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Le revenu de base inconditionnel - 0 views

    Promotion du RDB en esperanto

Voyage pour un Revenu de Base - 0 views

    Un Tour de France pas comme les autres !

L'initiative Suisse pour un revenu de base aurait abouti - 0 views

    Le peuple décidera probablement d'accorder ou non à toute personne un revenu de base inconditionnel, qu'elle travaille ou pas. L'initiative du même nom - «Pour un revenu de base inconditionnel» - a abouti, selon ses auteurs.

Revenu de base : vers une société emancipée du marché du travail ? - YouTube - 0 views

    L'intégralité de la Up Conferences consacrée au Revenu de Base, en présence de Jean-Louis Bancel, Yoland Bresson, et Celina Whitaker.

A Town Without Poverty?: Canada's only experiment in guaranteed income finally gets rec... - 0 views

  • The government wanted to know what would happen if everybody in town received a guaranteed income, and specifically, they wanted to know whether people would still work. It turns out they did.
  • Only two segments of Dauphin's labour force worked less as a result of Mincome—new mothers and teenagers. Mothers with newborns stopped working because they wanted to stay at home longer with their babies. And teenagers worked less because they weren't under as much pressure to support their families.
  • “People didn't have to take the first job that came along,” says Hikel. “They could wait for something better that suited them.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • For some, it meant the opportunity to land a job to help them get by.
  • In the period that Mincome was administered, hospital visits dropped 8.5 per cent. Fewer people went to the hospital with work-related injuries and there were fewer emergency room visits from car accidents and domestic abuse. There were also far fewer mental health visits.
  • If a guaranteed income program can target more people and is more efficient than other social assistance programs, then why doesn't Canada have such a program in place already? Perhaps the biggest barrier is the prevalence of negative stereotypes about poor people.

Tous retraités ! - On refait le blog - 0 views

    Petit compte-rendu d'une conférence de Bernard Friot.

L'abondance contre l'économie - ®om's blog - 0 views

    Article qui met le point sur l'incapacité de notre économie à gérer l'abondance, notamment pour les oeuvres dématérialisées. De quoi à nouveau conclure que la meilleure façon de la gérer passe peut-être par le revenu de base.
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