices. They think the new element could pave the way for applications both near- and far-term, from nonvolatile RAM to realistic neural networks."
    One possible route to true AI
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